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Territories of eastern Germany should rightfully belong to Poland?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 May 2009 /  #91
You guys are not a big bad wolf anymore.

Did I said that? What's your problem?
It's YOU posting pics without a Germany, not the other way around.
You know...you don't have to hate Germans anymore...we are all now best friends in the EU without any borders...:)
Piorun  - | 655  
9 May 2009 /  #92
You know...you don't have to hate Germans anymore

I don't, I just don't trust you. This map was publish in one of the German magazines last year I see the propaganda is wall and alive in Germany.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 May 2009 /  #93
I don't, I just don't trust you.

Why? We aren't the "big bad wolf" anymore....you said so yourself.
Abit shizophrenic maybe?
You cannot hate/distrust a people and downtalk it on the other side...nobody is going to believe you!

This map was publish in one of the German magazines last year I see the propaganda is wall and alive in Germany.

What propaganda? Pro-polish propaganda? :)
9 May 2009 /  #94
You guys are not a big bad wolf anymore.

They might not be a big bad wolf but they can still bite, so it's
more sensible to make peace with them (for mutual benefit).

we are all now best friends in the EU

Well, let's not go too far now, BB.

1. My grandfather used to say that good German is a dead German.
2. My father said that he doesn't mind Germans as long as they stay
in Germany.
3. I say that Poland and Germany should co-operate for mutual benefit.

So there's a steady progress. Maybe my son or a grandson will want
to be a friend of Germany - but that's for the future generations.
It's too soon for that now.
Piorun  - | 655  
9 May 2009 /  #95
Really? If all was as friendly as you portray to be we would all be on the same page when it come to politics and interest of both of our countries, we are not are we?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 May 2009 /  #96
Well...we ARE NOT merged, so our countries have different preferences, that's quite normal, isn't it...
Piorun  - | 655  
9 May 2009 /  #97
Normal? I see, you still think I'm schizophrenic after what you have just said. But then again you see the map as Pro Polish propaganda as I see it as telling every German that the greatest threat to Germany is just east of the border. You sure have a funny way of looking at things.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 May 2009 /  #98
Was I wrong in seeing you posting that map wishing Poland gulping down Germany???
Why did you post it then? What is the "right" way to see this?
Piorun  - | 655  
9 May 2009 /  #99
To be honest I wanted to see your reaction and what you thought of this

wishing Poland gulping down Germany???

exactly the reaction it supposed to have. Germany still knows how to do a decent propaganda.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
9 May 2009 /  #100
To be honest I wanted to see your reaction and what you thought of this

Help me to understand...what else thoughts should that provoke?
osiol  55 | 3921  
9 May 2009 /  #101
Odd to see that Austria and Liechtenstein were left intact.
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
13 May 2009 /  #102
Sure, just like this

i have a little bit different maps
so, what you say? ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2009 /  #103
Maps don't tell the true story, perhaps they should ;)
Salomon  2 | 436  
13 May 2009 /  #104
After 3rd war LOL I'd prefere to see Lwów and Wilno in Poland ;-)
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
14 May 2009 /  #105
are you satisfied? ;)

  • Sarmatian Poland
Piorun  - | 655  
15 May 2009 /  #106
so, what you say? ;)

Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make Western Russia a Lusatia and it's All Good.
asiag21  - | 2  
15 May 2009 /  #107
This issue will never be solved!!!

You have to understand that if Germany (by chance) gives back land to Poland, there will be HUGE problems across the globe.

Palestinians will want land back from Israel (its rightfully theirs) ;)
The native aboriginals in Canada and the USA
Parts of Russia will be divided
Ireland, Scotland and United Kingdom

This is one of the main causes of WW3
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
21 May 2009 /  #108
Germany begin to crumble?


Article by Lusatian authors:Cultural Genocide of Sorbs in Germany

The Union of Lusatian Sorbs "Domowina" is asking for international
, submitting appeals to the UN Human Rights Commission, Amnesty
International etc. In Lusatia there are daily protests held on the
grounds of the Sorbian Highschool in Chroscicy/Crostwitz.

As of today, Czech parliamentarians publicly critisized the closure of
the school as well as openly questioned the German Government's true
intentions towards the Sorbian people.

Sixty five Russian intellectuals signed a letter pf protest to the
German Government.

