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Poland before WWII or Poland now what would you choose?

Ironside  50 | 13060  
13 Jun 2009 /  #271
not as well as it could be ...... I don't think being economy without heavy industry, research and financial system of our own is good!

And costs of living close to EU average but wages pitifully small - what good about it and who is getting a difference ....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Jun 2009 /  #272
I agree with you about the wages being disproportionate to the cost of living but that's been a constant in Polish life.

Ironside, another factor that you may not have considered has been the loss of investor confidence. A downturn was inevitable but can you really say that the Polish economy is anywhere near a recession like in Britain?

The EU has provided many new research opportunities for Poles. The key is knowing how to access them.

What "financial system" do you feel you are lacking?
Ironside  50 | 13060  
13 Jun 2009 /  #273
What "financial system" do you feel you are lacking?

Control over a large chunk of the banking system.

I agree with you about the wages being disproportionate to the cost of living but that's been a constant in Polish life.

Well, its abnormal ...and bad for economy!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Jun 2009 /  #274
Tusk has that option, Ironside. Why do you think that he hasn't chosen it?

It is abnormal. You lose workers and vital skills. Also, people spend less, therefore contributing less to the economy.
Ironside  50 | 13060  
14 Jun 2009 /  #275
It is abnormal. You lose workers and vital skills. Also, people spend less, therefore contributing less to the economy.


Tusk has that option, Ironside. Why do you think that he hasn't chosen it?

Don't know!
My guess either he couldn't for reasons unknown to the public, or he wasn't even considering it!
I believe the later to be true as political system in Poland is set to promote self serving bastards! Succession of Soviet occupation and KGB)))))
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jun 2009 /  #276
Tusk is just waiting for the right moment to sell Poland off down the river. Signing the missile shield was a laugh. If security was such a pressing issue, why isn't the shield deal being followed through? It's all politics, that's why!

NATO hound that man.
kostusha  1 | 4  
14 Jun 2009 /  #277
Well, here comes the "Liberal" American point of view on all of this ethnic quarelling.

Both sets of my grandparents were Poles...emigrated in the early 1900's. They brought with them, rightly so, many angry feelings for the Germans, the Russians

Jewish people, in my Catholic grandparents' view, were saviors because they provided the money for people to leave Poland when the Germans, Austrians, and Russians occupied it prior to WWI. Also, my grandparents were much less anti-Semetic than my parents. My gerandparents railed against the Russians and the Germans...both of my grandfathers were draft dodgers...one from the Russian army the other from the German army.

My parents and I lived with my maternal grandparents until I was five. The town in America was a Polish village. We went to a Polish Catholic Church. My preschool was run in the church basemenbt by Polish Felician nuns. I went to grammar school at a Polish Catholic school. When I began working at 18, I was shocked that everyone wasn't Catholic and that I was an American, not a Pole.

All people, whatever their history, have been enslaved somewhere along the line. Living in a country that has been overrun hard for Americans to understand, because many Americans are removed from their heritage. Having grown up with grandparents who told their stories, and from reading history, I understand that being born in America is a gift. However, I feel that I am a Pole having been born here under very lucky circumstances.

As individuals, as higher thinking beings, we need to look at and understand that most people don't want conflict. It's those of us who seek power for power's sake who throw so many of us into conflict.

As human beings, we need to stop this...what we need to do is get rid of the people who rise to power by intimidation, murder and terrorism.

Just some thoughts...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jun 2009 /  #278
As human beings, we need to stop this...what we need to do is get rid of the people who rise to power by intimidation, murder and terrorism.

That means that we need to wipe out entire Middle East Israel included :-)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
14 Jun 2009 /  #279
With your brain yes, with mine...
Ill convince everyone of the evil bastardards that production of nucelar bombs are twice as effective on the southpole! Then all of em will travel there, instead they will find out that my secret conspiracy troops from all kind of rascist countries shoots em until they fall under the ice and get's cold!

Btw to the topic, Poland before if Polands neighbours don't have any troubles in making it happen if not, it's just dreaming and hoping that what we have now is better for the future afterall.
OP freebird  3 | 532  
14 Jun 2009 /  #280
Then all of em will travel there, instead they will find out that my secret conspiracy troops from all kind of rascist countries shoots em until they fall under the ice and get's cold!

Take your time and say it again please so we'll all know what you're trying to express.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 Jun 2009 /  #281
Well America is pretty high up there next to China and Iran, personally i'm torn between Iran which while a backwards shitehole doenst invade anyone or Israel who made a country on other peoples land and US which invades oil rich countries on ********* reason, still dont know which is worse.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Jun 2009 /  #282
we get beautiful wheat harvest out of your cavalry with pigeon wings and artillerated asses.

Actually, Ukrainian soil is quite rich. Much of this is due to the enormous amount of super methane that is expelled by certain Ukies. This super manure settles and nourishes the soil.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
14 Jun 2009 /  #283
US which invades oil rich countries on ********* reason,

We don't invade oil rich countries on a whim. The only one we invaded was Iraq. Afghanistan doesn't have much oil, if any. They have opium poppies.
OP freebird  3 | 532  
15 Jun 2009 /  #284
still dont know which is worse.

ask thousands or maybe even millions of Poles immigrating every year to another countries. I consider those actually as good people who realize what or who they're running from. I could imagine, one of the reasons at least for some people is having to deal with some smart mouth post communists like you sokrates. For most Poles people like you must be a disgrace for Poland. You stand for what many Poles were hoping to be a wiped out dark age in a Polish history but seeing that nothing has really changed, they prefer to look for a real freedom somewhere else.
Ironside  50 | 13060  
15 Jun 2009 /  #285
What a heck are you talking about?
Anybody understand that mambo-jumbo?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Jun 2009 /  #286
ask thousands or maybe even millions of Poles immigrating every year to another countries.

