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Posts by IronsE11  

Joined: 3 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Mar 2010
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Posts: Total: 441 / In This Archive: 396
From: East London
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: West Ham United FC, getting help with English/Polish translation!

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2 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I wonder why?

Because Poland is a member of the EU and many Poles have exercised their right to come and work in Britain. I hope that helps.

Did it ever occur to you that the Poles have no desire to integrate with the slimy limeys?

I know a few Polish girls who would disagree.

I think he was sarcastic.

Really? Me? Never ;)

I know how to read Irons. He was maybe partly sarcastic but I don't think so overall.

2 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

oh yah, why don't we ask him to be sure:)

:) Yes miranda, it was a sarcastic rant.

Cenowski is a Pole (I presume) living in the UK, passing judgement on an the fact that there are some areas which are predominantly Asian. This is utterly bizarre when you consider the "ethnic make-up" of some places in East London.

Then why bitch about it?

I wasn't. I have a Polish girlfriend, and quite frankly, I don't care how many Poles come to the UK. I have got on very well with the vast majority I have met.

If you are too simple to understand the ironic (yes HB, IRONIC - This is the proper use of the term) nature of my post then I really do pity you. I was highlighting the ridiculously hypocritical position taken up Cenowski.
2 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

if you thought i was hypocritical then you are a person who dosnt understand posts at all....

I understood perfectly thanks.

i dont see why you should even worry for any hypocritial comments even if were some, Polish are white european christians, so they dont come as negative migrants, even most of the BNP would agree, unless there is real hardcore ones but i dont see it.....

So because Poles are European and White we should embrace them, but because "rag heads" aren't we shouldn't? Even if the "rag head" is born and bred in Britain?

I'm British but I'm not Christian, I'm not a Slav either. What exactly is my cultural bond with you? Apart from the fact we are both white of course? I mean the Asians in my area integrate by playing the very English sport of cricket. What is British/English about you? How do you integrate with British/English people? Apart from standing around being white that is? What gives you the right to live in Britain as opposed to a "rag head"? You think being Christian and white constitutes "cutural integration"?

Poles maybe European, but so are the "rag heads" you refer to. They are British.
2 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

playing crickets svolves all the worlds problems does it

No, I never suggested as much. It is however a form of assimilation, fitting in if you like.

having a passport dosnt make you anything at all with out assimilating or fitting in.....

And what do YOU do to fit in with British/English culture?

hense your london attacks, all done from inside uk, and ofcourse with your ideas that will never end will it?

I presume you advocate the removal of all Irish from England considering the repeated attacks on London over the years? Of course, because all Irish are terrorists, just like all "rag heads" are?
3 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

NAH! She just has pride in her race.

Is that why she is married to a Jew and shagged all the Rolling Stones?

HA,Ha you little vixen. Shelley proved you wrong.

Nicolas Sarkozy is the son of an aristocratic [5] Hungarian father, Pál Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa[6] (Hungarian: nagybócsai Sárközy Pál; some sources spell it Nagy-Bócsay Sárközy Pál; Hungarian pronunciation (help·info) [nɒɟ͡ʝboːt͡ʃɒi ʃaːrkøzi paːl]), and a mother of French Catholic and Greek-Sephardic Jewish[7] descent, Andrée Mallah. His Greek-born grandfather, Benico Mallah (former Aaron Mallah), was a physician from Thessaloniki. Benico, who left for France to become a doctor, was the son of Mordechai Mallah, one of the eight sons of Aaron Mallah, founder of the Rabbinical School of Thessaloniki.[8]

It depends on your definition of a Jew, but I can safely say that Mr and Mrs Sarkozy do not belong to the same race.
3 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

The notion of race is rather complex. Jewish people can be defined by religion, culture and/or race. Essentially however, my point was that Mrs Sarkozy (to the best of my knowledge) doesn't share the same Hungarian or Greek "ethnicity" as her husband.

I would expand on the above but my computer at work is being moved, and posting from my I-phone is somewhat fiddly!
5 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Jews from Ethopia are the same race as Jews from Asia?

Obviously not, but its a bit more complex than that. For a lot of Jews, race and religion are inextricably linked:

Question: Is Judaism a religion or race?

Dear Rabbi Enkin,
I always thought that Judaism was a race and a religion. I say race because certain genetic diseases, like Tay-Sachs, are found among Central and Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jews. Please explain how this does not mean race. I am very confused on this subject.

Answer: Dear Mindy,

I wish others would ask and explore the question you raise!

While the full answer is exhaustive - the short answer is: The Jews are both a race and religion.

Our religion is quite clear -- see your nearest Biible.

6 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Crime statistics don't lie and prison statistics.

