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Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
22 May 2009 /  #121
It seams that Czech and Russian pressure made impact on German internal policy.

Yeah...that must be it!
You should ask them for help with your Kosovo problem sometimes!

that policy is anti-Slavic to the maximum

Yeah...that's why a half Pole/Sorb is made prime minister of one of the biggest and most important Bundesländer! That must be the reason for sorbian language schools, sorbian newspapers, sorbian kindergartens, sorbian radio stations, even a sorbian TV station, Sorbian University studies etc...

My what an opression![

i personaly think of Germany as of terrorist country

I personally think you are a nutter...(no offence of course)

PS: What about the German minority in Serbia? How are they doing? High profile ethnic Germans somewhere? What about german language schools?
rock  - | 428  
22 May 2009 /  #122
i personaly think of Germany as of terrorist country

Germany armed Kurdish terorists in Turkey as well.
22 May 2009 /  #123
i personaly think of Germany as of terrorist country

Yes, what they need to do is invade most of the countries near them, then murder and rape as many civilians as possible before running away at the first sight of an equal opponent. That's how Serbia does it!
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
22 May 2009 /  #124
more you spread anti-Serbian propaganda, more people here would be realy interested to found out who were/are Serbian opponents on Balkan and what was real reson for attack on Serbians

Brito-German-Franch schemes in coordination with Islamic league orcestrated dissolution of Yugoslavia and attack on Serbians. Attack on Serbs, as always, announced move against complete Slavic world.

but hey, listen Harry, you can`t simple come among Poles and spit on Serbs. You are Brit Harry. You don`t want to commit virtual suicide on this forum, isn`t it?

Among Poles, Serbians are known as decent people, while Brits has reputation of notorious liars and global scheme players.

just wait Harrymane that Serbians spread the word about British-muja cooperation on Balkan,... that Britain once more double crossed Poland involving Poles in creation of Greater Albania and Bosnian Caliphate.

On the end Harrymane, your problem is that you don`t understand how functioning Slavic world. For thousends of years Serbs eat sh** for other Slavs, speaks what other Slavs hesitate to say, innitiate rebbelions against slave hunters, doing dirty jobs.... and then, suddenly, our foes found out that Serbs are just first line. Regularly, let me underline that Harry, regularely, Poles and Russians come and screw our (their) enemies on the end in decisive moment. Its because, for Slavija Serbians stand and other Slavs knows that.

What i want to tell you Harry,... Serbians are little bear. There are bigger bears in the game. You Brits don`t have chance. Slavija shall prevail!
southern  73 | 7059  
22 May 2009 /  #125
and rape as many civilians as possible

Albanian women would prey to get raped by Serbs(but Serbs are not known for doing favours).
22 May 2009 /  #126
what was real reson for attack on Serbians

Everybody knows what the real reason was: the Serbian habit of invading neighbouring countries.

Slavija shall prevail!

Have you heard of something called the real world?
southern  73 | 7059  
22 May 2009 /  #127
the Serbian habit of invading neighbouring countries.

Kosovo was neighbouring country?Or Serbo-Bosniaks attempted to invade Bosnia?
Let's not talk about the official status of Yugoslavia when the war began to see who were the attackers.
22 May 2009 /  #128
Kosovo was neighbouring country?

:-) It is now! :-)
southern  73 | 7059  
22 May 2009 /  #129
You are contradicting yourself.First you say:''Serbs attack foreign countries'' and then you write ''Kosovo is now foreign country.''
Yes man,Kosovo maybe now foreign country by some recognitions but when the Serbs ''attacked'',it was not so foreign according to your words.So what about the '''serbian habit?''
rock  - | 428  
22 May 2009 /  #130
Kosovo is an independent country populated with Albanians.
No risk in her position. Only a III World War may effect the current situation.

For Bosnia-Hercegovina, I think she is not stable and the map will change in 20 years.
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
22 May 2009 /  #131
half Pole/Sorb is made prime minister of one of the biggest and most important Bundesländer!

olala olala... just look at him [reffering on Bratwurst Buoy], how is he proud... `most important Bundesländer`... `most important Bundesländer` . Cccccc. Bah

`prime minister` ... of `most important Bundesländer`. Privileges of one politician should convince us that Germany is democratic? Are you joking? i thought that you are more serious man

in any case that reminded me...

Let me introduce you one other Lusatian Serb. He was commander of Serbian army (of Balkan Serbs) in WWI. He didn`t serve to `Bundesländer`.



