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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
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Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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18 May 2007
News / I need Kaczynski's Email Address! [84]

which in the clause
you later find out, that a one time late can raise your apr up to 21 % on all purchases
not just the one your paying off, even when paying more, and they lower
your credit without notification,

You need to read the fine print. Since when are you supposed to make late pmnts anyway? It's in the fine print on all of my CC's. As far as telling you when it gets raised, that appears on your monthly statement. I know this because it's happened. The fact is that people spend money that they don't have. We're all guilty of it.

crush those credit card companies

This is the problem, you just need a good bank :)
17 May 2007
Love / Why english men like polish women ? [126]

Duh...that's usually what = means LOL

I'm slow today. Do you have a word for this? I thought I saw it somewhere.
17 May 2007
USA, Canada / My personal (Polish) view on USA. [105]

I will. It's always nice to get a balanced opinion from you Fisz:)

M, also understand that I really do dislike a lot of things that go on here, but everyone can't constantly focus on all of the negativity and what if's. I find it more exciting to live life to the fullest. Let people believe what they want. It's really not all that bad here if you just live to have fun.
17 May 2007
USA, Canada / My personal (Polish) view on USA. [105]

There are some TV programms from the USA, but I am immune to them (I hope), Thank God gor PBS:)

I always catch Nova on PBS :) Good stuff :)
17 May 2007
USA, Canada / My personal (Polish) view on USA. [105]

What if some people don't have a choice.[

Everyone has and makes their own choices in life. Being poor myself, I was able to make the necessary moves to an area that I liked and had plenty of employment opportunities. I don't feel bad because I've lost everything in life already (house fire) and snapped back. Anything is possible if you have the motivation.

exactly, so I presume that people live in fear, not in comfort. Correct me if I wrong.

No. It isn't a state of fear...you just don't think about it at all. Look up Vermont...people there don't live in fear at all. They just enjoy life. Don't let the news and TV scare ya. I won't say there isn't a problem, but we don't live in fear as you may suggest.

I am having a huge problem with relating to this kind of scenary:)

I see, but it's ok. You may not understand because we've always lived like this.

This is crap talk. I have seen what weekend means for many people in USA. And it is not alcohol only but drugs too. Every Saturday potential drunk killers driving around American cities (as seen on “COPS” – LOL).

See what TV does for people that just don't know? I never did drugs or anyone that I associate with.... I cannot believe you mentioned COPS ...lol what a crap show....you got it..that's America :)

Every Saturday potential drunk killers driving

And what country are you from? No drunk drivers? LOL I hope you don't say Poland.....

What are you afraid of?

Nada :)

because you are addicted.

What am I addicted to? I didn't know you knew me.
Maybe Ice Cream? Ring Dings? Caramel? Cookies?
I may be addicted to a few....guns? I'm no redneck my friend, but I do like to fish :)
17 May 2007
USA, Canada / My personal (Polish) view on USA. [105]

This is why we have a choice of where we want to live. We don't have any shootings or deaths from guns. This is the case where you'd want to avoid living in states where carrying a weapon is legal and can be used if you feel like you're in harms way. The weird thing is that in these states, there are less murders by guns because you never know who's carrying so no one really messes with each other. VT for example. Very "free" state. Hardly any crime. NY? Pfff...do I

I rather live in a less free society and not have the possibility of having my neighbour shoot at me, when he/she looses her/his temper.
So much for this kind of freedom:)

LOL...not uncommon in Canada to see pickup truck with an umbrella in the gun rack :)
17 May 2007
Love / Why english men like polish women ? [126]

I think

key word ;)

For us, it was a common interests.....like most other normal relationships. Maybe we're not as shallow :)
17 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

Are there girls who have children without being married like in Czech Republic?

I know a student in PL who is a single mother. The BF left. Thhis happens regardless of where you're from.

