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Joined: 14 Aug 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Nov 2016
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 19
Posts: Total: 1183 / In This Archive: 978
From: Ireland
Interests: Travel, cars, gr8 food!

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1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

This post isn't even worth comment on...laughable.......

Attack on Rabi:

So you'd be equally dismissive of a Catholic priest being attacked....?....breathtaking....!
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

However, it is a fact that Jews are normally clever, talented and industrious people

Another racist comment............really you're quite removed from reality...aren't you....

My best friend is Jewish

He/she doesnt need any enemies then....

It is nothing wrong with Jews to be poor- they usually work hard for it. wasted all your time posting this......
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

But as it happened that it was jewish rabin- it got blown out of proportion.

Why...though.....?...who did the blowing out of proportion? He's a religious man, holy - who should be held in esteem, but was attacked...I would expect the same reporting on anyone who holds such a, protestant etc.


I was only refering to anti-semitic sentiments....

from your over tolerant boring pose to very rude and unpleasant one

You're having a laugh..........

But your are just little boring moron playing some tolerant poses

And any of your arguments are infantile...typical of someone who isn't able to debate, argue, answer queries in a reasonable fashion....

Frank, I think you have been on the booze. Ease off, will you, and stop attacking us. Why do you come on here again? I mean what is your Polish connection?

Free speech....if you feel wasn't a guilt complex...?
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

You are very boring person....sad to say this.....

no sense of humour, boring with lots.......which mean nothing.....and rude.

Lol.....well needless to say you're way off target...wonder who were you aiming at........perhaps it was a boomerang shot..and its rebounded back to you?

Are you going to make any contribution to my questions or just sulk....come on Iwona you can do always willing to give people a chance to redeem themselves......
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

It is nothing wrong with Jews to be poor- they usually work hard for it.

I found this unworthy of you iwona and surprised that you made it......or did I mis-construe it?...perhaps I got angry?...?

Thank you for your follow up contribution,

What is the difference between Rabi being attacked and some old foreign lady being attacked

Again, must assume this man was recognisable as a Rabbi...ergo attacking a leader/symbol of that faith.....ergo seen as an attack on all things/aspects of that faith.......totally anti-semitic in origin.....?

The problem with some jews is that they like to make themselves to be always seen as victims

I don't know how true this is........they have asaying in Israel...."never again"........referring to the holocaust and how they were virtually wiped off the face of European map...understandable!

Thank you Iwona...:)
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

about your countrymen that attack Polish immigrants and their children

Yes I agree...this is unacceptable..and I hate to see it happen........its usually when Catholic Polish people have moved into Protestant areas when NO catholics are tolerated full your countrymen need to do some research before they arrive.....

This history goes back to the 1170...then more recently......16th century when tens of thousands of people from Scotland, England effectively took over all the land of use, in Ireland....

You being Irish how dare you saying us about racism?

Nope...have not done this... I asked about anti-semitism...only....look closer at my post...Ola...out of context...mis-representing me...again....!!!!

You didnt come here to discuss, you come here to accuse and stick little pins in every post you write. you got this wrong asking for info, my first post again....please Ola......
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

It was my fault, my grammar structure of this sentence was bad- I meant to say that they are rich but they work hard for it. For us polish it is second language so sometimes we we made stupid mistakes.

Glad we cleared this up problem...and as I don't speak can I condemn you for making a grammatical mistake ????....:)

that is why we can feel sometimes a bit like a victims.

Its a common one wants to be a victim form of defence is attack...true?

Tell it to the Irish......its on our passports.....!!!

I'm sure that you are aware of this so please don't shout me down.

W...would I no I didn't know...ta for that.....

Whether we like it or not, Polish Jews were dicriminated against in the past.

This is what I wanted to clarify......come to understand...why, how, where...was it purely a local response...or people told to be that obeying dictats of church or state?
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Hhhhhmmmmmmmm...................but did you ask the right question W....?

Am pullin' your leg..........!

Much snow there?
1 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

You or me would do the same.'re not second guessing me in a flight or fight situation?....:)

Thanks for all those points, clarification of issues...its certainly filling in the blank spaces, giving a broader oversight of what did take place....etc

Because most of these "Holocaust studies" and such things are run by Jews and they are simply biased, other authors are usually quoting them and use their "reaserches" in own publications

Maybe so, but all inputs/research is useful...then we have to seek a balanced view of all accounts, ...make our own minds up.

after PiƂsudski died in 1935 and quite radical politicians took over the government there were even a few anti-semitic laws passed

Where they fascists...or no-one objected...?
2 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Frank Can you explain your interest in this matter?

Can I ask also was the Irish Government in the second world war pro German and anti Jewish?

