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Can u teach English in Polish schools without a polish degree?

teabag 9 | 19  
7 May 2007 /  #1
Can you? Like for example primary school?
hello 22 | 890  
7 May 2007 /  #2
I think you can - as long as you have an appropriate degree from your own/accreditated in Poland country (England/Ireland etc.)
polaca 1 | 76  
7 May 2007 /  #3
It's the most common in private language schools.
For example my teacher even doesn't speak polish.
OP teabag 9 | 19  
7 May 2007 /  #4
What if you don't.Can you teach based on TESL or TEFL certificates?
7 May 2007 /  #5
Can you teach based on TESL or TEFL certificates?

yes, you need to contact schools directly for more details.
OP teabag 9 | 19  
7 May 2007 /  #6
Miranda, Can you tell me a little bit about it? Do you go directly to speak to headteacher when you are looking for a job or do you have to go to some kuratorium people? Can you land a permanent job or will it be a contract? How much are you likely to earn?
7 May 2007 /  #7
I only meant private schools, which hire people such as yourself. There are a couple of teachers on this forum: Ukinpoland, nauczyciel and somebody else. You should ask them as they are presently working in Poland.

As for public schools I think that that could be a problem, however you can always try to contact Kuratorium for sure.
It's better if you teach in private schools because you will get a better pay.
Check Dave'sESL cafe - it should have postings for Poland/forum/etc.
WHere are you now? In Poland or .....?
I believe that you need to speak Polish if you want to work in the public system.
ukinpoland 5 | 338  
7 May 2007 /  #8
Well It depends what sort of teaching job you want to do. It really is best to get hold of the schools themselves and they will tell you what qualifications they are looking for. Some will ask for a CELTA or TEFL, some will ask for a degree and some will ask for teaching experience. Some schools will also say that you dont need to have any qualifications if you can demonstrate to them that you have the ability and knowledge to teach. There is a course called Callan and most of these schools will take you without a course as long as you are well motivated and have a decent understanding of the English language. When I first arrived in Poland I couldnt speak much Polish and the idea of teaching in a Polish school without speaking the language scared and confused me but at the end of the day the school and its students want an English speaker, not Polish. It is ok as long as you are not teaching groups of small children, this can be difficult because they usually speak a lot in Polish. Teenagers can also be a pain, just learn the swear words so you know when to tell them off for cursing. Need any help just email me. Everyone is very helpfull here.
TheKruk 3 | 308  
7 May 2007 /  #9
Teabag my advice is teach at a private language school, I work with some teachers (I work at an Empik language school, private) who work in public school the pay is terrible 700 to 1000 zloty monthly they do it because the school pays their health insurance (ZUS)

If you have TEFL or TESL you can basically get a job anywhere, and make somethign on the side doing private lessons. I work a lot because I have kids and a wife to support and after I pay taxes and etc. I make between 3500 and 5000 a month, which is great for a single person, you could live like a king or queen. Alas for me I live pretty well but don't save much. Also I have private students who are fluent and pay 50 zloty an hour just to keep in practice. I have been here 2 and a half years so anything you want to know I am happy to help.
ukinpoland 5 | 338  
7 May 2007 /  #10
Empik language school, private

Is that any relation to the Empik shop? I just thought maybe they are branching out<smilie>
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
7 May 2007 /  #11
Is that any relation to the Empik shop?

ukinpoland 5 | 338  
7 May 2007 /  #12
You mean they have thier own language schools?
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
7 May 2007 /  #13
It's the same company.
7 May 2007 /  #14
Is that any relation to the Empik shop? I just thought maybe they are branching out<smilie>

yes, they have been on the Polish market for at least 10 years. It's a good company too.

I meant the school.

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