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Posts by FISZ  

Joined: 14 Jun 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 24 / In This Archive: 22
Posts: Total: 2116 / In This Archive: 1666

Interests: Snowboarding/ Travelling

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29 May 2007
Life / WHY IS POLAND SO DIRTY ???? [44]

Quoting: southern
Poland is dirty because people do not believe in Allah

it looks like a joke to me. Look at all of his other posts. They make you laugh
26 May 2007
UK, Ireland / Brit Youths Protest Anti-Gay Poland [114]

I wouldn't doubt it. My lesbian neighbors also adopted (Chinese baby) and there's a gay couple on my block also wanting to do the same thing.

I can't understand why no one can adopt a child from our own country. Poor kids.

why cause muslims arent racist like the english

Surprising to see this from you......
26 May 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

Fisz, a guy to how many people??

Was agreeing with you :) I was just pointing out that walking is becoming tiresome to some. I realize it was 1 man I saw, but for every 1 man maybe 5 will follow...and it goes on from there. Most of us do work hard.

but there is still people
trying to find work..

And many are also too picky.

wow u r so smart...2 wrongs dont ever make a right

Sarcasm? I know that 2 wrongs don't make a right. I was just posting an article along with your statement about racial attacks. This is the most recent. A racial attack doesn't have to be specific to a race.
26 May 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

indians, pakistanis and muslims have had it bad in england, this great tolerant nation is home to hundreds of racist attacks

Yeah, I hear that a lot of white people get attacked in the Pakistani neighborhoods. There was one recent incident and this was quoted from the aAsian man "We have killed the white man. That will teach an Englishman to interfere in Paki business."


we have lazybutts here in the states too

LOL that's an understatement :)I know this was about work, but I saw a guy rolling around NYC on a Segway yesterday. I laughed in his face. How lazy can you be? Can't even walk anymore...so pathetic.
26 May 2007
Food / Poland's Summertime! Let's BBQ [79]

M. I was looking for one Pork marinade. it was so tasty. I just can't think of it. It used boneless thin pork chops.

..and I'll cook it tonight. If it looks good of course ;)
26 May 2007
Food / Poland's Summertime! Let's BBQ [79]

and can you hurry up as I've just got the BBQ started.... and on cue the clouds have rolled in and it looks like rain

LOL nice and sunny here :) Until Sunday :(

M. I was looking for one Pork marinade. it was so tasty. I just can't think of it. It used boneless thin pork chops.
26 May 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

dont see why we all cant just get along...

Because there are people like Mike who talk sh*t about the PL. They are just miserable people that will never be happy. Look at all of his posts complaining. I just feel sorry for people like that. He's only 1 of few that come here and slag the PL off.
26 May 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]


It's an old complaint. Try complaining to your government instead of in here where you make NO difference.

...and you shouldn't be placing a value on people.
26 May 2007
UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles? [761]

i think the polish are very nice......whats your excuse?...

Ahh he's just a troll. You'll get no logical response :) They come and go here. It's the only place they "think" they'll be heard. So pathetic.
25 May 2007
Food / Poland's Summertime! Let's BBQ [79]

Fisz, have you ever grilled raw pineapple?
Its unbelievably good...and makes an interesting side dish. Peel and core a fresh pineapple, and slice into rings. Mix some sugar with the grated peeling of a lime. Dip pineapple rings in melted butter, then roll in the limed sugar, and grill. OMG it is so good :) Goes really good with jerk chicken. And a margarita.

I haven't but I will try this. I actually just made Jerk Chicken the oither night :) I love that stuff!!

Hey fisz, the bbq has been perfected in Australia.

Yeah man..Shrimp on the barbie :) I'm sure you bbq more, but this is the good stuff here.

Lmao we are the best bbq country

No way. I think our Texans will bbq circles around you Aussies :)

Just kiddin, but you can't say you're the best :) It all depends on who's doing the cookin ;)
25 May 2007
Love / Do mix culture marriages work in Poland? [68]

What makes it better? Seriously. I'm dying to know here. :)

Nothing really meant by this shewolf. Was just saying :)

Don't be so harsh Fisz. Pop-culture is also a kind of culture. It has its bright and dark sides. Personally I can't imagine my life without Ramones, Stephen King, Tarantino and Woody Allen. :)

Thanks Maszk ;)
Didn't even think about pop culture.
25 May 2007
Travel / Poznan nightlife [7]

I didn't get much PL food at any restaurants because I enjoyed home cooked meals so I can only recommend other than PL food.

Great Greek food. I highly recommend: Mykonos Grecka Tawerna
Italian: Figaro

Lizzard king
Bee Jays or The Londoner..if ya want a pint of guinness :)
Alter Ego
Blue Note..fri night hip hop I think
Browar Pub (right next to the mall) salsa latin music
Tuba...hip hop and dance

There's a few more places but the names are a bit hazy :) You can just walk around and duck into anywhere you see a beer sign and check it out. A lot of underground or dark pubs with many rooms to satisfy everyone. Poznan is a great time. Let me know if you want to know anything else.

Oh, if you want a nice little quiet place to be comfy with the sweetie go to Cacao Republika. They have nice couches, chez lounges and tasty drinks. Nice place go after dinner.
25 May 2007
Life / Smoking ban - will this be coming to Poland like other EU countries? [183]

well i think there will be a riot in some parts of england

Riots just for something healthy?? Huh?

My opinion is that there should be smoking and non smoking places

That would be like a peeing section in a non peeing swimming pool. Pointless. Non smoking and smoking sections in a restaurant is the same idea.
25 May 2007
News / American wanting to know about views from Poland [37]

When you say "I don't know anyone who lives in fear" you prove my point - most Americans aren't aware of their own toxic levels of anxiety. We're a nation living in denial.

Ok so you have a different view than me. You have valid points and it's perfectlay normal to have such an opinion. As long as me, myself and I don't have this feeling and live the way I choose; regardless of the media and Bush, than I'll be ok :) Live my life and die. This doesn't mean that things don't bother me. I've voiced my opinion many times about our administration in this forum and they weren't positive ones :) I do what I can (vote) and that's all I can do.

You can assume the worst for our country...more of you and we'd be pathetic and lose all hope. You have to think positive. I know we've created one of the biggest f- up's in history, but we can snap back with the right people in office. May take some time, but it's possible.
24 May 2007
Language / What is the most annoying thing about non-native Polish speakers? [90]

Although it really pisses me off when someone tries to impress me with his knowledge of polish language by only saying words like cheepa, hooy, koorva, sooka, etc.. Those are definitely not the most important words in Polish language. :/

Yahh...hear ya. Don't even look right. lol Whatever. Some of us do try the important things. No matter what mistakes in PL are made, I make a positive impression. I never learned a swear until I came to this forum. Truth is, women don't like PL swear words...they'd rather use American :)
24 May 2007
Love / Do mix culture marriages work in Poland? [68]

Because other cultures can make discussion more interesting. When you're in a relationship with someone, you want to learn everything about that persons culture. You can live by both. F ex I have no culture in America, but I try to learn everything about my gf's culture because it's interesting for me and it creates many discussion points.