Milions of Poles! You do realise you humiliate yourself with every such post? :)))
Ironside  50 | 13060  
15 Jun 2009 /  #287
Remove my name from the quote Sokrates as I didn't say it ....please
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Jun 2009 /  #288
ask thousands or maybe even millions of Poles immigrating every year to another countries.

Milions of Poles! You do realise you humiliate yourself with every such post? :)))

Sorry IS that was totally my mistake.
OP freebird  3 | 532  
15 Jun 2009 /  #289
What a heck are you talking about?

you see, you've spent so much money for language schools in Poland and you still haven't learned anything, too bad. Something's telling me that actually it's your limited ability to learn and not the schools fault.

You do realise you humiliate yourself with every such post? :)))

why, because I'm saying what for many people on this forum is already obvious or it should be at least? lol.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Jun 2009 /  #290
you see, you've spent so much money for language schools in Poland and you still haven't learned anything,

No the problem is that you keep spouting increasingly offensive gibberish when people ridicule your uneducated views on virtually every matter you touch.

or it should be at least?

Why? Because its your opinion? Just because you keep producing nonsence doesnt mean people have to humor you, if you act like an idiot be prepared to being treated as one.

Ps. Poland is a country of 38 something milion people so your statement about "millions leaving" is well... stupid?

Of course there's actually pros to people leaving Poland, decreased unemployement, increased flow of cash sent back to Poland and many of them will eventually return but you're happily unaware of anything remotely connected to actuall facts :)))
Ironside  50 | 13060  
15 Jun 2009 /  #291
you see, you've spent so much money for language schools in Poland and you still haven't learned anything, too bad. Something's telling me that actually it's your limited ability to learn and not the schools fault.

you make me laugh )))))))
OP freebird  3 | 532  
15 Jun 2009 /  #292

you wish your "gibberish" was as good as mine
Like I told you, you're a joke "sokrates the great" "sokrates the wise"

if you act like an idiot be prepared to being treated as one.

exactly, this is what I'm saying, you wise sokrates. Quit acting like an idiot sokrates and I might change my opinion about you.

you make me laugh )))))))

well, something positive about our conversation, you don't understand me (and not only me) most of times but it makes you happy. Everyone deserves to be happy at least sometimes. You guys (sokrates obviously too) keep me loughing all the time and I'm seriously grateful for that :-)
Ironside  50 | 13060  
15 Jun 2009 /  #293
you wish your "gibberish" was as good as mine


well, something positive about our conversation, you don't understand me (and not only me) most of times but it makes you happy. Everyone deserves to be happy at least sometimes. You guys (sokrates obviously too) keep me loughing all the time and I'm seriously grateful for that :-)

I didn't understand you until now (only you)!!!
Your welcome, keep laughing all the time and don't forget your medications!
Happy hours ))))
OP freebird  3 | 532  
15 Jun 2009 /  #294

are you saying you disagreeing with something obvious? lol

keep laughing all the time and don't forget your medications!

does it mean that loughing at you guys can make me sick? OK, it does hurt my belly from time to time, lol.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Jun 2009 /  #295
are you saying you disagreeing with something obvious? lol

Nothing you wrote is obvious, they're just your uninformed opinions.
OP freebird  3 | 532  
15 Jun 2009 /  #296
Nothing you wrote is obvious

I told you before my "wise sokrates", I don't expect anything what I said, say or will say to be obvious to anyone of you guys. How could I dare to expect it from sokrates the wise and ironside the brave? lol
Ironside  50 | 13060  
15 Jun 2009 /  #297
does it mean that loughing at you guys can make me sick? OK, it does hurt my belly from time to time, lol.

You know exactly what it mean kiddo,but it was to test you))))))

I told you before my "wise sokrates", I don't expect anything what I said, say or will say to be obvious to anyone of you guys. How could I dare to expect it from sokrates the wise and ironside the brave? lol

stop this nonsense ***bird , you have no clue about many things, you don't know how to debate, and you don't have skills required to present your arguments properly in your (I presume) first language)))))))))0

And what make matters worse you lecture others how stupid they are when you have no arguments!
I understand you now, you either retard or a kid(I think later) and I'm only telling you all this because there is chance you will learn something.

If you think that others on this forum are supporting you .......))))))))))))
There no more from me!
OP freebird  3 | 532  
15 Jun 2009 /  #298
And what make matters worse you lecture others how stupid they are

actually only you and the wiseman

(I think later)

please don't, waste of time

There no more from me!

yes it will be because you're just a little "brave ironside" who can't change his attitude. Ironside the fighter, lol.
It won't take long and your smart brother sokrates will join you in this hopeless for you both fight so carry on you brothers in arms.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Jun 2009 /  #299
ask thousands or maybe even millions of Poles immigrating every year to another countries. I consider those actually as good people who realize what or who they're running from. I could imagine, one of the reasons at least for some people is having to deal with some smart mouth post communists like you sokrates. For most Poles people like you must be a disgrace for Poland. You stand for what many Poles were hoping to be a wiped out dark age in a Polish history but seeing that nothing has really changed, they prefer to look for a real freedom somewhere else.

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Joined: Jun 8, 07

so true. I did that myself:). Well, there were of course other reasons but the particular attitude of some of Polish people which is presented by some of the posters here is no joke. Running is the best option for some, since there is no room for any kind of dialog with some people.

however, sokrates and the likes are the minority I believe. entertaining at first, boring later and annoying at the end.
Przemas  1 | 101  
15 Jun 2009 /  #300
No land in the West can replace such culturally significant Polish cities as Lwów and Wilno.

It really is hard to comprehend the barbarity of the “Ukraine’s” when one looks east, such savagery.

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Poland before WWII or Poland now what would you choose?Archived