I totally agree. Did you know that males account for 94% of the prison population of Great Britain. Animals the lot of them. I'd go as far as saying that British jails are like "Club Med" for men. Kick them all out of Britain I say...

Who's with me?
6 Apr 2009
News / Poland. Sold for nothing. [341]

Austrians in 1688,French in 1814,English in 1939,there is always a tendency to sell Poland.

If Poland has been sold so many times, who the hell keeps buying it?
9 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Look past color and look at something which might have to do with economics.

Hang your head, there's no place for such rational argument on PF. Propensity to commit crime is directly related to race, everybody knows that. It's only dishonest, leftist, liberal PCers who suggest otherwise.

Black people commit crime, it's in their blood. I wont have it any other way.

What kind of men?

All kinds of men. Men account for 94% of the prison population of Britain and as...

Crime statistics don't lie and prison statistics

...I was merely suggesting that men should be expelled from Great Britain. The statistics prove that it would substantially cut the rate of crime. Women could then go about their business without the fear of these savage men and their criminal culture.

It's only these dispicable, dishonest liberal PC types who believe that men and male culture should be allowed to flourish on these shores. They should realise that their actions have consequences, it's BS I tell you.

Man I hate those liberals.
9 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

they too can have black people playing their historical figures on tv re-makes!

I don't think that's possible Shell. If Poland had been involved in the slave trade their would be an abundance of roles available.
9 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I was talking about recent progs - Merlin

Shelley, it's pure fiction!! How could you possibly care? Did you know that Merlin's dragon is played by John Hurt? I mean they could have at least got a real dragon to play the part!!
14 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / Poles claim UK benefits after working only one year instead of going home [156]


Bore off.

Your fishing is of poor quality, especially as you know very little about the demography of benefit claimants in the UK.

Where are gone the glorius old days ....say before 1833!

I think you've answered your own, rather irrelevant question.
16 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / Poles claim UK benefits after working only one year instead of going home [156]

Bollux are they entitled. It should be based upon what you've paid in and a couple of years is nothing.

The welfare state simply does not work like that - it can't. There will always be people who pay more than they take and vice-versa. Are you suggesting that you should only be entitled to claim an amount of benefit based on your NI contributions? If so, what's the point of paying NI? Surely the government should ablolish it, and allow people who are earning to save for their own rainy day? Those who have never earned (including disabled people) should be left with nothing?

A great number of benefit claimants claim IS/JSA(IB) from their 16th birthday to retirement age with full HB/CTB, CHB and Tax Credits to boot. These people are net benefiters from the system, in fact they will never contribute. The person who earns £150,000 a year and never claims these benefits is a net contributor, they will never take. That is the welfare state.

Some people have lived and worked here all their lives and get told that they don't meet various requirements for this, that and the other.

If you have been making NI contributions continuously for 6 months then you are entitled to contribution based JSA for 6 months (i.e. you can receive benefit regardless of your partner's income or your capital/savings). After that, it is means tested. If you satisfy the criteria you will receive the benefit. Do you think that someone who has £500,000 in the bank but has worked for 20 years should continue to receive JSA indefinitely?

You got benefits after only working here for three years - think yourself lucky that you got anything at all.

In the case of A8 countries, the applicant must have registered to work and been in employment for a year. If they meet this requirement and are made redundant then they ARE entitled, as long as they satisfy the right to reside, HRT etc.

Assuming that the person in your example had parents with a decent track record of paying taxes, then of course he would be entitled to benefits.

LMFAO - You honestly think that benefit entitlement should be determined by the amount of tax your parents paid? My old man was a director of a massive company and paid more tax than I will ever earn. He doesn't claim a state pension because he doesn't need to and doesn't want to, despite the fact that he is entitled to it, and has made the NI contributions. Should I be able to claim this? After all, he is my daddy ;-)

All my friends work and pay a lot of tax and NI and have done for many don't give me that **** with the "lots" of indigenous people are lazy blah blah blah......

You are right, there are many hard working Brits, but also plenty who claim benefits. I should know! You shouldn't get so offended when people claim that "lots" of indigenous people are lazy, the fact is "lots" are.

I personally would rather have the well educated Poles here than certain other minorities.

What about the uneducated Poles?

I wonder how many Poles claims benefits in comparition to those who don't. How many Poles are (or was) in the UK and how many of them claimed benefits? Any statistics?
Not to mention that Poles probably don't have 4 / 5 kids each... I don't think the Poles are your real problem.

Relatively few, most Poles come here to work. If they can't then they would rather live in Poland than claim benefits in the UK. Poles aren't the real problem, work-shy, unskilled, benefit dependents are. There is a benefits culture in this country which, despite what Shelley will tell you, transends race/religion.

