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Posts by SzwedwPolsce  

Joined: 21 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1589 / In This Archive: 631
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Staram się... hehe. ;-)
Interests: Driving motorcycle, SCUBA-diving, playing guitar, delicious food etc.

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14 May 2009
Life / Wanna buy a rubber/condom (in Rossmann in Poznan)? [51]

I noticed all Polish women don't use condoms and don't even visit doctors at all. I wouldn't have sex with Polish Women.

Some do, some don't. It's the same in Western Europe.
14 May 2009
Language / The verb "Piec" to bake [12]

I don't understand your question. But yes, there are many verbs where you, as with pieć, take the stem of the word (often equal to the 3rd person singular) and just add plural endings as below.

my: -my
wy: -cie
oni: -ą

When it comes to verbs (infinitives) ending in -ać you often use the same procedure adding the above mentioned endings to the stem (usually equal to 3rd person singular form [on, ona, ono]). The difference is that you add -ją to the 3rd person plural [oni/one].
14 May 2009
Life / Wonderful Poland.......but the attitude of Polish people [150]

Places where they have no experience of people from other countries always shows more racism. If descent people come there they usually get used to it and accept it. But if there are uncontrolled immigration with not-so-descent people the hostility and racism will remain (or even get worse).

In general, people (esp. outside the big cities) are afraid of everything new that is unknown to them. Time usually solves these things.
14 May 2009
Love / How much is sex important for Poles in Poland? [25]

In almost all western countries there are too few young people to render tax money to provide for the huge number of people that will retire in 10-20 years. Western countries will get big economical problems due to this within 1-2 decades (even if people save money for their retirement). Costs of health care and other social services increase a lot with more old people around.
14 May 2009
Love / Do Polish Women with Blonde hair look more beautiful than with dark hair? [25]

Personal preferences.

I usually prefer dark-blond or brown hair. But really, hair color is not so important. And different persons look best in different hair colors.

Some people say that blonds are viewed more as sex objects than brunettes. I think that's most obvious in countries where there are few people with natural blond hair.
13 May 2009
Love / How much is sex important for Poles in Poland? [25]

simple questio

Not really. Because you will probably get completely different answers depending on who you ask.

A bestseller is this new book about sex written by some kind of priest. Should be pretty liberal they say, I wonder if the Pope gets a heart attack now.

"Seks jakiego nie znacie - Dla małżonków kochających Boga" ("Sex as you don't know it - For married couples who love God").

But most young people don't care much about what the church says about sex anyway.
13 May 2009
Language / The verb "Piec" to bake [12]

There are very many verbs who have endings like this one.

my: -my
wy: -cie
oni: -ą
12 May 2009
Love / If a guy was nice? [42]

i think on average English or in fact all British guys are more handsome. sue me!

Yes, I think all Polish guys are gonna sue you now. ;)

If you're right or not I don't know, I prefer to look at girls.
12 May 2009
Love / If a guy was nice? [42]

a lot of generalizations

You think all Indian guys are the same, all Polish guys are the same, all English guys are the same etc... don't you?
12 May 2009
Love / If a guy was nice? [42]

Well, watch out because with Polish women behaving like this thats gonna change very soon! Stormy weather ahead no doubt, such a shame!

There are 38 million Poles living in Poland. Even if 1 % moves abroad and dates a non-white person it will not change the demography of the country much at all.

And I know Polish girls, in the UK too, dating white men. I also know Polish girls who wouldn't date a non-white man.
12 May 2009
Love / If a guy was nice? [42]

that is a surprise because judging the way Polish women are behaving in the UK, you could be forgiven for thinking the opposite!

In Poland there are extremely few non-white people. 96.7% (year 2002) of the population are ethnically Polish. It's one of the most homogeneous countries in Europe. The girls grew up here with (almost) only white Polish people. And then they go to a country where it's a lot of people with different physical appearances, cultures etc, it's not strange they think it's exotic in the beginning.
12 May 2009
Love / If a guy was nice? [42]

Probably over 95% of Polish woman (at least in Poland) have a white husband/boyfriend or is dating a white guy.
12 May 2009
Work / 4000 zloty Wroclaw - what kind of life can I expect for that? [20]

Most Polish people get less money than that. It's not difficult to have a normal life on that. But if you don't know the language it's always more difficult to negotiate, so maybe expect to pay a little more than the average Pole for rent etc.
12 May 2009
Travel / 2 Dutch/Latin tourists in Poland ask 4 tips!! [12]

Racist problems are not much worse in Warsaw and Krakow than in some parts of Western Europe. But the attitude toward homosexuals is something completley different. Many Polish people consider homosexuals as the lowest form of life. So I would be very careful if I were you. But the situation in Warsaw and Krakow is better than in smaller cities.

When I think about it I have actually never seen two men kissing or holding hands in Poland, and I have been here for 2 years. So I guess that those people don't show it in public here. Maybe for safety reasons.
11 May 2009
Love / In your opinion, are most Polish women 'Easy'? [243]

It's the same with Swedish girls.

Abroad (esp. in southern Europe) they have a reputation of being easy. If these people came to Sweden they would probably get another picture of the same girls. How people act at home and abroad, when it comes to these things, often differs pretty much.
11 May 2009
Love / In your opinion, are most Polish women 'Easy'? [243]

It's very well known that when people go to other countries/places they often feel "less inhibited". This becomes obvious when people, for example, go on vacation. What they do there stays there, people back home will never get that information. This allows them to do things they wouldn't do back home.

Of course it also has to do with the "new and exotic"-thing.

This applies to most people, not only Poles.