What is more it is interesting that Sjam legitiamtes one Polish puppet comunist goverment actions and claims to be illigal others...
Actually I don't—one can't argue with the facts. The immediate post-war Polish government was a Stalinist puppet government. The legitimate Polish government was "exiled' and in London. Period. This changed when the Stalinist government was recognised by the rest of the world community. But the Polish government-in-exile remained in London until the fall of communism.
You have argued that Poland did not receive any compensation or reparations from Germany for wartime losses; the facts are that Poland's share was to come from Soviets as agreed at Potsdam. This is fact.
It is also a fact that the Polish and German governments agreed in 2004 that they had no further claims for reparations against each other. These are the facts which you seem unable to grasp.
However if you think the Soviet Union defrauded Poland of its share of German reparations then you (you personally or Poland as a nation) need to take this up with the Soviet Union. If you believe that during the post-war period the Soviet Union plundered Poland and its resources (as I do —the facts are in the article I linked to for you) then this is an issue that Poland needs to address with the Soviet Union not Germany.
So yet again, you need to ask the Kremlin what it did with Poland's due compensation I have given you the contact details to make it easy for you :-))
And yet again I ask you why isn't the Polish government demanding compensation from Soviet Union for losses and extortion suffered at the hands of the Soviets during WWII and the post-war periods?
You seem to have a strong view on this issue so what are you personally doing about righting this wrong? Are you out there campaigning? Contacting the press to get involved? Lambasting your MPs? What? SFA?