It seems you do not quite believe in the atrocities committed by Germans in occupied Poland? Come on, a few folks got shot here or there, whatever's the problem :-/
When did i say that i didn't believe!!!!!?????. Of course i do believe that atrocities like this happened. I also believe the Holocaust happened, i think you'll find my point was people contiually moaning and being bitter about history. WHat has happened in the past has happened, although we'd like to change it we can't. I believe people should stop complaining and crying into their tissues because of frustration.
Instead people should remember, by all means have a post that recognises the Holocaust or any other mass murder where people can pay their respects. That is a whole lot different from a topic which is full of moaning, growning complaining Poles who are just bitter about the war etc etc.
I do not appreciate the fact that you deemed it ok to manipulate my words into something that they were not written to represent. I should really ask for an apology but i doubt you have the stomach for it.
With reference to this topic i think you'll also find i was congratulating the OP for his contribution, he has vital information which could help people to find out what happened to their relatives and put their minds at rest about what happened and the circumstances surrounding their deaths. When i first saw the topic i must admit i thought, not another damn bitter, moany, typical PF topic based on history, however this is actually one of the ones that has a point to it.
I hope you understand where i'm coming from now Magdalena, as you clearly didn't seem to understand in the first place. Obviously your interpretation was a little of this morning :)