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Ross kemp on Polish Gangs/Nazis - Untermenschen Nazis..??

JamesLondon  1 | 26  
11 Oct 2007 /  #1
I happened to watch Ross Kemp in Poland the other day and was absolutely gobsmacked by the so-called Polish "Nazis".

Now, one of their "leaders" had Adolf Hitler's speech as a mobile phone ringtone...!! Understandably (chuckle), these lads were sieg heiling & spewing anti-semitic and anti-black rhetoric, however, they couldn't really explain why they were doing it; that too, taking into account the fact that there aren't that many blacks in Poland.

Now, Mr.Kemp spent most of his time asking stupid questions about football hooliganism as if it's a phenomenon that only occurs in Poland. Stupid Man...you're from hooligan capital..!! Ask more intelligent questions mate..!!

Now, the debate I would like to raise is this...I cannot fathom how a slav , who was considered Untermensch (Sub-human) by Hitler and his cohorts , literally worship the man and his ideology? Am I missing something here? It's like a black man in South Africa worshipping Hendrik Verwoerd, the "Architect of Apartheid"...!!

Is it not possible for somebody to catch hold of these guys and say "Mate, Hitler would be in 7th heaven(no pun intended) if all of you just killed yourselves...!!"

I would like some intelligent answers from Poles as opposed to attacking responses which contain no logic whatsoever.

The link to the Ross Kemp's documentary is attached below; the "Hitler ring tone" section is at 1:50...it's hilarious:
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
11 Oct 2007 /  #2
...I cannot fathom how a slav , who was considered Untermensch (Sub-human) by Hitler and his cohorts , literally worship the man and his ideology?

I'm a Pole and I can't understand it either. Human nature is too complicated to answer questions like that. Fortunately, these folks aren't any political power in Poland and hopefully will never be. Even now popularity of LPR (far right-wing party, that's still in the Parliament) has been deteriorating.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
11 Oct 2007 /  #3
Now, Mr.Kemp spent most of his time asking stupid questions about football hooliganism as if it's a phenomenon that only occurs in Poland. Stupid Man...you're from hooligan capital..!! Ask more intelligent questions mate..!!

er,its a programe about football hooligans in Poland,what else should he have been asking?????

And in answer to your question,or to turn it around, How can some so called british people be in far right groups that worship hitler and salute the nazi flag,ie most members of the BNP (go on ,sue me u tw ats,id love to be in court with u u one eyed freek.) and all the other various skin head scum bags whose grandparents were bombed by the lufftwaffe?

=because they are numpties not worth discussing .......
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Oct 2007 /  #4
Generally there are quite many nationalists in Poland but Polish nationalists not Germanic... In "far" version some of them say crap like "Adolf was bad but..." did a good thing with Jews or something similar. Real nazis also exist [there are also nazis in Israel (Jews, no kidding) so everything is possible...] but there are very, very few of them and they don't admit that openly as that obviously not a popular thing here.

I saw most of that thing (there was already a topic about It few days ago) and am almost sure that a guy paid these retards to talk these bullshi*ts - for exampel - we don't let nig*ers come to this pub - If you had ever been in Gorzów, you would have known that there probably have never been any black guy even trying to get into that pub. Dude simply tried to make that show as much sensational as this is possible.

Even now popularity of LPR (far right-wing party, that's still in the Parliament) has been deteriorating.

You may not like LPR but no way they are nazis.
11 Oct 2007 /  #5
[there are also nazis in Israel (Jews, no kidding) so everything is possible..

wtf is wrong with people
isthatu  3 | 1164  
11 Oct 2007 /  #6
he's talking about the russian teenagers charged in isreal with being neo nazis. Apparently they got into isreal because some time in the past they may have had jewish ancestors.............so no,not jewish nazis per se. although jewish far right is not much better,they just see the arabs as their zhids.....
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
11 Oct 2007 /  #7
english skinheads
dtaylor  9 | 823  
11 Oct 2007 /  #8
aaaaaaa every country has their low lives
yo yo  
12 Oct 2007 /  #9
the best about it is i watched it 2.he said they should do the holocaust but if they would think about it hilter would kill them 2. and scotalnd is full of zeo zazis.
Crow  154 | 9531  
12 Oct 2007 /  #10
How is possible that we have Nazi movements, having in mind that Slavs were considered as sub-people by Nazi ideology? Strange phemomenon

What ordinary Poles (public in general) say about it?

aaaaaaa every country has their low lives


Few days ago in Serbia was rally of such individuals from whole Slavic countries

Splitting among political parties after incidents in Novi Sad

Author: ‘Blic’ Team | 09.10.2007 - 08:00

Davidovic and another 58 individuals were arrested. Among them there were 11 citizens of Slovakia. The same day the police arrested in Belgrade eight Bulgarians with fascist leaflets, swastikas, fascist flags and knives.

Supporters of Serbian neo-Nazis from Poland and Slovenia also tried to come to Novi Sad but were not allowed to cross the border.

Where go this world?
12 Oct 2007 /  #11
scotalnd is full of zeo zazis

met one once. Stupid f***er - couldn't answer a single question we put to him when it came to it.
yomomma  - | 2  
12 Oct 2007 /  #12
Real nazis also exist [there are also nazis in Israel (Jews, no kidding) so everything is possible

most of them are the people who emigrated from former soviet union.in most or many cases just one of their granparents had jewish roots and that was enough to get a visa/green card ect to israel,so they are not really Jewish.
zibo  - | 55  
12 Oct 2007 /  #13
i watched that movie yesterday. all 5 or 6 parts.

you have to consider fact that those guys are not too well educated and don't have jobs, you can see that the way they talk and act. remember that this program was about hooligans not skinheads, and 99.9% of hooligans' IQ is below 0, especially in towns like Gorzow.

