Love /
If a guy was nice? [42]
I'm British Indian, but I don't know what that's got to do with anything?
oh everything, especially your arrogance. so you and your slimey mates had a few Polish chicks so what. unfortunately many Polish girls go crazy for the bronzed (more like stained) look and a flashy car, and believe every lie you tell them. those girls come from very poor areas and a guy like yourself, even though you are a native Brit, is something amazing and out of this world. o foreign prince! i don't presonally feel any attraction to your countrymen, never have, and i know plenty of girls from Poland living here who would not touch you with a stick. it's just a personal preference really, and i'm sensitive to the heavy odour of sweat always lingering around Indian or Turkish guys, i just can't ignore it. anyway, i'm sure all those desperate, silly Polish lasses will come to their senses too and get a good slap from their parents. your countrymen have to know some magic spell i dunno, cos i heard the contents of your pants are nothing to be proud of!
I know for sure that our own Indian women wouldn’t betray their country and nation so freely!
i'm sure they wouldn't, knowing they will get stoned or stabbed to death if their parents found out they went to macdonalds.