But I left her!! because maybe i wasn't giving enough
You left her? Some things just don't work out. I'd still say the same thing. You give too much and your generosity can be taken advantage of. You must have realised things weren't working. What lessons will you take from this experience. Blaming nationalty, I believe, is not the way forward.
Whatever helps you to sleep at night little donkey...
I turned round last night so I could get some sleep. All that distracting text! Now I'm back the right way round, looking quizzically at the bizarre words I write.
Better to start with a good course book and accommpaning cassettes
They tend to teach you with scenrios such as having your passport checked, going to a restaurant, buying a pair of shoes. You get to page 78 and you still don't know how to say "I said..."
These books may be useful to some, but are probably best used in combination with other methods that better suit the unique individual that everyone is.
Get a book and be very careful. I've picked wild mushrooms, but only after research. It's true that mushroomy people give away no secrets. They don't want to kill you by letting you eat the wrong ones, but they won't help you find the right ones.
This isn't always bad. When you get to know what different members are like, you know who to take more seriously and who not to. There can be more than one right answer.
Phrase of the Day
Have you got one to get us started? I could do with a phrase!
A mate of mine told me that Polish men never cry. "What" I asked, "about when your ferret died? I bet you cried then."
He confessed to having shed a tear.
Much homophobia has a similar base to this rather light-hearted anecdote. People say they do something because everyone else says it and they believe that is the right image to portray.
I'm not saying that ferrets, crying and homosexuality are related subjects.
They claim NOT to be racist, partly so they can appeal to groups of people outside of their usual sphere. They do this to create and/or widen divisions in society. However much they try to do this, it is blatant that they are a straight-down-the-line racist party.
I know the feeling. I've been to Poland twice, and dreaded returning to the UK afterwards. The UK is getting more and more repressive with CCTV all over the place and people telling you not to smoke within 15 metres of the building. Obese people walking past my house. Obese dogs. Obese cats.
In Poland, of course it's not perfect, but the food, the beer, the people (the ones I met, anyway), the buildings, the food (worth mentioning more than once). I can't wait for another opportunity to go back.