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Should Germany claim to be the victims in Poland?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
16 Jan 2008 /  #481
and for our Turk friends in Germany: Make LOVE :)))) For our Pakistan friends in UK: make LOVE :))) (and vote in elections on your people :) )

Ummm...you know where they will wander to whenever their situatuion in Germany or UK won't satisfy them anymore?

Just imagine a boom in Poland...living standards raise....the economy get's rolling....workers are needed....

Exactly! :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
16 Jan 2008 /  #482
Bratwurst Boy

You know what it was our the bigest mistake that we didn't take Hitlers proposal. Gdansk for Germans Jews for Germans Poles equal race and western Ukraine for Poland.

All in all today we hear about Polish dead camps, Polish nazists, when I read Brits opinions on this forum (pigs) ... just no comment ... and we would be on winers side :) but we had our values ... ehhhh ( yes I m Polish :P )

I have to think about it ...
matthias  3 | 429  
16 Jan 2008 /  #483
LMAO That's a good point Bratwurst. Will see how friendly you will be lukasz when your turkish and pakistani friends join you next door. Not that Im racist but who wants to go outside their Polish home and listen to arabic. See women in burqas, and god forbid put up with these stupid honor killings. Wish for the best for the for the islamic world so i don't think im racist but wouldnt want to see a large population in Poland. Small population would be k
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
17 Jan 2008 /  #484
I think it is anti Polish forum I leave this place and will never back.

if you guys didnt moan and take things so seriously quite so much then people wouldnt take the p!ss quite so readily... geez... i mean talk about easy to wind up...
matthias  3 | 429  
17 Jan 2008 /  #485
Bubbawoo shut up if you were a people that have been exploited throughout history and not the people that did the exploiting you would understand. the mentality of agressors is to blame the victim. its kind of sad
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
17 Jan 2008 /  #486
still moaning i see... why not try and develop a sense of humour instead...?

ps your mum
OP celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Jan 2008 /  #487
I leave this place and will never back

Please don't go, I look forward to hearing your thoughts. In other words, please don't leave me alone with the wolves.

Just imagine a boom in Poland...


Fourteen to seventeen million Poles are estimated to live abroad, mainly in the USA (6-10 million), Germany (about 1.5 million), Brasil (about 1 million), France (about 1 million), Canada (about 600,000), Belarus (400,000-1 million), Ukraine (300,000-500,000), Lithuania (250,00-300,000), the United Kingdom (about 150,000), Australia (130,000-180,000), Argentina (100,000-170,000), Russia (about 100,000), the Czech Republic (70,000-100,000) and Kazakhstan (60,000-100,000).

This immense number of Polish expatriates and foreigners who declare themselves to be of Polish descent (17 million, the equivalent of about 40% of Poland's current population) is a result of complex historical processes which started in the late 18th century when Poland disappeared from the map of Europe, partitioned by its three powerful neighbours, Russia, Austria, and Prussia. Poles, who never accepted the loss of their statehood, staged numerous but unsuccessful uprisings. The last great wave of emigration hit Poland after the Second World War, when the country came to be governed by Moscow-backed Communists. Despite limited contact with the free world, deliberately hindered by the authorities through measures like restrictions on the issue of passports, between 1956 and 1980 about 800,000 people emigrated from Poland to the USA and West European countries, some for political reasons, as opponents of the Communist regime; others simply in search of a better life. In the 1980s alone, some 270,000 Poles left the country.

We are in Poland in our hearts.
matthias  3 | 429  
17 Jan 2008 /  #488
I have a sense of humor. But if your so clever tell me a good joke about the holocost or the london bombings. maybe i can have a good laugh.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
17 Jan 2008 /  #489
well mate, there was these 2 women walking down the edgware road in their hijabs... one turns to the other and asks 'does my bomb look big in this...?' but whatever, you see londoners are used to this sort of thing... the bombings are like london buses.... you wait ages for one to arrive, then four come along at once...

anyway, a londoner got on a bus... boom boom...
matthias  3 | 429  
17 Jan 2008 /  #490
those weren't that good. obviously you are no comedian so stop with the humour and leave it to somebody that's actually funny
OP celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Jan 2008 /  #491
tell me a good joke about the holocost or the london bombings

There is nothing funny about this.
matthias  3 | 429  
17 Jan 2008 /  #492
celinksi read all the posts so you can see I was being sarcastic. the posts between me and bubbawoo. unless your joking
OP celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Jan 2008 /  #493
so you can see I was being sarcastic

I know, it was to the ones that can laugh I was addressing. Sorry you thought I was referring to u.
matthias  3 | 429  
17 Jan 2008 /  #494
im sorry Im retarted once in a while.

but I agree some things are just not funny and shouldn't be joked about
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
17 Jan 2008 /  #495
those weren't that good. obviously you are no comedian so stop with the humour and leave it to somebody that's actually funny

as i said mate, you need to get a sense of humour - the ability to laugh is not only the best medicine but will see you happily through life
matthias  3 | 429  
17 Jan 2008 /  #496
Bubba I can laugh when something is actually funny. If you tell me a stupid unfunny joke and I don't laugh. does that mean I have no sense of humour. No it just means the joke is stupid or the person telling the joke is stupid and in this case both. Lol see I have a sense of humour
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Jan 2008 /  #497
Sorry M' got to be with Bubba on this,those cracked me up. I dont know what its like in Poland but here in the UK if a disaster happens the first thing you hear is whats happened,the second thing you hear is a joke,often within hours they fly round the country.Nothing is sacred,all topics covered from maddie jokes to 9/11 jokes,not all funny but a few.Its a way of dealing with things,it was the same in the Blitz,you lost your home/wife/favourite carddie and slippers there would be a joke.