Lef, the war has always been of interest, plus as I've been to Poland 3 times in the last year, its something I wanted to understand better. Our own history books at school were very skimpy on details regarding Poland itself and the relatively huge jewish population.

Ireland didn't cover itself in glory during WWII in many peoples eyes, but you have to remember, it fought a war of independence against Britian and civil war just 15yrs before and they didn't want to become involved with Britain at any level during the war.

There was tacit co-operation though with Britain....but very for how they interacted with Germany, I am not wholly sure; certainly during WWI the germans supplied arms to the Irish to fight the british....the understanding was, "any enemy of britains was our friend"....!!!...that was how it was percieved at the time

As I have stated 10s of thousands did volunteer to fight in British forces throughout the war, including two of my uncles.
3 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment Prices in Sopot [18]

VT1 there is a thread on apartment purchasing in Poland, please do a search, let us know how you get on!!
3 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Is it because they know that 6 million people never died and want to silence us about it so they can keep grabbing more and more money?

So you are denying that the holocaust happened and at the same time being anti-semitic?
3 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

I am Questioning the possibility of 6 million jews dying.

Possibility......what that none died at all?...or just 5 or just 4.......million.....?

The figure can never be totally accurate due to the huge overall number, brilliant as Germans were at keeping records, I don't know how much survived the war.

Is it because they know that 6 million people never died and want to silence us about it so they can keep grabbing more and more money?

Who can grab more money.......the Jewish population or the Polish government?

If the former and you are querying the number of Jews murdered then , your view is anti-semitic!

Has anyone queried the huge numbers of Polish people killed?...20% of the population...can this ever be totally verified too?

Then why seek to query the number of Jews murdered?
3 Jan 2007
Love / Help me! I fell in love with a Polish man! [137]

A slut is a woman that does it frequently with many men. At least that’s my and my friends opinion.

And what is the male equivalent?...or is he just a stud!!...who said it was an equal world!

Everything would be alright, if he didn't left his wife...
Not picking on you or your partner, but I really HATE that kind of behaviour...
Does he have kids in Poland?

There always seems to be fall out...but who knows..the relationship coulda been or the rocks for years...then an opportunity came along!
3 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Well, done Casper....keep us up to speed, hope to go back to Wroclaw in the next couple of months and take things from there!

How did you find the process, the people who sold, the people who you got to finish the place off?
3 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

And please don't tell me you civilised them, OK.

Em, given that the UK spends 50% more on their armed forces than the Germans do with a population of 80 million compared to 58; and twice what the French spend with the same population.......

That the UK has more CCTV cameras than nearly the rest of the civilised world put together...doesnt this tell you something?

Read between the lines Maati...its frightening!
3 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Quoting: ola123, Post #136
Stop buying flats in Poland because you push prices up and Poles are not able to buy flat to LIVE IN.

would like to say sorry... but i would be totally lying...'ve a heart of gold...spoken like a true capitalist!!

I would say more people should buy flats there...then wages etc will have to rise to keep pace...what do you think has driven the Celtic Tiger for the last 8/9 years or so?
3 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

I don't care what UK has.

Didn't read between the lines Maati...........:(...

Basically the UK government has never, ever trusted its OWN their is a significant proportion of its own people who would have great difficulty in spelling civilised......the level of general crime, drunkiness etc...are breathtaking!!.......

Its just that UK people have always had a eye for an opportunity, taking a risk...and having an army.....which punched way above its weight...........mostly.....
3 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

I think when Patrycja from the US of A reads this, you're in for a smack or
3 Jan 2007
Life / Are Polish People Racist? [1037]

no wonder we ruled the waves... and still do

You referring to that 14yr old boy who crossed the atlantic today?
3 Jan 2007
Real Estate / Apartment purchase in Poland [226]

Good stuff boys and girls...keep it up.....

Not sure what Polish attitudes is to home in Ireland we have the second highest numbers of home owners in the EU ...nearly 80%, whereas in Germany ...nearly 70% rent their homes......Polands attitude anyone?
3 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Aint an argument....its just diverse views..........some rationale, some not!!....nevertheless genocide was attempted on one race of people by another........and whole WWII was a "cover" to allow them to carry out the same............thoughts?
3 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Never said all...whose doing the stopping, under what law, why....?

Its all to do with the manner/tone of the posts.......not that you want to find out the truth...but that you wish to disprove.

A race was virtually wiped seem happy to think of it as a numbers exercise........
3 Jan 2007
History / Jews...and their Polish experience [520]

Are we talking about just Auschwitz..or all Polish camps or the total number of camps in Europe, no one individual or country would have had access to all those documents.