Law /
Some questions about running a Hostel in Krakow [28]
2777 Euro rent a month for the next 9 years is what you are looking at.
It seems you have got this figure by dividing 300000 by 9 years to give a monthly rate of 2777, which I suspect is not the case.
I imagine that for the 300K you will get pretty much what SeanBM describes - the company complete with its assets and liabilities and a lease agreement with the landlord of the property for which you will have to pay an ADDITIONAL monthly rental etc
My experience with looking at buying existing business in Poland consistently come across two key factors which make me lose interest very quickly
1. Info needed to assess the true value of the company doesnt exist or I am looked at like an idiot for asking to see previous years' books
2. Rent due for properties prohibit making any sort of reasonable profit, which is probably why the business is for sale in the first place