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Poland war propaganda poster - can anyone explain this picture?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
3 Feb 2009 /  #271
Well...you and other like to point at this history whenever it suits them though...for example in political discussions...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
3 Feb 2009 /  #272
And you expect honesty and sincerety in political discussions ?:)
RobL12  - | 1  
22 Sep 2009 /  #274
Just saw this today, but this is a picture of a Polish Soldier who is asking Neville Chamberlain "How could this Happen"? Britain turning their backs on the Poles at the negotiation tables prior to the outbreak of WWII, where basically Chamberlain did not take the Germans and Russians seriously enough while they plotted to invade Poland and partition it. It is the dreaded "How could you have allowed this England or Look at your failure to stop agression England!" Great cartoon to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the start of WWII, and remind us of Obama's follie with the missle bases and radar stations in Poland and the Czech Republic. History does repeat itself if we allow it.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
22 Sep 2009 /  #275

Didn't read the whole thread, but it's a Nazi poster from 1939 to create an anti-English mood in Poland. Anti-English propaganda, so to say.

M-G (came across this poster several times)
Crow  155 | 9736  
22 Sep 2009 /  #276
I came across this in my local museum.
It is war propaganda.
Could anyone tell me about it?

it says [Germany, your work!]
but actualy, it sound preety humiliating

seams that Poljak complain to German agressor- `Look what have you done to me!`

Its bater to say them- `Germany, prepare to be seriously f**** for what you done!`
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
22 Sep 2009 /  #277

No, it says: "England, this is your work!"

Crow, this is a German poster intended to undermine the trust the Poles had in England.

M-G (tsk)

PS: the man to whom the Polish soldier is complaining is Chamberlain. The idea is that Poland is destroyed and the Polish soldier is pointing Chamberlain at this, hence reminding him of the British promise to help the Poles. But Chamberlain is not listening, turns his head away and according to this poster, is responsible for the mess Poland is in.

M-G (this is how I learned it at Uni)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
22 Sep 2009 /  #278
I came across this in my local museum.
It is war propaganda.
Could anyone tell me about it?

this is actually a piece of German propaganda - they did is in Polish often aiming at Polish moods
Crow  155 | 9736  
22 Sep 2009 /  #279
eh. True?

then, this first time that Germans were honest and right in their correspondence with Poles. Its their Serbian blood in them speaking
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
22 Sep 2009 /  #280
then, this first time that Germans were honest and right in their correspondence with Poles.

It wasn't that noble as the intention was to demoralize the Poles, who until a few days into the attack on Poland still believed that the English and French would come to the rescue. But indeed, sometimes honesty is the best propaganda, especially if you want to break someone.

Its their Serbian blood in them speaking

Oh, will you stop it, pls?

M-G (nah)
Crow  155 | 9736  
22 Sep 2009 /  #281
Oh, will you stop it, pls?

M-G (nah)

plase, ignore my posts. Truth is too cruel for you

who until a few days into the attack on Poland still believed that the English and French would come to the rescue

believe me, its maybe better that France and England didn`t come

last time when Serbians expected help from their traditional allays France and England, their soldiers arrived side by side with Arab mujaheedines killing Serbian civilians without mercy
Mucha  2 | 32  
22 Sep 2009 /  #282
This poster was intended to demoralize the Poles. It's propaganda, like the most effective kind, contains an amount of truth however exaggerated and intended to play on emotion.

It essentially blames the English ("Anglio") for the destruction that was being rained down on them.
What it means: "England" (not sure why not "UK) betrayed the alliance between the two countries thereby causing Poland's situation. Not too complicated.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
22 Sep 2009 /  #283

Have you read my posts?

plase, ignore my posts. Truth is too cruel for you

The truth that Germans are in fact partly Serbian? Now, that really hurts :)

last time when Serbians expected help from their traditional allays France and England, their soldiers arrived side by side with Arab mujaheedines killing Serbian civilians without mercy

