If we we talking about him as a great communist leader than it would be a different talk.
Lets see Pres. Putin did not break down his hero, maybe his history books will tell he killed his own and Russian also slaved and died for his Utopia. Time Magazine reports that "New state textbooks (in Russia) hail Stalin as 'the most successful Russian leader ever'." Soviet atrocities against the Polish nation, only admitted by the Soviets in
the Gorbachev era, are once again at risk of being denied, minimized or stricken from the record.
As long as you stay slightly behind me and to my left I dont mind
LOL my rights open,Isthatu.
Russians were "Polish" citizens as welll
That's like saying my father is Ukrainian because it's now Ukraine,no, he's born of Polish reguardless, correct? After all it was Poland was he was born.