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Jews...and their Polish experience

Jooma  1 | 23  
27 Dec 2007 /  #421
Why then Israel didn't learn anything from the past and treats Palestinians like Nazis treated Jews?
kaliszer  - | 99  
27 Dec 2007 /  #422
Last time I looked, i didn't see anyone shipping Arabs to concentration camps or gassing them or shooting them in pits or throwing babies out of windows. But what I did see in my lunch break in the mall were Arab families and couples sitting in the coffee shop just like me, and shopping like any Jew in the mall. The same as I see every day. So don't give any of that garbage about us treating them liike Nazis treated Jews!
Jooma  1 | 23  
27 Dec 2007 /  #423
Sorry to touch you so deeply, but I am just quoting British MP Mr. O. King who said that Israel treatment of Palestinians reminds him of Nazi crimes against European Jews.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
27 Dec 2007 /  #424
From Joe Pilsudski, demagogue & worshipper of the past:

Gaza is an open air concentration camp, with all the trappings including torture cell & cages for the men, battalions of bulldozers for the housing, bullets for the children, and

sexual abuse for the women...then, you have the 'ghetto wall' bisecting the West Bank, with armed checkpoints blocking entrance/exit to any Palestinian population center...

Gas chambers?...no, no gas chambers...but the Nazis apparently didn't use those either...but, if you live in Israel, as you imply, you probably have a better perspective, what with sharing the mall with your Arab neighbors...but do you go to Gaza or Hebron or Bethlehem much?...maybe all these reports on the internet are so much garbage, because all we hear from the mainstream press are reports of suicide bombers and the suffering of the innocent Israelis at the hands of Arab animals...so what is the truth?
Dice  15 | 452  
27 Dec 2007 /  #425
So, Joe, how is that tin-foil hat working out for you, is it OK? Not to tight around your forehead, I hope?
Krazy Kaju  2 | 35  
27 Dec 2007 /  #426
Facts You Should See

Children killed since September, 2000

Children killed since September, 2000

Israelis and Palestinians killed since September, 2000

Israelis and Palestinians killed since September, 2000

Number of Israelis and Palestinians Injured since 2000

Number of Israelis and Palestinians Injured since 2000

US Aid to Israel and Palestine

US Aid to Israel and Palestine

UN Resolutions on Israel and Palestine

UN Resolutions on Israel and Palestine

POWS, Political Prisoners, and Detainees of Israel and Palestine

POWS, Political Prisoners, and Detainees of Israel and Palestine

Homes Demolished in Israel and Palestine

Homes Demolished in Israel and Palestine

Israeli and Palestinian Unemployments

Israeli and Palestinian Unemployments

Illegal Settlements in Palestine and Israel

Illegal Settlements in Palestine and Israel

So how can you be pro-Israel?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
27 Dec 2007 /  #427
"The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation.

It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power - and duty - to bring a resolution."


thanks for the link to this site Krazy Kaju

heres another quote from the site -

"In a democracy, the ultimate responsibility for a nation's actions rests with its citizens."
kaliszer  - | 99  
28 Dec 2007 /  #428
but the Nazis apparently didn't use those either..

That you say that apparently the nazis didn't use gas chambers shows where you get your ideas from. I hope the others here notice that. The "facts" you raise are so blatantly false there's hardly any point in talking with you. But for the benefit of the others let me make clear:

1. Israel has no torture sells and cages, either in Gaza or elsewhere.
2. Israel does not target children. Ever. (Some unfortunately get killed in counterattacks after rockets are launched from residential neighborhoods. There is a war going on in an around Gaza, and it can easily be stopped by Hamas if they cared about their children.) The palestinians, on the other hand are targeting ONLY civilian targets with rockets and suicide bombers.

3. There are no rapes going on, and there never were.
4. The wall and checkpoints serve as a border between their areas and ours to keep out suicide bombers. Have any better ideas? Before the intifada there were no walls and there was free travel and employment for West Bank arabs all over israel. There was no need for one till the palestinians started bombing and roadside shootings. So we put up a security border. If putting up a border means creating a ghetto, then every country in the world is a ghetto.