When exactly did this happen? As far as I know the traditional allies of Serbia were Russia and to a lesser extent France, which was mainly bound to Serbia by the pact they had signed with Russia, but did not have that much interest in troublemaker Serbia. I want facts and dates when the British and the French attacked Serbia with the Arab Mujahedins at their side. Thanks :)

M-G (nearly time to go home)
Mucha  2 | 32  
22 Sep 2009 /  #284
MareGaea - I had not, my apologies. But now that I have, I see that I should just have simply posted "ditto" to yours :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
22 Sep 2009 /  #285

For a pint I will forget it :)))

M-G (ehm, it's Tuesday? Nope, no pints on Tuesday)
Crow  155 | 9736  
22 Sep 2009 /  #286
you would like to get info?

poor you if you depend on infos from me. Think about it. Think about totalitar regimes that controls BBC and CNN
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
22 Sep 2009 /  #287
poor you if you depend on infos from me

I don't. I am just curious about your interpretation of things. Because I never heard that Britain was a traditional ally of Serbia. Britain didn't care and France was only in it because she was liaised to Russia. And Russia? From a Serbian view: with friends like that, who needs enemies?

And around the time of the Field of Blackbirds, politics were not global yet. And during the 3rd Balkan War? Well, that was really only Serbia herself. Kossovo? Hm, can't remember there were any Arab mujahedin involved there.

M-G (I wanted facts from you to accompany your statements)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
23 Sep 2009 /  #288
British have confiscated (stolen) our national gold reserves (transported to UK throught Romania in 1939).

Bull sh it...Transported to Canada along with the UKs Gold reserve. Your official government in Excile then decided to spend it all on fighting the war,just as our government had to do with our gold reserve...
sjam  2 | 541  
23 Sep 2009 /  #289
British have confiscated (stolen) our national gold reserves

Bull sh it...

Accurate description ;-)

It was actually the French that tried to steal the Polish gold reserves. A court case was required to get it back!

Potted history of Polish state gold reserves:

Polish gold was saved in 1939 taken to Romania then it was "lost" within French gold reserves in 1940. Federal court case against the French in NY in 1942-43 to recover part of the gold which the French evacuated to North Africa and denied knowing anything about it. Recovered in 1943. Some of the Polish gold was in West Africa at one time according to National Archives records in London. I have the file references somewhere. Finally ended up in Canada. Part of the Polish gold reserves repatriated to Poland after WWII, part to repay British war loans to Polish government-in-exile and part to maintain Polish "Free" Forces post-war.

I am sure I read recently that Anders sent some Polish gold to be looked after by Franco in Spain, early post-war when Anders wanted to set up a anti-communist Polish military accord with Franco's Spain.
23 Sep 2009 /  #290
It was actually the French that tried to steal the Polish gold reserves. A court case was required to get it back!

For god's sake man, stop posting these accursed facts! Everybody knows that it was really Britain that stole the Polish gold reserves! They sent it to Moscow as part of the deal under which Poland was sold to the Soviets. Sikorski found out about that and that's why the British offed him. JF Kennedy found out about it all and was going to go public so the British murdered him too. And that tsunami on Boxing day a few years back, that was caused by a flight of British military planes which were secretly moving the Polish gold reserves to a top secret base all crashing into the Indian ocean at the same time. Everything is the fault of the British!
sjam  2 | 541  
23 Sep 2009 /  #291
it was really Britain that stole the Polish gold reserves!

According to some here on PF the Polish state did not exist after some point in September 1939 so the gold could not have claimed by a non-existent entity. Britain should have kept hold of the former Polish state gold reserves—it would certainly have helped pay back British war loans to USA :-)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
23 Sep 2009 /  #292
"England" (not sure why not "[b]UK) [/b]betrayed the alliance between the two countries thereby causing Poland's situation. Not too complicated.

Becaouse many in the world still look at UK as England. The capitol is London somehow and the monarchy is what?

Many people in the world including me (also a friend of my who is of Scottish descendence) look at all U's GB's as England! Britts = Englishmen

Yes it may be wrong but Lithuanians looked Rzeczpospolita obojga narodow as Polish one!

Gets you to think he?

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Poland war propaganda poster - can anyone explain this picture?Archived