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"Our Forgotten Allies" - Polish-American relations.

Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
17 Jun 2009 /  #31
Israelis haven't done that to the US

Pollard, recent espionage charges, USS Liberty, most likely 9/11...
Sure they haven't.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
17 Jun 2009 /  #32
USS Liberty

That was in 1967 and was supposedly an error on part of the Israelis.
OP Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Jun 2009 /  #33
And what if it was not? They already spy on you.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
17 Jun 2009 /  #34
That's the dry, dreary truth:

...An acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about American pressure, we control America."

According the Israeli Hebrew radio Kol Yisrael Wednesday, Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and turn the US against us.
At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
The radio said Peres and other cabinet ministers warned Sharon against saying what he said in public, because "it would cause us a public relations disaster."

...hopefully about to change now though...
scrappleton  - | 829  
17 Jun 2009 /  #35
That's the dry, dreary truth:

Everytime I read that, my blood boils.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
17 Jun 2009 /  #36
an error on part of the Israelis

Captain Richard F. Kiepfer, Medical Corps, US Navy (retired), USS Liberty Survivor:

Never before in the history of the United States Navy has a Navy Board of Inquiry ignored the testimony of American military eyewitnesses and taken, on faith, the word of their attackers.[/quote]

Admiral Thomas H. Moorer:

But I say enough of this here on this very thread. If no-one else will, I will open a thread dedicated to Israel espionage on the Americans, something American taxpayers are even paying for.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
17 Jun 2009 /  #37
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

Well if that's the case they should all move here and abandon that desert. Then we would no longer have this issue. They wouldn't need to spy on us.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
17 Jun 2009 /  #38
Plastics answer to everything (global warming too?) !
OP Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Jun 2009 /  #39
Well if that's the case they should all move here and abandon that desert. Then we would no longer have this issue. They wouldn't need to spy on us.

Its incredible to see the level of indoctrination, Israel makes US of A and by extention all of its citizens its bytches and you seem perfectly fine with it, even though it touches you personally as a taxpayer.
SRK85  - | 72  
17 Jun 2009 /  #40
Um we are out of money to give to Poland lol. But seriously if Poland wants more aid it will come especially if the missile shield is put in Poland. And supporting Israel isn't excatly why arab terrorists hate America it has more to do with American troops being stationed in Saudi Arabia which is very sacred to the muslims.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
17 Jun 2009 /  #41
The decisive turning point in the West's long struggle against Islamic conquerors came on the afternoon of Sept. 12, 1683, during the last Turkish siege of Vienna. Severely outnumbered Polish hussars-the finest cavalry Europe ever produced-charged into the massed Ottoman ranks with lowered lances and a wild battle cry.

Blah, blah - who cares?
Do USA government want to do Poland favor? Should **** off!
And our soldiers should return home!
Or if they really are our friends, should give Poland nuclear weapon and sterilize east Germans with BB in the first place!
OP Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Jun 2009 /  #42
Um we are out of money to give to Poland lol

You're out of respect for your allies too?:)

missile shield is put in Poland.

Completely irrelevant and Poland doesnt benefit from it.

And supporting Israel isn't excatly why arab terrorists hate America

Actually yes, it is, before Israel the Arabs didnt really give a crap about you and why should they?

it has more to do with American troops being stationed in Saudi Arabia which is very sacred to the muslims.

Thats... thats probably the most outlandish claim ever.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
17 Jun 2009 /  #43
and sterilize east Germans with BB in the first place!

HEY! I protest!!!
Ironside  50 | 13046  
17 Jun 2009 /  #44
HEY! I protest!!! huh

I knew you would....
SRK85  - | 72  
18 Jun 2009 /  #45
I should of went into more details I meant once US troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia thats when Bin Laden went on to attack the west, and yes of course the support for Israel fuels terrorism too, but simply say supporting Israel caused 9/11 is an outlandish statement. But enough of that unfortunately the Israel lobby is strong and America does not see Poland as strategic for support.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
18 Jun 2009 /  #46
Philadelphia area
Speak Polish?:
a little bit
Occupation, website:
College Student

"I should of" what language is that, Mr College Student?

If you study world's events as hard as you study your own language then there's no surprise you come up with such naive statements.

Unless you're a fob, then that's sort of ok.

supporting Israel caused 9/11 is an outlandish statement

PNAC, NWO, Israelis jumping with joy, shady 'proof', 'lose change' etc.

Not supporting Israel enough (as seen by the zionazis) caused 9/11. The American troops, paid by MY TAX MONEY, went to fight Israel's wars riiiiiiiiiiiiight after that.

Funny coincidence, isn't it?

PS. Don't worry, I am a fob meself.

PPS. Can we move this to the thread I opened recently, thank you, and leave this one to Sokrates's main theme?
SRK85  - | 72  
18 Jun 2009 /  #47
Of course the PNAC and Israel were happy they knew Bush would attack Iraq after 9/11, I am just saying Al-Qaeda specifically was mad about US troops in Saudi Arabia. I have yet to see any attacks of Al-Qaeda against Israel. Of course supporting Israel is a cause for terrorism against the west, but its certainly not the number 1 reason. If supporting Israel was the number 1 reason they why haven't there been attacks against Western Nations from 1947-2000? Unless you count the operation Bojinka which I thought was more for revenge of putting US forces in the Middle East?
Crow  154 | 9561  
18 Jun 2009 /  #48
Polish-American relations

Oba Ma would attempt to assimilate as much as posssible Poles. People like him simple like it
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
18 Jun 2009 /  #49
Of course supporting Israel is a cause for terrorism against the west, but its certainly not the number 1 reason. If supporting Israel was the number 1 reason they why haven't there been attacks against Western Nations from 1947-2000?

Remember the cold war and the iron curtain.
Also the ME was split with the US and the SU calling the shots on both sides, controlling the adversaries, using them for their proxy wars.

(PLO fighters were even educated and trained in Warsaw pact member states whereas Israels army was largely founded and supported by the US)

After the soviet empire fell all broke lose and the arabs found themselves without any structure at first to control their resistance whereas the position of Israel got strenghened of course.

It was during this time native groups and organization developed, grew and fighted each other for control now that Moscow had lost interest...one of them Al Quaida.

Those groups who could show off the biggest and most spectacular attack against the old enemy would get the most support and interest from possible new members...

The rest is history....
PolishCowboy  1 | 48  
18 Jun 2009 /  #50
That was in 1967 and was supposedly an error on part of the Israelis.

A youtube documentary about the "mistaken identity incident"
SRK85  - | 72  
18 Jun 2009 /  #51
Bratwurst Boy

I know and thats part of the reason for supporting Israel. However one of the few Americans who feel being neutral would be the best thing, either support Israel and Palestine equally. Or don't support them at all. I agree but what most people also don't know is that Bin Laden offered to protect Saudi Arabia and fight Saddam Hussein once he invaded Kuwait.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
18 Jun 2009 /  #52
either support Israel and Palestine equally. Or don't support them at all.

I agree!

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / "Our Forgotten Allies" - Polish-American relations.Archived