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Posts by Frank  

Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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14 Apr 2007
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland - integration? [41]

exeption of the drunk bastards smoking on the Dublin Buses :

How dare you insult my relatives..........

Only pullin' your polish pin......

13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

You were a far bigger country.....more damage was done, more to loose....all Ireland had was bogs , pigs and potatoes....no other natural resources etc.

Hindsight.....Napoleon, lost......you were in league with him...Russia..didnt forget.....

Not sure what other choices were available at the time...

let Frank speak when I ask him questions?

Is this an exam P...lol...
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

much more friendly towards the Germans

See a previous Post Puzzler......."the saying in Ireland was "Englands enemy was our ( Irelands) friend..."...however misguided and perverse that now seems.

Puzzler...I only wish our new EU friends Poland/Estonia/Lithuania...all the very best.....
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

But I hardly think it was polands fault!!!

Yes...being in their geographical position......but Poland..also invaded.....also expanded.....plus backed the french ......oh dear......hacked off the Germans.....my point to being that these countries don't forget...then.....all hell is to pay for the sins of your grandfather...great grandfather etc....back 500 years!!!
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Yes..Daffy....but the outcomes for Poland..when making those choices..were...10/20/30 times worse than it was for the Irish........

We stood by his side to his very end, for the sake of honour.

And in hindsight...it all ...largely went wrong....:(

Didn't Poland once have a French king...so disenchanted did they become with their own?
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

As to the discussion with frank, im confused to the points your both making RE unjust causes???

Not unjust causes....Daffy...its the historical, long term reprecussions.......of being on the wrong side, making the wrong decisions...backing the people who can help you least........in the wrong place.....between two great powers.......etc
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

the 800 years of the often hopeless struggles.

Yes...they were at times...and it happened at regular intervals...up-risings, insurrections etc...but eventually as British power waned in the worls/Europe and people realised they had an opportunity to break free...they did to a degree...bar N ireland........its very confusing...Daffy /Puzzler....!
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

P...the problem is....Ireland......800 yrs of English rule...........the only real battles fought on its soil involved the loss of small numbers of the population.........leave out the potato famine...for now......

Poland, has been involved in endless....extremely damaging battles/wars/division/domination etc for many hundreds of years......some of its own doing...some as the result of pay back...your great neighbours....etc.....

Nothing like the same numbers or importantce were the wars/battles the Irish were ever involved in.........only 5 million in the country......and now 200000 are from Poland....:)
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Puzzler.....its a all relative isn't it.........gaining your independence is great...but being invaded, invading other countries, being de-constructed, re-constructed, liberated, ravished, genocide being committed against many countrymen...just all seems so very tragic...........
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

See...my reference to fighting on the right side...for a just cause.....plus at times...trying to give their English masters a bloody nose in another war arena.....never mind fighting against fellow Irish men who fought for the English.....!

13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

....so muddled......misguided, because short term gain seemed in their grasp...but in the long term they lost out......Poland seems to have a history of doing this.....
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

The Irish, have fought in lots of countries armies throughout Europe......can I say ususally for the right cause....and more so to make a living, Irish soldiers at various times were highly prized...by many nations...as have been polish soldiers.

As regards the Napoleon thing....they saw it as an opportunity...but it went wrong then...and the Russians like to ensure enemies of all sorts are eventually dealt with....

Foolish is the wrong word....mis-guided, mistimed, failing to take a longer view.....
13 Apr 2007
Love / Advice for an Irish girl meeting mother of Polish boyfriend [21]

Not heard of this Organised religion...is it some sort of offshoot of the Free presbyterian church...or........you know......

Plus be careful to wear the crucifix around your neck...not your "next" ...where ever that maybe...:)......................just a tip ...thats all....:)
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Why...was Poland partitioned...though....answer that question.....

Yeah...France wanted to be the big continental power........what happened...they were thrashed..and Poles with them.....by whom..?... old Mother Russias winter and disease and the Russians themselves.....the Poles backed another looser.....and who did they hack off.....Russia

Reparations after WWI, well that didn't go down too well with the Germans.....who was foremost in making the reparations very tough on the Germans..?...Poland.........who did Poland hack off germans....who did the Germans want to slaughter as result of same....yup you've guessed...Poland!!

Spot the trend Gz..........

Poland has been in a loose/loose situation for many years...........

Both nations in their own way waited for an ideal moment to sh1t on Poland.......they have long memories......my point....really Gz.....

But the good times are around the corner...play your cards right......let lots of foreigners buy your land..develope it..make it valuable...then Poland will eventually become richer....with all the other EU/World investment too........how it all works!
13 Apr 2007
Love / how do i get rid of a girl? [90]

....nnnnnaaaaaa...not practical enuf for the guys...has to have dual purpose......Xlisa.....
13 Apr 2007
News / The Impact of Poland joining the EU [64]

personaly i dont like island

Which Island was that PP...clue...or maybe the clothes shop chain "River Island"...or.......

Giles...did you take ALL your meds this am...or?

13 Apr 2007
Love / how do i get rid of a girl? [90]

Yeah, but can you get shoes that stop you farting,...thats wot Giles wants to know....lol
13 Apr 2007
Love / how do i get rid of a girl? [90]

...eeemmm...no.......suppose you shave legs, chest, and don't fart too...( even more environmentally friendly)....:)
13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

Not said that......was commenting on, how things turned out....badly....in recent decades.....for a whole host of reasons.....

its one thing to defend your country...but in the eg I gave...maybe not hte brightest of ideas to invade a far bigger nieghbour on the back of the French...then get hammered later on, due to another war....
13 Apr 2007
Love / how do i get rid of a girl? [90]

look its me, not you

Giles...that is the worst ever way of putting it............:)

And...am sorry, if you thought it ok to come out of the closet on the board......I can read between the lines.....:)

"And anyway I think I'm gay"

13 Apr 2007
Real Estate / Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land! [823]

something seriously wrong with you

Hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....just seriously GZ.........?

Case remains open.......for as long as it takes.......it isnt something Polish people on the board are happy about discussing, or being challenged on...Irish history wasn't a bed or roses eother or to be proud of at times...........sometimes it was pretty....bloody awful....