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Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland?

lesser  4 | 1311  
14 Dec 2007 /  #31
God falkster, what a Schwuchtel you are...you have not one german bone in you!

I have heard that no Germans left in Germany, only Europeans. Are you German or European, perhaps I need to verify my current knowledge?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Dec 2007 /  #32
I much prefer a nationalistic Pole to an "internationalist" with no pride in his heritage at all...

I prefere him than you ... but continue please
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Dec 2007 /  #33
I have heard that no Germans left in Germany, only Europeans. Are you German or European, perhaps I need to verify my current knowledge?

We are still there...alive and kicking! :)

I prefere him than you ... but continue please

You prefer a soft pushover to a real fight??? You can't be a Pole....
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Dec 2007 /  #34
alive and kicking! :)

Who do you kick?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Dec 2007 /  #35
You prefer a soft pushover to a real fight??? You can't be a Pole....

so start discussion ... there are some issues we pointed here or in other thread ... just start
Philips1  2 | 38  
14 Dec 2007 /  #36
During WWII the majority of Germans were either members of nazi organizations or supported nazi regime. Also, a lot of Germans voted or supported nazi party in the 30’s

I agree with most of it. Most of Germans that joined the NSDAP did it for the same reason as plenty of Polish people that joined the PZPR. They enjoyed all pf the privileges of being party members.
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Dec 2007 /  #37
They enjoyed all pf the privileges of being party members.

Good quality soap is indispensable.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Dec 2007 /  #38
Who do you kick?

Right now a wannabee German/Internationalist called falkster...man this guy riled me up!

so start discussion ... there are some issues we pointed here or in other thread ... just start

Erm...you "discussed" here quite well without me...don't let me stop you! :)

Good quality soap is indespensable.

Jews never made good soap...another myth!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Dec 2007 /  #39
Bratwurst Boy

southern  73 | 7059  
14 Dec 2007 /  #40
Jews never made good soap...another myth!

It seems Poles smelled actually better.
lesser  4 | 1311  
14 Dec 2007 /  #41
We are still there...alive and kicking! :)

I suppose this will be great experience to all of us to met you here. This is like talking with dinosaur! The last German :)
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Dec 2007 /  #42
The last German :)

After him the chaos.
Where is falkster?I suspect Bratwurst and falskter are the same person.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Dec 2007 /  #43


May I ask why do you think so?

I suppose this will be great experience to all of us to met you here.

Na ja...I'm not that new to the board here actually...just ask some of the regulars...we locked heads so that the sparks flew! :)

Where is falkster?I suspect Bratwurst and falskter are the same person.

Now you are being mean! :(

(I think his mommy put him to bed...it's after midnight here in Europe)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Dec 2007 /  #44
we locked heads so that the sparks flew! :)

I was unusually nice...
lesser  4 | 1311  
14 Dec 2007 /  #45
After him the chaos.

and later everything from the start! ;)

...In the beginning, Hesiod says, there was Chaos, vast and dark. Then appeared Gaea, the dep-breasted earth, and finally Eros, ' the love which softens hearts ', whose fructifying influence would thenceforth preside over the formation of beings an things. From Chaos were born Erebus and Night who, uniting, gave birth in their turn to Ether and Hemera, the day. On her part Gaea first bore Uranus, the sky crowned with stars, ' whom she made her equal in grandeur, so that he entirely covered her '. Then she created the high mountains and Pontus, ' the sterile sea ' with its harmonious waves..
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Dec 2007 /  #46
I was unusually nice...

...which I answered with an affectionate headlock...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Dec 2007 /  #47
Love is in the air...
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Dec 2007 /  #49
Even today lot's of Germans see many good things in the third Reich a survey found out...
One in Four actually!

what good things did the Reich have to offer?

Hey Brat

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Dec 2007 /  #50
Hey Pat *hugs*

what good things did the Reich have to offer?