You should hear the humor of our Police and fire service,anything you hear on this forum is safe for granny compared to the humor of british emergency workers.

ps, lukassz baby,for the last time,Im not jewish........you odd little man.
OP celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Jan 2008 /  #498
jokes to 9/11

No to the USA. I go with matthias on this ine, do you hear jokes about your attacks.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Jan 2008 /  #499
yes,carol,every one,from IRA attacks to;

there was these 2 women walking down the edgware road in their hijabs... one turns to the other and asks 'does my bomb look big in this...?' but whatever, you see londoners are used to this sort of thing... the bombings are like london buses.... you wait ages for one to arrive, then four come along at once...

from john lennon jokes to princess di jokes, like I say,nothing is sacred from the grapevine jokes over here. I know you singled out 9/11 as well,remember carol,a few hundred british people died that day . And yes,there are holocaust jokes often told by jewish comediens aswell.

Dont any other countries apart from UK have black humor?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
17 Jan 2008 /  #500
bad things can eat you up inside, laughter is a very healthy way to deal with them... laughter is the best medicine
lesser  4 | 1311  
17 Jan 2008 /  #501
I would agree...and definitely put Poland in front of France and Canada!

France should get minus points because of Vichy! :)
matthias  3 | 429  
17 Jan 2008 /  #502
We have black humor. But their are limits and some Taboo. Out of respect for the victims or those still suffering. What's more important you having a good laugh or having a person not having to suffer from your joke. I guess in other parts of the world we don't have a shortage of jokes where we need to laugh about every single subject. If its k in Britain that's fine however your on a Polish forum so be a little more sensitive to other cultures.
OP celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Jan 2008 /  #503
laughter is the best medicine

I love that saying but never found jokes about reality of horrific inncidents funny. I admit it. Most of the Polish people that lived throught the holocaust were hurt so badly that to this day they cannot speak of the horror's. Having to watch your children , loved ones die is not funny, it is painful.
lesser  4 | 1311  
17 Jan 2008 /  #504
We have black humor. But their are limits and some Taboo. Out of respect for the victims or those still suffering.

Obviously I respect victims of the free France but Vichy was a fact and I don't see a reason to not mention it. I hate PC, true must be said.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Jan 2008 /  #505
Out of respect for the victims or those still suffering.

well,of course you wouldnt walk up to a survivor and say "heard the one about the suicide bomber?" and most of the worst ones will never apear in the media,just word of mouth or txt msgs.

So if no one finds humor in the holocaust,how come that italian fella won an Oscor?
Basic thing is,lifes funny, we are all born between *** and **** and we end our lives dribbling in nappies,if you dont find humor wherever you can what happens,whats the alternative? a bleak outlook and an early connery?
OP celinski  31 | 1258  
17 Jan 2008 /  #506
So if no one finds humor in the holocaust,how come that italian fella won an Oscor?

It all depends on the person telling the joke I guess. Like in "Deer Hunter" when they tell jokes during a tense time it was to each other while in the field, I think it was a survical tech. because if they looked to close at what was going on they would go nuts. Before they cracked they could sense their buddy ready to crack under pressure, so they had to break the mood.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Jan 2008 /  #507
I think it was a survical tech. because if they looked to close at what was going on they would go nuts. Before they cracked

Do you think this is any different to the stress londoners face after a transport attack,do you realise just how many times london has come under terrorist attacks.If you took it seriously you'd never get to work,go to the theater or even drink in a Pub,all have been bombed in london.
the_falkster  1 | 180  
17 Jan 2008 /  #508
humour is for british people a very good way of dealing with hard and difficult situations, be it personal or national ones. i never found people anywhere on the planet being so easy in laughing about themselves. ( if not they would go mad everytime they do NOT win the world cup, even if it was their time... or don't even qualify for the european cup...).

Bubba said it very good a few posts earlier...
and i am 100% with isthatu on this one. at least for the last few posts.

common sense and courtesy are also very wide spread amongst the british... so they have a very good feel with and towards who they can joke about what. and if they ever get it wrong you still can go into a fistfight and have a pint together afterwards...

easy... just as imentioned at the beginning...
matthias  3 | 429  
17 Jan 2008 /  #509
Humour I get it, everybody likes humour. Its great that britons can laugh and move on. But like you said sometimes a little common sense is required. Whatever though its not a big deal as long as theirs no holocust jokes on a Polish forum. Exception would be if its a terribly funny joke and I doubt one exists. But you can try.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
18 Jan 2008 /  #510
As falskster says, we choose and measure up how far we can go,after all,nothing would be more embaresing than a joke deeply offending or hurting someone,thats why,even though we mention there are jokes about most situations,the actual "jokes" havnt been posted apart from "our" ones.

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