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Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Oh.....dear fun....did he say it was due to poor posture from typing too much on this forum...?....:)
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Yes, I the injections shouldn't be as bad, plus you should get relief.
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

They inject into the joint capsule, the steroids reduce the inflammatory response, allows your own body to recover a bit quicker, maybe more pressure on the brachial nerve due to the swelling in the area....hopefully it will get better, but always difficult to predict.
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Its all to do with stretching the annoy the relevant point, up straight or bent? a searing pain......?

PS You do realise the cost of this cyber consultation is
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Not nice......but am sure the combo of steroid t/t , plus physio will straighten you out, but do follow the exercise regime implicitly...hoping of course both parties made the correct diagnosis and treatment plan!

Its a very under estimated type of takes a long time to recover, nerves do badly at recovery....:(

Nerve pain is differnet, need more specific pain relief, which they may not like prescribing, but ask.
5 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Thanx Lef..I'll take that as a compliment.....but I am probably quite an un-typical Irishman! a national pass
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Yeah...but there are nerve specific pain relief medications, but you need to ask your GP..some need to be taken for a period before they work..stay away from your mums !
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Its sometimes not the actual pain, but knowing you have it, plus it aint going away too quickly that makes it unbearable........hence the tears!

Or just too much booze that nite?....:)
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Yeah...sounds have both my sympathy and more importantly empathy....
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037] they say in Ireland.......without it there'd be no babies and no fights!

Not your sandles...but the loss of inhibition....thinking you were more athletic than you patently were......:(
5 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

Yeah, but you weren't trying to jump it, you fell into/across it.......due to cheap tequila flowing through your English holiday mode......has even more effect....
5 Jan 2007
Love / Racism and Religion in Polish relationships [209]

Poeple, throughout life, Amathyst, will continue to surprises there!

Just how fully formed and rationalised are your own racist views.........A?

Plz try not to disappoint me!
5 Jan 2007
Love / Racism and Religion in Polish relationships [209]

Yes...we all express preferences as you've men....but its knowing when you've crossed the line...and carte blanche denigrate or deprive others because of their origins etc....but you've just said this........:)
5 Jan 2007
Love / Racism and Religion in Polish relationships [209] to what you like/prefer........gotta go....A..nice chattin' ya..even with the odd diversion...:)

Remember....if you're not going to be good to yourself........................who is!!!!
6 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Make it a cold

Reality check here........anyone talking about buying has either been to Poland a number of times, just moved there or are activley making a living there.........making a difference, adding to the economy, providing work, improving things in the long run.
7 Jan 2007
Law / Poland - a more and more Investable Country [41]

Its called capitalism......without it you're 1.5 million countrymen would still be at home, jobless, no prospects, no future sight, miserable.........loosing money instead of making it....speculators make up a very small number of people in the market, and most of those are actually Polish...........

Wake up and smell the coffee.....or do you want to go back to pre 1989 days?

PS So posters now are tea cup readers/palmists...?
7 Jan 2007
Law / Poland - a more and more Investable Country [41]

Oh...that old bone............double yawn...........

Its the Russians/Germans who shafted you.....not the English, or the Americans or the French or the rest of Europe......

If the Polish so objected to the Russians........why did you never rise up against them as you did the Germans.....huh?

You logic is flawed due to your lack of historical understanding

Triple yawn..........
7 Jan 2007
Law / Poland - a more and more Investable Country [41]

Plus way off topic........not commenting endlessly on the War on this thread.......ta...look to the possiblities of the future......stop whinging on the sidelines, blaming everyone else!

Lol....well lets say...for 50 years.....a bit of a hiatus wouldn't you you had accepted the rest of Europe did, because the Russian bear was all powerful.

7 Jan 2007
Law / Poland - a more and more Investable Country [41]

I just cant believe that someone is able to write such a bollox.

Well ola......its there for all to see......did tens of thousands of your countrymen take up arms to defeat the occupiers( Russians...1944-1989)...........? I am not for one second blaming them...........the Russians would have killed the remains Polish population...without a second thought....

Even your religious leaders were collaborators/spies, on their own that bollox another 25 were named......

So keep your offensive remarks to yourself.
7 Jan 2007
Law / Poland - a more and more Investable Country [41]

Lef...."settle down"...are you a

Possession is 9/10s of the law, who occupied Poland, who had 2 million troops in it, who had killed 80% of the total number of germans during the war....eeemmm...not the USA..nor the UK...but your great neighbours..the Russians.....

So wave all the bits of paper you like...........UK was broke.........the USA glad that SOMEBODY had beaten the Germans....because as sure as hell they didn't.....

So its all the UK/USA fault.........NO...
7 Jan 2007
History / Poland has paid £68 Million for helping UK in WW2 [168]

And how much did the UK pay USA for the war loan they were forced to take out....?...5 lets divide that by 68 million....comes too..???...........not a lot....!!!!.....the war was tough for all involved..........some people got screwed, millions died, Russia became a super power and occupied 10 countries..USA got a pattern?

Yeah, the small countries came out worst....