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Is anything but Polish history taught in Polish schools?

Bartolome 2 | 1083  
16 Apr 2008 /  #31
people who know a little of a lot but not a lot of anything :)

And often they have sooo much to say, if you catch my drift :)
plk123 8 | 4129  
16 Apr 2008 /  #32
Up until University, I was taught that the English and the French that settled in Canada did so peacefully with the fur trade. There was nothing about the English coming in and infecting the Natives with syphilis or the French selling them weapons to kill other nations of Natives. We learned that the French convincingly converted the Hurons into Catholicism but we didn't learn that they were wiped out soon after.

hey, the french were way nicer then the english in dealing with the injuns. americans were terrible too. canadians were pus$ycats in comparison. you actually still have lots of indians.. not so much here and of course they got pushed out to wastelands. cherokees seems to have faired the best.
OP isthatu2 4 | 2692  
16 Apr 2008 /  #33
the french were way nicer then the english in dealing with the injuns

both used and abused them when they saw fit...there is a reason why the natives fled to the WEST of Canada from the US in the 19th century.....

And often they have sooo much to say, if you catch my drift :)

I do,and indeed,do :)
16 Apr 2008 /  #34
I don't know about Polish schooling but in my UK school we were taught about the two World Wars for most of it and that was classed as British History and also World History. There was very little else taught and I have learned more history by reading it for myself since leaving school.
Mali - | 300  
16 Apr 2008 /  #35
you actually still have lots of indians.. not so much here and of course they got pushed out to wastelands.

Our Natives are living on reserves not fit for animals. As time goes on, their land gets smaller and smaller and their water gets infected with E.Coli, Canadian police barge in with weapons etc... Not exactly a great living.

hey, the french were way nicer then the english in dealing with the injuns

They were both equally bad, IMO.
Natives were seen as 'savages' by both nations and were treated as such. It's an ugly history that Canada loves to cover up in history class.
Tran Anh 2 | 72  
16 Apr 2008 /  #36
USA got their asses kicked by China on both occasions.

Now could you feckingly enlighten me about any Chinese company (not necessary army) which actively fought in Viet Nam-American War?

Ghandi attended university in England where he recieved his law degree (not the picture of an evil represive empire that some on here would wish to paint)

Ahem, and there and in the rest of British empire his kinky brown face was welcomed with such terrific racism that so thoroughly pissed him up...(still Brits of 1890s don't count)

As to the present day,lets look at the third world,in general which countries are the ones doing the best? Yes,it has to be stated,those that were former colonies or in fact members of the present commenwealth. India is the power hous of central asia is it not,this can clearly be laid at the door of the infrastructure left behind when Britain pulled out in 1947,it is or has been untill recently the same for the African nations.

Typical irony, is it not? Certainly alongside India with its thousand years of civilisation, former colonies of Bangladesh and Nepal could do just as well in modern world with the left-over infarstructure of the Brit empire. Though they would surely do much better if those sods aren't that addicted to cricket...

I am not religous person I find it discuting that pathetic people like you or tornado come on forum about Poland and tech people Polish history or that Catholics are dumb ... as I said it is the best example of primitive English colonisation. This forum is about Poland not about UK. This forum is about Polish history not English..

Then for the holy Catholicism's sake, just roar until your trachea burst. Welcome to modern time!
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
16 Apr 2008 /  #37
Now could you feckingly enlighten me about any Chinese company (not necessary army)

Errr...I some Chinese companies of the 1960's.
Tran Anh 2 | 72  
16 Apr 2008 /  #38
Alright I concede your Maoist intellect, batallion then? (feck silly English word,)
Mali - | 300  
16 Apr 2008 /  #39
As to the present day,lets look at the third world,in general which countries are the ones doing the best? Yes,it has to be stated,those that were former colonies or in fact members of the present commenwealth. India is the power hous of central asia is it not,this can clearly be laid at the door of the infrastructure left behind when Britain pulled out in 1947,it is or has been untill recently the same for the African nations.

My money would be on China. They hold over $3 Trillion in foreign reserves. The economy (and army) is growing. There are still tons of poor people, especially in rural areas but the government itself is becoming very powerful.
OP isthatu2 4 | 2692  
16 Apr 2008 /  #40
Now could you feckingly enlighten me about any Chinese company (not necessary army) which actively fought in Viet Nam-American War?