I live about an hour from Gaza, out of rocket range for now. So everything here is quiet and peaceful for both Jews and Arabs. Before the wall, we had suicide bombs. Now we don't. The wall is ugly but it works.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
28 Dec 2007 /  #429
The palestinians, on the other hand are targeting ONLY civilian targets with rockets and suicide bombers.

What choice do they have?

Have they fancy equipment like the Israelis? No
Do they have tanks, radar, helicopters, jets??? No

They have mostly some old Kalashnikoffs, old rockets, self build bombs.

Don't get me wrong...frankly I don't care if you kill each other down there or not but this fight is hardly fair and if the arabs can only hurt you with suicide bombs and some Kassams because an equal and fair fight is not possible you can hardly blame them!

That's the way all terrorists/guerillas/partisans operated to all times in the view of a much larger army...the jews against the Brits too if I might remind you!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
28 Dec 2007 /  #430

you just dont get it mate, do you
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Dec 2007 /  #431
The wall is ugly but it works.

Those damned Europeans had such a functional wall and they demolished it.
Jooma  1 | 23  
28 Dec 2007 /  #432
Kalisher wrote:
Nothing is forgotten by our people. You should know that by now. Just like we don't forget what others have done to us, we don't forget what we have done.

Why should we forget murderous Jewish NKWD people who tried to exterminate Polish people.
You should apply the same measures to all murderers.
Krazy Kaju  2 | 35  
28 Dec 2007 /  #433
Why should we forget murderous Jewish NKWD people who tried to exterminate Polish people.
You should apply the same measures to all murderers.

Let's pay our tribute to all these glorious communist Jews..


kaliszer keeps on ******** about Poles... well here's a little back to you.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
29 Dec 2007 /  #434
I live about an hour from Gaza, out of rocket range for now. So everything here is quiet and peaceful for both Jews and Arabs. Before the wall, we had suicide bombs. Now we don't. The wall is ugly but it works

You talk lies and ********, but not completely...you make a good point here: 'Before the intifada there were no walls and there was free travel and employment for West Bank arabs all over israel'...good point, and also there were many Palestinians who were starting businesses on the West Bank, as many Palestinians had sent children to America to study, and they returned with an education and some business sense & deas...in fact, I read a story in an Israeli paper about a proposed casino/hotel deal in Jericho, no less, that was to be an Israeli/Arab partnership...but what happened then?...

well, you had Arafat, who was a gangster, and this was a problem...but, if you remember Barak, through Clinton, offered Arafat a plan for a Palestinian 'state' that would have been a failure from the start, as it broke up the West Bank into a 'balkanized' territory...Barak also offered no compromise on the refugee problem and

definitely no compromise on Jerusalem...well, if Arafat had accepted this he would have been killed, quickly...so then, what happens?...the piece of human waste, ben Sharon, goes up to the Al-Asqa mosque with his storm troopers and all hell breaks loose!...now, you have your Intifada...you know, I have sympathy for the Israelis, knowing their fear of

being overun by the Arab demographic bomb...but, you must remember, the Ashkenazim
who founded Israel were the gang-leaders and ruthless ones who caused so much agitation in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland & Ukraine, and these ones live by the double-cross and triple-cross...unless you dispose of this element, the Israeli future is very shaky.
kaliszer  - | 99  
30 Dec 2007 /  #435
Oy Pilsudski, Pisudski. Your namesake liked Jews more than you do. Since I'll never convince you that Israel has a right to do anything, why don't we go back to the topic of this thread, which is "Jews and their Polish Experience".
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
30 Dec 2007 /  #436
Personally I don't care about Israeli-Palestinian conflict and don't understand why the world pays so much attention to this small, local tribal conflict.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Dec 2007 /  #437
Greg has a good point again, if the solution was so clear then it would've been achieved by now. It's an intractable problem, period!! And if there ever was a solution, George has something to say about it, "We're making the right decisions to bring the solution to an end." (Washington DC, April 10, 2001). Pathetic people profiteering from other people's loss, despicable!!
cyg  5 | 119  
31 Dec 2007 /  #438
Personally I don't care about Israeli-Palestinian conflict and don't understand why the world pays so much attention to this small, local tribal conflict.