Do you think polish girls are desperate to marry soon

Guess I'm lucky not to have a "desperate" gf :) So... guess not all PL women
17 May 2007
Love / Why english men like polish women ? [126]

Maybe you would like to meet?Mogesz dat e-mail adressu?

Now why would you want to do sth so wrong? Don't you see she's married? Where are your manners southern?
17 May 2007
News / I need Kaczynski's Email Address! [84]

the average American cant keep
debt cleared this way

Then this person shouldn't make the mistake of buying things they can't afford. We all create our own debt. I'ts your choice to get a credit card with such a high APR. We Americans are so bad with debt. You can't buy what you can't afford...even if it's over time...... except for a car or home of course. I've been in enough financial trouble and I know it was my fault for getting sucked in.
17 May 2007
Love / HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU LOVE IN A LIFETIME? Once, twice or many ... [70]

but the question was how many time CAN you... You don't know for a fact that this will be your only love. You cannot predict the future. We all want to believe that our current love will be our one and only, but reality can be cruel.
17 May 2007
Love / HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU LOVE IN A LIFETIME? Once, twice or many ... [70]

u are born to make as much girls as possible pregnant

This isn't the wild uni :)
You should only be getting your partner pregnant. There is a problem with with this in the majority of Latino and black areas. Too many damn starving babies when this happens. Some do it because they don't know better and lack education and some do it for welfare reasons.
17 May 2007
Travel / Fly to Poland [32]

Lots of smoking in Frankfurt...those litle air suckers don't really work well unless you have your ciggie 2cm away
17 May 2007
Food / The best potato pancakes? [30]

I use Agria potatos. Basically anything with a yellow flesh is best for frying.
17 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

and i consider then all as animals.

If sth like this damaged your view of males then you have a bit of learning to do ;) One day you'll meet someone that will make you very happy.

You're still young though :)
17 May 2007
USA, Canada / My personal (Polish) view on USA. [105]

The average wage is more in the tune of 50,000$ a year. Teachers/ nurses can earn up to 60,000$

This depends on where in the country you live. Down sout, teachers start making $25-30,000. Salaries vary as does the cost of living. I would live more towards upper class just by moving to the south.
16 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

not what others tell.Polish women are great,they are like a treasure.


ok I have to leave this topic.

unicornes...good luck to ya. Please try to be more selective :) You PL women are fantastic. Just try to have honest realtionships and they will be most satisfying :) You're well being is whats most important. Get to know someone before you put your heart on your sleeve ;) Good luck.
16 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

I do not understand this aggresion.Here unicorns set the q how do foreigners view polish girls.

Not a personal attack. Your comments have no substance. You'retrying to convince her that these stereotypes are true...you're only feeding into the BS. These are false.

peoples are peoples :)
16 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

...that's what I thought :)

Why would you even repeat sth that comes from the thoughts of the passing trolls ?

This just goes to prove that you know fu*k all about PL women.

....an no it's not true. Most of this comes from bitter lips.
16 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

u mean, my ex? i dotn know, he doesnt know any polish ppl except me i guess, he told me this only to hurt me, coz he didtn have any arguments for explain his behaviour, and try to avoid apologises. . the best defense is attack!

This was in reference to southerns comment. I don't know your ex.

Answer to what?I did not say that PL women are like that.This is wrong impression.

You're quoted!!
"I will tell you,polish girls have the reputation that they are easy for one night stand.Most guys want exactly that"
Where do they have this reputation? Easy question.
16 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

The main opinion by Americans is that Pl women are beautiful and educated. That's it. Southern is speaking about EU "rumors". I smell BS.
16 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

Southern... you still do not answer.

I will tell you,polish girls have the reputation that they are easy for one night stand

Where are you referring to?
16 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

but i was stupid enough to stay faithful.

Unfaithful people are sleazy and it's too risky nowadays. Too many STD's out there. Be an honest person :) you'll have more respect for yourself.
16 May 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

I'd like to know where he's talking about. I live in an area where there are a lot of PL and this isn't a rep that they carry. Maybe he and his friends think this.