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Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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18 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Great Britain - which countries does it include? [95]

Well.......same happens me when I go to Poland.....

Never been to the states Sledz......and probably never will......c'est la vie as they say in downtown LA
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

I don't have the details re other currencies Daffy....but hey were remarked on one nite on the box...soz........but think they were on the mainland of Europe.

Point re failure of made up regimes/alliances....good or bad ..is that nothing lasts for ever......
18 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Great Britain - which countries does it include? [95]

Phew...that was close Sledz.....only 200 miles out...lol

So you are Irish...but you don't really know it...its so funny( pleasant...not nasty...) Sledz...to see 2/3/4 th generation Irish who've gone to the USA and for all intentional purposes are Americans......but to us, you've just had an extended vacation.....

Harp is still on the go.......brewed specially for absentee Irishmen....:)
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

lol...Daffy...you aint patronising moi......are you now?

Anything can crumble over nite.........those were good enough examples...plus the 3 I gave re common currencies.....ok!!!?
18 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Great Britain - which countries does it include? [95]

It tastes so much better there

Have you been before?...if not how do you know?

I`m going there this summer to visit my Grandmother.

Oh, dear, I bet if I ask more than 3 questions, I will find out that I am a relation of yours....lol
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Dont think the EU is going to crumble overnight frank

Emm....Daffy...how many common currency areas have there been in Europe in the last say 120 yrs...?....3....all of them failed....its a fact.....but I hope the Euro succeeds....but.....

Dont think the EU is going to crumble overnight frank

No...but tell that to the romans....and the third reich....:)
18 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Great Britain - which countries does it include? [95]

Just the same as being Polish................plus at times one had to make changes in order to survive...ie...speak the language of your masters, landlord and employer......not easy.
18 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / Great Britain - which countries does it include? [95]

Irishness is a state of mind, state of belief, of up-bringing, of history, of denial, of anguish, of knowing........

Merely speaking the language......is only an addition......

Irish people speak English differently to English people......
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Its part of why EU is about unity - so that it cannot happen again

Idealism at it best Daffy...but in yesterdays I Times....Russians quoted as saying their current enemies are Poland and Lithuania........EU may only be a temporoary entity...so you'd be surprised....!
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Not sure W...but they were illegal...kept low profiles...didn't want to catch the eye of authorities...etc.....

Any returnee, who has learnt a language, picked up new working methods, made contacts, is more independent...is good for Poland....but that may not be immediately obvious..:)
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

daffy if only it was always like that...but I can guarantee you..if trouble arises...then make no mistake.......all old past differences/emnities will be raked over as if they happened just 24 hrs ago....
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

I mean what you feel in your heart when you think Germany or Germans, remember that Politician view originate from peoples, Hitler was chosen by peoples, they knew what was his politic view and they voted YES WE WANT YOU.

Yes....but it didn't quite say in his manifesto ...exterminate Jews.....plus ruin all of Europe......did it?
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Me too.......to a degree.....plus going over other peoples expriences will give an idea of how things will turn out in Poland......
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

I have yet to meet anyone who is or has worked in the UK and then bought property here.

Only in its infancy....give it a little more time......but the money, isn't the most important thing....this is a new genration...post 89....new ideas, new situation...new expectations...

Your students continue to surprise you Wroclaw?...perhaps your fellow countrymen will too....:)..!!!

Dont compare Italian and Polish markets. Ppl will not come back to 15% unemployment and 1000 zlotys a month.

I can compare whom I like ola......

It used to be 20%........things are getting better........why be so down...pessimistic....
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Italians.......who left for USA over many decades........56% returned......they loved Italy just as much as your people do Poland....
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

My point is that those people, for whatever reason, who are employed in menial jobs will have no impact when/if they come home.

In the mean time a lot of them have saved money, sent money home, actually worked for 1-2-3 yrs...an experience they never had in Poland...how can that not be a good thing????....

I fail to see why having working in menial job is a bad thing...I have had menial jobs W.....was it bad for moi?....an absolute no...we all have to make compromises when we start out in life....even well educated, smart/able/ brilliant Polish people....:)
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Your perogative..........but being optimistic...is part of how Poland will change.....
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

They won't make much difference if the job vacancy has already been filled.

But some of these people will create new jobs themselves, also there should be more jobs than went they left.

Polish people will have to change their attitudes.........if they don't they will stagnate.

Those who left..took a risk..some will doubtless have changed their attitudes.

"Scabs" ....really..?.you mean poland will turn into a nation of begrudgers..thats what it really means.

I don't see much that ex-pats can really offer

They won't be ex-pats...W.....they will be improved, more able Polish people....a different thing.