Well, it has a lot to do with the very effective pro-Israeli lobby in the US. And please notice I said pro-Israel and not Jewish. It also has a lot to do with the fact that many Christians see their spiritual roots in the region, and probably look for signs of Armageddon there. Let's not forget Israel's nuclear capability, which makes the latter a real possibility. I'm not surprised people are anxious about what happens there at all.
kaliszer  - | 99  
31 Dec 2007 /  #439
It's a fascinating story because of the Biblical connections, and the world's interest in anything having to do with Jews. But I think the world should get a life and notice other things going on. The most dangerous spot in the world today is Pakistan, where you have an unstable government unable to control a country torn apart by tribal strife and Islamic fanatics, and this failing government has atom bombs. Who is to say what tribe will have their finger on the button a month or a year from now.

But that's not the topic of this thread, is it?
isthatu  3 | 1164  
31 Dec 2007 /  #440
Who is to say what tribe will have their finger on the button a month or a year from now.

The scariest tribe of all=men who like playing soldiers,you find them in every country and every creed.
Red Sara  - | 4  
31 Dec 2007 /  #441
I'm Polish girl with Jewish origin. My mums parents were Jewish but she wasn't brought up in Jewish tradition. I'm Catholic and I love my country. XX century history is so horrible but we live in XXI and some Jewish and Polish historicians (God please not form USA) should sit together and write one book about history. Tell true about everything, about Poles helping Jews durring WWII about Jedwabne ,about pogroms, and about Jews fighting on Polish side durring up-rises , about Jews who served Stalin.


read what do Polish Jews think about Pilsudski :-) very funny that you have chosen him for your nick name :o)

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
31 Dec 2007 /  #442

this website has a problem with its security certificate which is not a big deal but this is your first post...
Red Sara  - | 4  
31 Dec 2007 /  #443
maybe I have jewish origin ;) but I'm honest girl.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
31 Dec 2007 /  #444
im glad to hear it :-)
matthias  3 | 429  
11 Jan 2008 /  #445
I personally don't have a problem with Jews except the fact that any criticism against Israel is automatically branded as anti-semitism and racist. I definitely have a problem with Israeli foreign policy. Their similar to the palatines and both sides are almost equally responsible. But to be honest the US UK and Russia are responsible for their decisions at the Yalta conference. Almost forgot Germany witch started this whole mess.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
11 Jan 2008 /  #446
A brief history of "ww2 history":

1939-45 Germans attacked Poland and killed Jews
1950 - German Nazis attacked Poland and killed Jews
1960 - Nazis attacked Poland and killed Jews
1970 - Jews were killed in Nazi occupied Poland
1980 - Jews were killed in Poland
1990 - Poles killed Jews
2000 - Poles like killing Jews
matthias  3 | 429  
11 Jan 2008 /  #447
I am so confused with any neo nazis in Poland. Don't their parents or others say anything. Its one thing to not like Jews but why have Hitler as your hero. Don't they know Hitler didn't like Poles either. Don't they know Hitler killed Poles. **** its bad enough your a extreme racist at least have the deceny to worship a racist that didn't murder poles(this is somewhat satire)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
11 Jan 2008 /  #448
am so confused with any neo nazis in Poland. Don't their parents or others say anything. Its one thing to not like Jews but why have Hitler as your hero.

One think I liked about communist Poland was the law against anything nazi. People could get a lengthy jail sentence just for a nazi salute.
matthias  3 | 429  
11 Jan 2008 /  #449
Darius Im with you on that law. Also quick reply to previous posts. The Israeli don't target inncocent people purposefully they are just caught in the way because arabs use them as human shields and on the otherhand the arabs specifically target civilians. However if Israel withdrew to their original borders the arabs would not have any excuse to attack them. Not saying they would stop but their would be no logic to it except revenge and the whole world would see the arabs are unreasonable. Then I think more countries would support Israel. However if the arabs did stop the attacks then their would be peace. its a win win for Israel. So by them not willing to withdrawel they are just as guilty as the palatines. Like to add if you would withdrawel and they still attacked I would personally join the Israeli army. If allowed.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
11 Jan 2008 /  #450
I would personally join the Israeli army. If allowed.

yes,you could join one of the many IDF units made up of Arabs......

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