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Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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8 Jan 2007
Life / Świat według Kiepskich is the best Polish comedy TV-Series [20]

The actress who played the grandma (Krystyna Feldman) had enough of playing such an absurd role.
She did'nt wanted to be remembered as such dumb, old lady.

Do you think she was typecast?.....:)

Laughing at yourself is one of the last hurdles of national maturity you have to get over....:)

Thats what most UK/Irish comedy shows are based don't be too hard on yourselves...
8 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

bought Polish independence in 1918.

V...this is true? in effect Poland is virtually a colony of default...joking now!

Polish troops whilst brave and resourceful, were no match for the cruelty driven one was, in all honesty....even the Russians were in awe, until they used their own men as cannon fodder to overwhelm, by shear absolute weight of numbers the Germans....

And not only in Poland people know thatFrench are cowards,

And what nationality do you represent....matrix...your own...?...then again one one cares....

France lost millions in WWI, they never really recovered by 1939.....
8 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Well......I am only familiar with WWI on the western front....apols.....I am not for one moment belittling...ANYONES part in the wars............everyone suffered.........especially Poland....and more so in 1939-45....then the purgatory from 1944-89....:(

May they all rest in peace.
8 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

There were beggars/street people on the streets for decades before our EE guests arrived and there will be long after they have departed..........whats the big deal.....just showing off your rascism, because you can?
8 Jan 2007
News / English vs. Polish hostility [323]

i realy do think that this statment is a load of rubbish. i am english and i remember a time when the unemployed used complain and say it was the asian comunities that where taking the jobs.
i think it is about time that those english people who are unemployed and are complaing about this should get off the bums and do try working as hard as the polish and asian at finding work.

Get who are you blaming for 18% u/e in Poland.........the Ukrainians...?...laughable.........
8 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Male Ballroom dance partner required in Dublin [16]

usually are gay can't say that.........!!! are the women in their sexy stunning dresses lesbian?

Wot have you got against tight trousers.....come on share.....!!
8 Jan 2007
News / Russian bear flexes his energy muscles - threat to Poland? [37]

I see Russia has stopped the gas supply throught Belarus which supplies other western nations as well as Poland.

How big a threat to the stability of the EE countries is this action? He has already humiliated the Ukraine...who is next?
8 Jan 2007
News / Russian bear flexes his energy muscles - threat to Poland? [37] very wary of has its own set of unique values....its the only country in the world which would willingly sacrifice ALL its people to meet its own political ends......

The EE must be on its guard...............tough times could lie ahead.
8 Jan 2007
News / Russian bear flexes his energy muscles - threat to Poland? [37] why read aint contributing.....are you........?

I don't mind were the EE people go....I can live virtually don't worry on my behalf...:)

All Russia wants from Belarus is to pay half (!) the price Poland and other EU countries pay, Belarus wants 1/4 like It used to be.

Yes...but Belarus is quite poor....there half is very very expensive compared to the older EU states.
8 Jan 2007
News / Russian bear flexes his energy muscles - threat to Poland? [37]

Well...they aint been right about much in the last 200 odd many favours did they do Poland.....!!!??

Its only their way of exercising political economic means......showing whose boss to the small former satellite states...just a bully really......
9 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

It was actually 40 Billion - we only just paid it off last month! you can see it was as another £1.2 billion from canada!

"In 1945 Britain borrowed $4.34bn from the US consisting of a $3.75bn line of credit and a "lend-lease" loan facility of $586m. The following year the government agreed a $1.185bn line of credit loan from Canada."

The USA war effort was huge, relative to the overall Western effort.....but paltry compared to the Russian........the numbers killed back that up..........80% of all German war casualties killed by the Russians.....!
9 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

Iwona...there was still a huge price to you would have preferred not to have become independent?

So the tens of thousands of Irish men who voluntered to fight in WWII...did so for their own selfish ends?...indeed so did many other groups...because it was the right thing to do!!!!!
9 Jan 2007
Life / Do Polish people respect other cultures? [96]

English will make faces, moan manners.

The same if someone invites you for dinner at home they always highlight how much they have spent on it ...just to make you feel uncomfortable.

Iwona...just what sort of circles are you mixing in.........chavs "R"

Maybe I am out of touch with UK

Come on, all you English on the board...defend yourselves against this serious allegation.....!!
9 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

So the tens of thousands of Irish men who voluntered to fight in WWII...did so for their own selfish ends?...indeed so did many other groups...because it was the right thing to do!!!!!

I have full respect for them as patriots fighting for independence of their countries. But their priorities are their own countries

Maybe I was not clear iwona...these were Irishmen who fought in the British army, as they had been for generations...partly because there was no other "work" and partly because they had a yearning for "causes"...doing the right thing.

Sure some may have had other motives...but they joined individually....not a due to government pressure etc...
9 Jan 2007
Life / Do Polish people respect other cultures? [96]

I would be very surprised in England if I got home made cake...

Well not if you mixed in the Womens Institute circles Amathyst....and if you did, then its too late........"Pass me the knitting pattern..Mabel"..........Amathyst mutters, whilst maneouvring her zimmer frame......:)
9 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

No-one is saying the weren' a degree and in the times that they were....but perhaps seek history sources from France/Poland/Germany and Russia to arrive at some understanding .......whose do you believe..........then arrive at ones own conclusion....
9 Jan 2007
UK, Ireland / Integration with our new Polish neighbours in Ireland [12]

Janine, I don't live in Belfast sorry, perhaps best to contact the city hall in the city and they will put you in contact with the relevant group, all the best in your dissertation.
10 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

i do like to be beside the seaside... i do like to be beside the sea... tiddlyompompom...

This will be lost on the 6 Polish posters on the board Bubb........pity....:(
10 Jan 2007
Life / Why do Poles drink so much? [161]

he told me that in communist times all there was to do is drink wodka and shag...

Gee didn't the Polish people have it bl***dy Ireland we weren't even allowed to shag....hence the preponderance of alcoholics in our nation!!

Irish joke....whats the definition of an Irish homosexual...........

Read punch line a few time guys..............

Its a man who prefers women to beer!