I met few really well educated skinheads in Warsaw, much diiferent from what you can see in that video. "Real" polish skinhead won't have a hitler ringtone in the first place.
saddened  - | 63  
12 Oct 2007 /  #14
Many still dont know that the Czechs were not the happiest people before the poles in WWII see Układ monachijski.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Oct 2007 /  #15
"Real" polish skinhead won't have a hitler ringtone in the first place.

That's why in my opinion Kemp dude made that up.
Crow  154 | 9531  
12 Oct 2007 /  #16
hitler ringtone

such an abomination exist?!?
12 Oct 2007 /  #17
That's why in my opinion Kemp dude made that up.

c'mon what REAL reason does he have to do that
zibo  - | 55  
12 Oct 2007 /  #18
That's why in my opinion Kemp dude made that up.

well, look at those swastikas he had in his house and 88 tshirts, they really may be polish nazis.

such an abomination exist?!?

you can make everything these days, but i dunno where he got that ****.

.I cannot fathom how a slav , who was considered Untermensch (Sub-human) by Hitler and his cohorts , literally worship the man and his ideology? Am I missing something here?

his grand father may be german, or grand grand. They are from Gorzow, not too farm from german border.
Crow  154 | 9531  
12 Oct 2007 /  #19
Quoting: Crow
such an abomination exist?!?

you can make everything these days, but i dunno where he got that ****.

crazy staff that Hitler ringtone, I can tell you man. I can`t imagine even that somebody invent rington of Sloba, Franja, Alia, Luka (dictators of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Byelorussia- some former, some still) or of any other politician/dictator.

Imagine that some Pole say that has Kachinski first public speach ringtome or that some Russian guy say that has Putin`s from the days of KGB or airplane. Just imagine

BDW, is there also Musolini ringtone... you now... something in stile `io sono fascisto`.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
12 Oct 2007 /  #20
c'mon what REAL reason does he have to do that

maybe the Mitchel twins are secret polonophobes or some such crap. I tell you ross kemp may be a bit of a tit but these docs' he's done have rightly won him some awards. Seriously,why do you think there is some conspiricy to make up nazi stuff about modern poland,nazi tossers are everywhere,thats kinda the point. If your a nazi or a skin your a brain dead toss pot and every country has its share of those.
Hueg  - | 319  
12 Oct 2007 /  #21
folks aren't any political power in Poland and hopefully will never be.

I just saw the repeat tonight at one point RK says that a Skinhead/Hoolie is now Vice-Minister for Sport in Poland. True?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Oct 2007 /  #22
I just saw the repeat tonight at one point RK says that a Skinhead/Hoolie is now Vice-Minister for Sport in Poland. True?

no, there was one photo made for him with scarf of Widzew £ódz when he was 18, and he didnt look "inteligent" on this photo ;) , but I havent heard that he is skinhead ...
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
12 Oct 2007 /  #23
aaaaaaa every country has their low lives

my sentiments excactly.

wtf is wrong with people

again, I feel the same..
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Oct 2007 /  #24
I have just watched whole reportage.

So as to hooligans, it is true.

as to this skinheads, yes I think most of skinheads are hools, but they are miniority in hooli society, I think thats why Ross had to go to Gorzow (still unsuccesful town) to see situation in the Pub, and I have noticed that those skinheads werent respected on stadium and on the street ...

Some times I go to watch the game in Poznan (Lech Poznan) the team mentioned in this reportage, so I have to say that I havent noticed any political slogans there, and Lech Poznan hools are well know as the best in "fist to fist" fights. As I know when they want to fight they make agreement with other hoolies and fight somewhere in forest . Riots happens as well but I have seen only one on stadium in Poznan ...

As to Cracow ... yes there is more serius problem ... and this is fact, and the influence of "Nowa Huta" is noticable (mentioned in reportage)
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
14 Oct 2007 /  #25
You may not like LPR but no way they are nazis.

Read my post again and try to understand it.

I just saw the repeat tonight at one point RK says that a Skinhead/Hoolie is now Vice-Minister for Sport in Poland. True?

He used to be a hoolie and member of LPR youth organisation. Then, after PiS stroke the deal with Samoobrona and said LPR scum to gain the majority in Sejm and therefore get to power, some of these lowlifes got their little seats in the Government. Hopefully, incoming elections will kick their ar$e$ out of power.
anuska  1 | 30  
14 Oct 2007 /  #26
it upsets me it really does......whyyyy do they do this
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Oct 2007 /  #27
Read my post again and try to understand it.

Answering a post about nazis in Poland you say that there are few of them and as an argument you use small support for LPR, so... ?
Michal  - | 1865  
15 Oct 2007 /  #28
n South Africa worshipping Hendrik Verwoerd, the "Architect of Apartheid"...!!

It all goes to show how little you know and understand about World politics. I was in South Africa during the apartheid years. There was considerable sanction applied to the Smith Regime by the then Wilson Government. The British know nothing of World affairs or the problems concerning Southern Africa. Everybody was taught to hate the Smith regime but take a look at the country now! I am not saying that I support apartheid but there are blacks who would give anything for a return to the stability that at least Southern Africa had compared to today. The British Government advertised people to sell up and go out and make a new life in the then Rhodesia and then they were stabbed in the back with economic sanctions.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
15 Oct 2007 /  #29
Answering a post about nazis in Poland you say that there are few of them and as an argument you use small support for LPR, so... ?

they are not naizst or sth like that, but they are extrem right nationalists.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
17 Oct 2007 /  #30
Exactly. I never wrote they're nazis, but a far-right party with small support. You cannot forget about their youth organisation, Mlodziez Wszechpolska, that is quite close to the rightist extremalism.

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