Like I have previously said, I audit benefit claims for a living so I would know...
16 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / Poles claim UK benefits after working only one year instead of going home [156]

Isn't that tehnically what they do at the moment? You have to have paid in for a certain amount of time before you can claim.

Not at all. As I said:

A great number of benefit claimants claim IS/JSA(IB) from their 16th birthday to retirement age with full HB/CTB, CHB and Tax Credits to boot. These people are net benefiters from the system, in fact they will never contribute

I opted out of SERPS so, technically you can do that.

I was referring to means tested benefits.

Not really true, if you have savings of £16,000 or more you can not claim JSA.

Not true, that only applies to means-tested JSA (Income based). JSA (Contributions based) is non-means tested, payable for 26 weeks maximum, and is based on NI contributions:

I think you knew what he meant, or did you just want to mention that your dad was sucessful?

I think he was suggesting that benefit entitlement should somehow depend on how much tax your parents paid. I merely used my old man as an example of how silly this concept is. The fact that he was successful is not to my credit, which actually helps to illustrate my point!

Assuming that the person in your example had parents with a decent track record of paying taxes, then of course he would be entitled to benefits.

So If I was made redundant after working for two years, I would be entitled to benefits? But if someone who had been working for the same amount of time, but whose parents were unemployed was made redundant, they would not be entitled? That is ridiculous.

Dont you think we have enough uneducated people of our own?

We do. I was enquiring as to whether you would prefer uneducated Poles or highly educated, skilled people from "certain other minorities". Well?

In your spare time when you're not on here? Kind of figures now why the system is in such a bad state when half the staff are wasting time on the internet! Before you start on about me being on here, my salary doesn't come out the tax payers pocket!

Irons only averages 15 posts a week.

We've been through this and you post far more frequently than me. I paid my first visit to this site just before I finished work at 4:30. I made one post (which was benefit related anyway) ;-). What about you? I don't deny that there is to some extent, an unproductive culture in parts of the Public sector, but I am pretty good at my job and work hard enough. Am I wasting tax payers money by being here... well technically yes. Are you stealing from your company by doing the same... yes. You shouldn't throw stones from that glass house of yours ;-)

but women from certain minority groups are less likely to ever work due to cultural issues.

That maybe true. I'd also point out that Muslim women are far less likely to become teenage mothers than white, indigenous women. Just think of all that Income Support, Child Tax Credit, CHB, Housing/Council Tax Benefit.

Not that I actually care, but seeing as you like blaming everything on particular minority groups and all.

the system is in such a bad state

Don't get me wrong, our benefits system could be improved in many ways. But as with many problems, it's easier to pick holes than to find improvements. We have a benefits culture problem, and the current legislation doesn't effectively address the situation. It's all about finding a balance, which is easier said than done.

I'm just saying that there should be more of a link between the two, so that bonehead chavs that come from family where whole generations haven't worked, don't get such an easy ride.

I totally agree.

Enjoying laughing your f*****g ass off. As Shelley said, you knew what I was getting at.

Yeah, but it was a bit of a silly idea. Don't take it personally.

If your dad is so rich, then why are you working in a dole office ?

I don't live off my old man and I don't work in a dole office.

Exactly. Do you think that the brides in arranged marriages that were shipped over here 15-20 years ago flourished and are now fully contributing members of society, or are some simply non-English speaking baby-machines that have no choice but to rely on the state ? The system encourages life-time benefit dependency.

True, just as it encourages teenage pregnancy... House, benefits... if you don't need to work then why would you bother? Like I said, identifying the problem is one thing, introducing effective legislation to deal with the problem is another.
17 Apr 2009
Love / do polish girls consider a english man a good catch ? [126]

I notice that quite a few English guys that I know who have a non-British wife or girlfriend (by no means all - but certainly a significant number) seem to be a bit... um... lacking in social skills... and er... somehow socially flawed. And usually, their wife / girlfreind are often waaaay out of their league.

Where abouts in London do you live? I think some of my friends would be interested in moving ;-)

A bit of a ramble, but does anyone agree with me?

I don't know of too many examples so it's difficult to pass judgement. I tend to think my girlfriend is with me despite the fact that I am English!
17 Apr 2009
Love / do polish girls consider a english man a good catch ? [126]

What's the nicest possible way of threatening a women?

It's just when the relation isn't balanced (Ukrainian mail-oder brides looking for a meal-ticket is the extreme end of the scale) that I pull a funny face.

Lol - I don't think mail-order is the best starting point for a balanced relationship!
17 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / Poles claim UK benefits after working only one year instead of going home [156]

Only from the point of view that when someone is the child of someone that has lived off benefits pretty much forever, it should have an effect on what they can take from the system in the future.