Czech and Russian TV crews are on location filming the Sorbian
struggle and the situation is gaining momentum through international
exposure daily.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
21 May 2009 /  #109

Bundeskanzler Gerhard SchrÆder
Willy-Brandt Str. 1
10557 Berlin
email: bundeskanzler@bundeskanzler.de

Your armies will come abit late to the rescue Crowie!
rock  - | 428  
21 May 2009 /  #110
As I emphasized before Turks in Germany can help their Lusatian brothers.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
21 May 2009 /  #111
Just give us a reason to kick you out muzzy rag head...we are just waiting!
The Sorbs belong here...you not!
rock  - | 428  
21 May 2009 /  #112
The Sorbs belong here

But they feel Germans don't belong to Lusatia.
Turks like to be with the weak side.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
21 May 2009 /  #113
You mean Turks ARE the weak side!

Even if, they won't be grateful for muzzies help...puts them in a bad light...:)
rock  - | 428  
21 May 2009 /  #114
You may not imagine how strong we are when needed.
Turkish history can help you to understand.
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
21 May 2009 /  #116
The Sorbs belong here...you not!

truth of the evening

Turks like to be with the weak side.

joke of the evening

You mean Turks ARE the weak side!

reply of evening

Your armies

what armies?

you have night-mares?

Not in Germany!

you still believe in Germany?

Why don`t you turn to your Slavic ancestry instead and save yourself while there is no too late. Hurry Bratwurste, before Eurabian Borg didn`t finalize your assimilation into `collective`!
rock  - | 428  
22 May 2009 /  #117
A German and a Serb can agree against Turks.
Like in the history. You never manage to fight one by one with us.
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
22 May 2009 /  #118
Interesting how German state worry for Kosovo Albanians that were populated durring Turkish occupation of Serbia, while ignore needs of native Slavs on its territory.

more about German discrimination of Lusatian Sorbs... alarming news about cruelty and double standards of modern day Germany- country in Europe, member of NATO and EU >>>

"DOMOWINA" Union of Lusatian Sorbs press releases:



The present battle to protect Sorbian schools for the future of Sorbian children goes on! We must not stand by helplessly but must do what we can to counteract the German GovernmentOs decision to close Sorbian schools. We must protest the wrongful path taken by this Government by continuing to support the "Witaj-project"(Sorbian language immersion program) which promotes the teaching of the Sorbian language in kindergartens and schools. Regrettably, the program operates on minimal government support, therefore this appeal is sent out to organizations and private individuals to aid in developing contacts or provide assistance to those Sorbian schools so very much in need. Interested and concerned parties may contact the Sorbian School Association...

August/September 2001 SORBIAN SCHOOL CLOSURE IN CHROSCICY (CROSTWITZ), LUSATIA - The Union of Lusatian Sorbs "Domowina" is asking for international support, submitting appeals to the UN Human Rights Commission and Amnesty International - In Lusatia there are daily protests held on the grounds of the Sorbian school in Chroscicy/Crostwitz.

Shall we conclude that German state failed to prove itself as democratic country opened for all her citizens, even to those that were occupay in violant time when German state was formed on the ground of enslaved Slavs?

Shall we conclude that UN, EU (if any??) human rights standards does not affect Germany, aren`t obliged for Germany?

If Germany can`t handle situation within its own territory, its maybe time that German leadership admit that German state over-expanded itself (expanded too much). Its maybe time that Germany give up from some territories which anyway aren`t German but Slavic? Is it something what should be in focus of International community, Human rights organizations? Are even UN peacekeeprs (in some form) necessery in Germany in order to prevent violance of German state over native Slavs?

So, many questions...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
22 May 2009 /  #119
August/September 2001


...wonder what happened in the meantime...:)
Oh...wait...didn't become a Sorb prime minister of Saxony??? What oppression!

PS: For all problems with the Sorbians please contact sorbian prime minister!
Schröder is gone now already for awhile...:):):)
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
22 May 2009 /  #120
...wonder what happened in the meantime...:)
Oh...wait...didn't become a Sorb prime minister of Saxony??? What oppression!

if it is so as you said,... Thanks good God

It seams that Czech and Russian pressure made impact on German internal policy. Good to know that somebody still could force Germany to relise pressure on native Slavs (at least for the moment)

In any case, German policy is exposed on numerous examples. That policy is anti-Slavic to the maximum and ready to coordinates even with Arabic Islamic league in order to increase pressure on Slavs

i personaly think of Germany as of terrorist country

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