Pride, less criminals, all had work, order, families were valued...actually quite upstanding, conservative things.
Many Germans yearn for that in our not-so-conservative world....
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Dec 2007 /  #51
I know I was told they created jobs.. but what type of jobs.. where and what
for is the question..
osiol  55 | 3921  
14 Dec 2007 /  #52

I keep reading about pride.
Pride in your own acheivements, or are you using other people's acheivements for your pride?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Dec 2007 /  #53
Pride, less criminals, all had work, order, families were valued...actually quite upstanding, conservative things.
Many Germans yearn for that in our not-so-conservative world....

well this is todays society,, its from all the younger generations, it happened around
the globe,, the not so conservative mindset.
the_falkster  1 | 180  
14 Dec 2007 /  #54
I was part of Nazi propaganda ... it is fact

are you joking me??
in school we learn about this story every single year. it is not up to you to try to teach me something...

If your question was, "should Nazis claim to be the victims in Poland?" my answer would be no.

thanks. finally someone makes a difference between diluted stupid and normal german people...

here a little list of some very famous and respected people who support this center too!

ah okay.
nice to meet you for the first time and good that you start right away with the name calling. that should make it easy to value your post as what they most certainly are.

opinions of a stupid minority that apparently still believes in the "herrenrasse".

right you are though... that is a very nice LITTLE list...

One in Four actually!

does that have anything to do with the fact that in most parts of the former east germany the number of unemployed people is pretty much the same? ;-)

I HAD to come back

i strongly hope that you disappear as quickly back into your cave instead of giving others the impression the majority of germans would follow stupid ideas...

When the brats appear,the falksters disappear

sorry. but i have a life too. but in some point you are right. if there would be more people like like this bratwurst person in germany i would not set foot into my country. not because i believe it is not worth it but because i would have lost all my belief in my fellow countrymen...

this idiot will help us to prove our statemnets

probably. and he does not even realise it... but then... in his opinion germans dont need to realise anything as we are superior anyway... this diluted vision makes live actually quite a bit easier... for the braindead...

I much prefer a nationalistic Pole to an "internationalist" with no pride in his heritage at all

that just shows your obvious resistance to learn of our history...
i am very proud of part of our heritage but i am not blind to not see that a lot went wroong as well...

most of the others in this thread (as in the other poland-germany thread) actually get my point even if some of them disagree (which is fair enough) or respect it in a way so that there can be an interesting discussion. mr bratwurst in contrary is just barking like a dog in almost all threads where i came across him and resisting to be part of a constructive discussion.

so i believe there is not much more to say to him as there are other (more enjoyable) ways to waste my time.
you polish guys in here... with germans like that i can fully understand where your resentments come from... sorry for that... most germans are not like that...
lesser  4 | 1311  
14 Dec 2007 /  #55
Just my three cents, NSDAP was a SOCIALIST party.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Dec 2007 /  #56
I know I was told they created jobs.. but what type of jobs.. where and what
for is the question..

Germany was a mess as Hitler took over....it was not only the Autobahn.
Every youth even had to make a year in the Reichsarbeitsdienst where he would have to work without pay where hands are needed. On farms, in the industry etc.

Work galore...whereas before Millions had no idea how to feed their families.

Sure with hindsight you could say Hitler wanted a build up for the next war but people made him for their better living accountable.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
14 Dec 2007 /  #57
are you joking me??in school we learn about this story every single year. it is not up to you to try to teach me something...

it was nazi propaganda (you should notice it)

as to BWB we catched him in small trap and now he is talking about beer and social benefits ;)
the_falkster  1 | 180  
14 Dec 2007 /  #58
suspect Bratwurst and falskter are the same person

for gods sake!!! are you trying to hurt me??
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Dec 2007 /  #59
I keep reading about pride.
Pride in your own acheivements, or are you using other people's acheivements for your pride?

Mines and others of my kind (not falksters of course...he has no kin...he is an "internationalist")
the_falkster  1 | 180  
14 Dec 2007 /  #60
less criminals

sorry... have to comment that.
less criminals within a criminal dictatorship...

OOO-KKKAAAAAY. that makes sense... only because YOU said it... :D

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