Pavle Jurišić Šturm - one of gretest commanders of WWI and for sure one of most succesfull commanders in history of Balkan Serbs originates from Lusatia. On the path of his great father, his son sacraficed his honorable and noble life, during WWII, for salvation of Serbian chetnik (resistance movement) leader Draža Mihajlović. Truly fascinating emotional story...

Pavle Jurisic Sturm

Pavle Jurišić Šturm

Šturm was one of the most important commanders in the Serbian army in the World War I, especially during the first two years of the war, the time when his 3rd army was main support either for the 2nd army during the battle of Cer, or for the 1st army during the battle of Kolubara.

The Germans took Šturm's son to the Gestapo and interrogated him. When he told them that he was the son of Pavle Jurišić, they wanted to release him, because of his father's origin in Germany. But, he took this as an insult and stood up and yelled:" If I even had German blood in me, that German blood had leaked out of me on Salonika front! I am Serb!" A couple hours later, he stood in front of the firing squad, yelling the famous Chetnik salute: "Long live the King! Long live Motherland Serbia!"

You should ask them for help with your Kosovo problem sometimes!

Kosovo problem?

don`t you worry. Albania is now member of Islamic league and NATO. Kosovo is member of Islamic league, already. By anology Greater Albania is obviously planed to be in Islamic and NATO shared sphere of influence (old Turko-so called `west` game when deal with Slavs in the region).

Albania/Greater Albania (with it Kosovo, too) are now officiely Russian problem. Its officiely, man.
rock  - | 428  
23 May 2009 /  #132
Greater Albania ?
We can call it a ''little bit greater Albania''. That's all.
daffy  22 | 1153  
23 May 2009 /  #133
Ive got to give crow credit for persistence 14/02/07 - 23/05/09

Re subject title, my own two cents are that Germany and Poland are both in the European Union and it is time better spent moving forward than backwards.

That dividing land while we are moving towards greater unification of the european peoples does not serve the peoples.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 May 2009 /  #134
LOL, that was funny. Crow is certainly spreading the message. Over 2 years of concerted effort. I don't think he'll be going for a job in NATO any time soon ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
23 May 2009 /  #135
Ive got to give crow credit for persistence 14/02/07 - 23/05/09

well, what to tell you. Among else, Serbian Kosovo is under occupation. What would you daffy if mujaheediens and NATO occupay part of Poland (for example)? would you seek to explain and ask for words of solidarity/support among kin ethoses?


my own two cents are that Germany and Poland are both in the European Union and it is time better spent moving forward than backwards.

you know how it sound to me?

in other words... Is there alternative for Poland then EU? or to say... if Poland choose some other alternative, choosing to go out from EU, Poland may face destine of Yugoslavia or Serbia?

my own two cents are that EU won`t manage to Islamized and assimilate Poland. Poles would rebbel against EU dictate and false multiculturalism. EU going down in Poland if it up to Poles. And, its up to Poles.

That dividing land while we are moving towards greater unification of the european peoples does not serve the peoples.

you believe in Borg assimilator?
daffy  22 | 1153  
23 May 2009 /  #136
EU going down in Poland if it up to Poles. And, its up to Poles.

Yea, so far so good - you've got the EU just where you want them.
Yea, ask for membership, accept membership, be among the best perform and participating EU countries, Join many EU intiatives from energy to defense.
Yes, True Poles dont want the EU. The other 37 million are just people who speak Polish...have polish passports...coincidently live in poland...all there lives...but are not true poles...

Crow :) I am amazed you see evil. Lighten up is my opinion :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
23 May 2009 /  #137
Germany armed Kurdish terorists in Turkey as well.

Well...you better prepare to give some land to the Kurds when you want to enter the EU! heh:)

Let me introduce you one other Lusatian Serb. He was commander of Serbian army (of Balkan Serbs) in WWI.

Really...so recent! Whoa! Now you got me...I take it he is still alive and kicking??? :):):)

Kosovo problem?

don`t you worry

Oh I don't! Why should I?

Its officiely, man.

Really! *waits shaking for something to happen*
rock  - | 428  
23 May 2009 /  #138
Well...you better prepare to give some land to the Kurds when you want to enter the EU! heh:)

So you think, Turks can enter EU but Kurds can't.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
24 May 2009 /  #139
Re subject title, my own two cents are that Germany and Poland are both in the European Union and it is time better spent moving forward than backwards.


But I think your comment should be put on Billboards and in public advertising. Maybe if everyone sees it and hears it enough times, the message might sink in!

And welcome back Pan Daffy! You have been gone too long! :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 May 2009 /  #140
I second that. Let me make one very simple point. Rights can be enforced by competent courts. Tell me a land court which wouldn't be forum non conveniens here.