A child in this situation is more likely to be benefit dependent, as it is all their family has known. This benefit culture is a way of life for some. Aside from educate, what more can the government do to change this attitude? They can stop paying benefits, but this is will most likely lead to an increase in negative social externalities such as an increased crime rate, homelessness, child poverty etc.

There is a new government scheme designed to get Incapacity Benefit claimants back in to work (or at least prevent them from being "signed off for life"). It's called Employment Support Allowance and involves regular work capability assessments. Will it work? Who knows. I have a feeling it will essentially just be Incapacity Benefit with another name.

You have to admit that it's a pretty hefty amount of money going to people that aren't British and weren't born here.

True, but we are members of the EU, and therefore citizens of member states are entitled to claim here, as long as they satisfy the HRT. The restrictions are for A8 countries, meaning there are more barriers for them to claim (i.e. they have to register to work, and work for a year prior to claiming).

There are loads of German, Spanish, Italian people claiming benefits in Britian, but British people also have the right to claim in their countries. I'm pretty sure that if I moved to Germany and satisfied the authorities that I was habitually resident, I would be able to claim benefits, despite never having paid tax there. Maybe someone who is familiar with the German benefits system could confirm as much?

That's how I feel.

Ditto, but like I said, it's easier to pick holes than to find viable solutions.
20 Apr 2009
News / Dealing with constant insults against Polish [323]

The thought was there though, the Spitfire was British, just not the crewe on that squaud.

Didn't they try to claim that they knew the squadron was Polish, but still chose to use it as the Spitfire itself was British?

Either way, they didn't exactly come out of it with much credit.
20 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / What is in Poland that England doesn't have? [142]

What is in Poland that England dont have?

Easily accessable, reasonably priced dentists

Good job I have nice teeth (and a Polish dentist).

Very beautiful women.

There are plenty in England.
20 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / What is in Poland that England doesn't have? [142]

Too bad not many people take advantage of it:)

Are you saying the Polish have bad teeth?

I am now registered to a dentist in Czestahowa, it's great, although getting there is expensive!

Cause of Polish immigrants hahaaha

I was waiting for that response!! ;-)
21 Apr 2009
History / Where did the stereotype of Polish people being stupid come from? [131]

Ah ja, let me see if I get you right...also when an American tells a polish joke it's just playful fun but when a German tells a polish joke it's a sign of anti-slavic/anti-polish racism, right?

In exactly the same way that if an American newspaper makes derogatory references to the French, it is a one-off example which does not reflect the true attitude of the US people, but if a British media outlet publishes an Anti-American piece, it is indisputable proof of the anti-Americanism which is ingrained in British culture.

Don't waste your time Bratty, the double-standards espoused are there for all to see.
23 Apr 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

How are blacks excellent musicians? The pinacle of their music is just degenerate rap and hip hop.

Ever heard of Miles Davis, Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles, Chuck Berry, Nat King Cole, Aretha Franklin, B. B. King, Dionne Warwick, Al Green? The list is endless.

The athlete myth is a joke.

How many whites participate in the final of the Olympic 100 Metres?

They dominate professional basketball and football because the owners choose to higher blacks.

Was that a reference to the general height of black men or just an embarrassing attempt at spelling hire?

Which does not make sense because they represent a minority.

It makes perfect sense to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. Are you saying that you support affirmative action in this case? Should white men be hired as atheletes, even if they are inferior?

I'm a junior in college

It shows.
27 Apr 2009
Love / Age difference in our relationship. I'm 41, my girlfriend is 27. Common in Polska? [57]

Bascially I have entered in to a relationship with the polish girl who works in our local polish shop in leytonstone / london.

Is that the Polski Sklep next to The Walnut Tree? If so, good lad. She seems like a nice girl and helped me with my Polish bacon query a while back.

So much so that she now wants to take me back to polski land to meet maama and papa !!! The only issue is the age difference.

If she's prepared to invite you to meet the family, I shouldn't imagine there will be a problem.

Go for it.
27 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / Polish clubs / pubs in London [14]

Good call.

There is a popular place amongst Poles in Leytonstone, although I can't rmember where exactly. I will find out for you if you want.
5 May 2009
Love / Where did you meet your Polish other half? [33]

I met my Polish girlfriend at Covent Garden Station at 8:09 (she was 9 minutes late) on 22 February 2008.

We agreed to meet courtesy of some random correspondence on Facebook. I did not know her in any capacity prior to then!

It's a funny old world, and I no longer have a Fcaebook account!
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

as for native Europeans i'm just fine with opening borders to them, similar culture, same civilization, no trouble for us.

So all "native" Europeans share a similar culture? Utter garbage as per.