Some of those people who cut an' run to work in menial jobs

No this is not correct......they aren't economic traitors...they are economic pioneers..to be respected, for what ever reason they left...THEY...took a risk...the most scary thing of all...IMHO!
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Polands wealth is its people...but you have to get your government to realise that.....your business leaders, intellectuals....academics etc......

Hard work alone isn't quite enough.........take a few risks.....second guess yourself....strive to improve, never be content with what you have, how able you are or what you want to learn next.........well to a degree!!!!....lol

A recent article in the Irish Times noted that Russia felt it had two "enemies" to be on its guard against.........not USA...not UK....not China....but.....yes now you know.....Poland and Lithuania.......!!!!!

Ask yourself why.....go on.....dare you.....
18 Feb 2007
Polonia / Germans: Do Poles like them or dislike them? [217]

Any Germans I have met haven't done me any harm...but their country and governments over the last century have been a blot on humanity....can we separate both....why not rope in all the expansionist powers in the world....one of which used to be Poland!

Its a tough question which most people will have difficulty in answering!

I don't know if I like them or dislike them...same with lots of countries........
18 Feb 2007
News / Poland over the next 10 years? [79]

Yes, its time will come, but it will require hard work, which we know Polish people can do, it requires self belief, risk taking and trusting your government not to cock it up.

Tap into the monies th EU can provide, try not to hack off your local neighbourhood bear, plus let the millions of Polish people who left decades ago, know that it ok to come home, as tourists initially, then to search for their roots and finally, to take their place as permanent members of the new Poland.

These thing happened in Ireland......it took 25 yrs...but Poland can do it in a shorter time frame if they learn to play the game and be positive.

Most of your young people will return home in the next year or two...with new ideas, ways of thinking, plus skilled better in communications and lifestyles...the world is indeed Polands oyster!
18 Feb 2007
Travel / Traveling to Poland: Tips for First-Timers [47]

Most of western Europe, particularily Ireland and the UK are very badly americanized, sometimes like the 51st and 52nd states

Oh, Dannyboy...not sure about this slur on the Emerald Isle...steady on......you have to remember, curiously, that many values and value systems were imported from both countries mentioned and then modified to meet the needs of a new nation....so part of there current attitudes, ways of doing things are OUR fault to start with.

All nations have become Americanised to a degree.....and those of us with two eyes in our heads and multiple sources of media input plus have travelled make our own minds up......

I see myself as a European.....:)...I don't feel that everything Irish is always best etc....

slow down man to compare rome with warsaw,

E....Danny was only exampling the two cities not comparing..........:)
11 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

A.....pro rata Ireland has taken in far far more than UK.....

60 million........say 500000 East Europeans

Ireland...both parts.......6.5 million.......200000 plus East Europeans.....!!!
11 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

Yes...we are all inclined to forget how recent are all the economic changes....few for the better as regards manfacturing things.

In N Ireland........1980s.......20% un-employment..........average......parts 50%....yes...50%!!!!!!!!

Now 2.6%.........and we have 100000 guest workers in N Ireland......how.....explain....?.......some industries have been hit yes........but ok for the moment.......

The economy will cool at some stage....but 90% of these workers are temporary/migrant...will return if jobs dry up....
11 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

he's a grafter..

A, thats no fun, but what can I say........nothing will make it right...but tell that to 500000 people who've had to stop making things...coal miners......car makers......etc......to select just a few......

What would you say to the 5 million Irish who left to work mainly in the UK/USA over the last 70 yrs..........?
11 Feb 2007
Life / Question regarding Polish women vs Jobs abroad [110]

but have made eye contact with a smile

Chris.....well if both smiles were of dentition, minus large gaps...then you're half way there.........
Try and expectorate the slavers though...thats my first tip....drooling...No1 turn off.....to both man and woman...:)

11 Feb 2007
UK, Ireland / BEWARE when coming over UK [363]

Quoting: Ireland81
Polish have takin over Ireland which is a small country of 3.5m,if you have the misfortune of working in the construction industry then you just cannot get work cos these guys are offering to work for less.Its the same in any factory job or minimum wage job.There should be a limit to how many come over.

This means that the 70000 Irish people who left Ireland per annum for 70 plus years shouldn't have been welcomed anywhere either?...........ie that have exported one whole equivalent of its current population.....!!

No, its an open labour market...in UK, Ireland Denmark.........they are every bit as entitled to work in any of those countries........as are the locals...who by the way wouldn't work in a fit...still that 1 million hard core locals who never have worked and never will......! They still take the benefits offered......supported by whom.......ah ha.....500000 east europeans who pay taxes etc......laughable huh????!!

And where do you suppose everything thats bought in the UK is made?......

Clue....5 million manufacturing jobs exported to the far east over the last 30 years..........why complain about 500000, east Eurpoeans coming to work here............???????????

So guys...wrong argument....since everyone who lives here wants everything cheaper.......got no cause to complain whatsoever........