Two hypotheses were discarded only on the notion that it happened within short period of time.
I don't think your conclusion is correct.
Personally I wouldn't consider it valid and jump to the conclusion that the organization was totally responsable for the murders that occurred. As Zajac said the leaders of the organization didn't know of what was going on at that region at that time.
The whole OUN isn't reponsible, only OUN-B/OUN-UPA is.
Zajac says: The whole action, because of its scope, size, precision of the strikes, element of surprising the Poles, had to be planned and prepared in advance. In the process of investigation, version about random character of killings was eliminated. On the basis of the evidence, one hypothesis is considered to be the most likely - that the decision to take action against Polish population was made alone by OUN-B leadership in Volhynia without the consent of Central Prowid OUN. This decision was made personally by OUN-B leader in Volhynia - Dmytro Kljaczkiwśkij, alias "Kłym Sawur” (posiblly with his close associates) who was in the command of whole UPA and directly of UPA Volhynia.
Many massacres, and I don't deny them, were committed by Ukrainian peasants who just took forks, scythes etc. and went on killing people. It wasn't organized as many want it to present. You have to take into consideration that Polish government did in the Polonization that started in 1930s were thousands of Ukrainian schools, churches were closed...
I see what pushed them to such actions which remind me of 17th century were again religion
Nathan, I don't think you understand. People were horibbly tortured before their deaths - women, men, children, whole families. Do I have to go into details? 'Forks , scythes'? '17th century rebelion'? UPA had more than 300 ways of torturing people. It's not only about killings but how they were done! There will never be an excuse for the monstrous cruelty of UPA and its peasants. The motives behind these atrocities can be disputed, but the main goal of OUN-B is clear - to obtain lands ethnically clean before any possible postwar peace talks could be conducted.
According to Polish historians 60,000 Poles were murdered
Only in Vohlynia. Volyn is the best known case. But Poles were murdered in other places too. According to historians, the number of Poles slaughtered by OUN-UPA range from 120 000 to 150 000.
Zajac said that retaliation is less murderous because it was done in consequence of murders committed by Ukrainians
He only stated the fact – the reprisal actions occured, these actions were the consequence of UPA crimes.
I think we should end this discussion here.