There were 14 long years to do something after WWII before the EEC was entered into. Poland didn't join for a long time after.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
24 May 2009 /  #141
So you think, Turks can enter EU but Kurds can't.

Jesus Christ almighty yet crucified like a total wuss savior of humanity, keep Turkey the HELL away from EU!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
24 May 2009 /  #142
So you think, Turks can enter EU but Kurds can't.

They are the main reason that you are being held back - wouldn't you agree?

Turkey have come a long way but in some respects are still behind the times..In that Turkish people, it would seem to those that left their home land are still living by the traditional and somewhat outdated rules that are inbedded in Turkish society and they fail to adapt to life in modern Europe where they have settled.. and this is a problem in Europe..Hence the reason there are so many negative attitutes...We all know that Turkes per se are fine, but they have a lot of baggage that comes with them.

Kurds are a massive problem in Turkey which we don't need in Europe and as long as you have this problem, you will, hopefully be rejected entry to the EU.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 May 2009 /  #143
I usually go for a balanced perspective, Rock, but this time I have to agree. 70% of Serbians want to join the EU and Croatia will join soon, more than likely. If Turkey join, Europe will fragment and complicate the voting procedures. Some old wounds just haven't healed.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
24 May 2009 /  #144
What propaganda? Pro-polish propaganda? :)

instilling fears (and outrage) in German nation that their neighbours dream of wiping it out man

are you that blind???

I have seen many times how easy is to cause outrage in Germans (at least some including many educated) - internet forums show that no so many Germans hold balanced views

and appear to be that civilized they would like to be perceived

well I should mention Polish idiots for the balance as well - balanced views are not promoted that much in Poland at all
shopgirl  6 | 928  
24 May 2009 /  #145
internet forums show that no so many Germans hold balanced views

Internet forums show that any nationality of poster can have unbalanced views.

Do you really believe that Germans were afraid of being attacked by Poland?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
24 May 2009 /  #146
you think quite superficial shopgirl - the human psyche has bigger depths than you think and they do not allways follow apparent logic - many parts act mechanically
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 May 2009 /  #147
Well, what she said was correct. It really depends on the issue and not the nationality sometimes.
daffy  22 | 1153  
24 May 2009 /  #148
And welcome back Pan Daffy! You have been gone too long! :)

Thanks SG :) nice to see you too.

Yes, The EU idea is one that would see greater cooperation than what crow is suggesting by placing high walls, barriers between peoples. Its counterproductive.

Germany & Poland are Member states of the EU with free movement of peoples between each state. What Crow suggests is antiquated, and re-opening old wounds.

The lessons of WW2 took a long time to learn. Who then could have seen the level of cooperation and friendship today? More please!
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
24 May 2009 /  #149
people, you didn`t convince me.

i don`t trust to Germany, not only because of that what Germany doing in the region where it allay itself with Arabic mujaheedines (on Balkan), nor i judge to Germany because of its crimes against Slavs in past. i simple can`t see change in German way of thinking, only continuity in German hate on Slavs. Complete modern day German society still value assimilation (Germanization) of Slavs as something normal and natural...

Poles, you trust to Germans and /or to Germanics in general?

this is what happening even in modern time. Its same as in time of slavery...

Two Polish parents denied visitation rights to children in Germany for speaking Polish

Danuta Filipowicz | 22nd July 2007

Foreign parents living in Germany, who lost their children to the child welfare agency, were denied visitation rights for speaking to their children in a language other than German. They have taken the issue to the European Parliament. Among the parents were ethnic Poles.

The two Poles involved in the petition are Beata Pokrzeptowicz-Meyer and Miroslaw Kraszewski.
When the two refused to obey a court order forbidding them to speak Polish to their children during visitations, the Jugendamt revoked their visiting rights.... wszystko ?

I personally think you are a nutter...(no offence of course)

i stand on position that Germany represent real example of terrorist state

and if i`m nutter for you, i can only say that you are knutter :)

having in mind complete situation, i would underline again- This Europe need strong Poland, streached on all Slavic territories on Slavic west that are currently under German occupational control. Retreat of terrorist German state and expansion of Poland is something that would: strenghten western culture, awake hope in numerous historicaly humiliated Slavs, give wings to Christianity, confirm that justice and good must prevail over evil.

Glory to Poland that is ready to accept its responsibilities!
McCoy  27 | 1268  
24 May 2009 /  #150
Poles, you trust to Germans and /or to Germanics in general?

hell no

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