Yes,they were the main stay of the RF/PF and operation Pheonix assasins...oops,wrong side,you meant AGAINST the americans....mind you,there was a company of local force VC in the Cholon distrect of Saigon during Tet ',yes,Chinese pretty much mixed up,but,victory belongs to the peoples of Vietnam,not to the Chinese.

mali,not to bring it back to us evil brits again(seriously,I dont come here to talk about this crap!!) but,Im rather talking about the 2 main econamies being India and China,china has never fully been anyones colony.....not to mention being in east,not central asia...

anyway,can we get back to the Polish stuff please?????
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
16 Apr 2008 /  #41
batallion then?

Fifth Army, 20th Batallion - prove me wrong !

If you can let me know of a website where the Chinese administration have published details of their armies activities in the Second Indochina War I would be very grateful.

feck silly English word,

Feck is a silly word, even when used in the correct context.

Edit - forgot to mention the Paracel Islands which the Chinese nicked from the Vietnamese in 1974.
Mali - | 300  
16 Apr 2008 /  #42
us evil brits

past tense....none of you evil brits had anything to do with evil brit history ;)
*pet peeve -> people in contemporary times acting as if they had anything to do with the way that their nation was shaped*

anyway,can we get back to the Polish stuff please?????

I never went to Polish school :(

victory belongs to the peoples of Vietnam,

Didn't Cambodia come in and 'help', in order to make the Vietnamese feel indebted?
OP isthatu2 4 | 2692  
16 Apr 2008 /  #43
Cambodia,nah,they just got dumped on by all sides,even their own...btw,the only reason pol pots evil regime fell was because unified Vietnam kicked some khmer rouge butt.
Mali - | 300  
16 Apr 2008 /  #44
You're right. I was thinking the other way around....which has been happening too often lately lol
Tran Anh 2 | 72  
16 Apr 2008 /  #45
Fifth Army, 20th Batallion - prove me wrong !

Sorry that was the Sixth Army, 21th Batallion which composed exclusively of engineers (half of them died peacefully while on a brotherly mission to mend some Stone-Age Farms during the Chrismas Bombing 1972!)

If you can let me know of a website where the Chinese administration have published details of their armies activities in the Second Indochina War I would be very grateful.

I can do that if you, as a thoughful reciprocation, promise to give me an official Chinese website dealling with the 3rd Indochina War!

forgot to mention the Paracel Islands which the Chinese nicked from the Vietnamese in 1974.

Eh, from our heavily cornered southern brothers.!
OP isthatu2 4 | 2692  
16 Apr 2008 /  #46
must be the weather...I hear they have weather in Poland too...maybe it has an influence on the Polish education system
(did you see that,saved it from random chat..:) )

an official Chinese website dealling with the 3rd Indochina War!

lmao......maybe we are straying into "obscure" territory here for most westerners though Tran?
Mali - | 300  
16 Apr 2008 /  #47
I hear they have weather in Poland too

I thought 3rd world countries didn't have weather? ;)

Polish history is taught in the Polish school system at some point. The end.
joepilsudski 26 | 1387  
16 Apr 2008 /  #48
From the shocking lack of knowladge displayed here by certain forum members regarding history that doesnt directly involve Poland Im wondering...

I wonder what they teach in American schools and universities, too, nowadays...most Americans have no real knowledge of history, geography, let alone many classic writers...everything is so oriented to computers and the internet, which has it's pluses and minuses...I would say that one required reading book in both history/literature should be George Orwell's 1984...when I went to high school in Philadelphia USA it was required far as Polish education, I can't speak on it.
OP isthatu2 4 | 2692  
16 Apr 2008 /  #49
Im kinda nervous about the state of britains education these days too joe,I think its an international phenomiwottsit, kids are not being educated for the sake of knowladge but to pass certain exams and make the schools/education boards look good/get next years funding bonus....shamefull really.
joepilsudski 26 | 1387  
17 Apr 2008 /  #50
kids are not being educated for the sake of knowladge but to pass certain exams and make the schools/education boards look good/get next years funding bonus....

Now, on this America, the major universities have basically been changed into 'trade schools', where the most compliant students are trained to work for various multi-national, I am all in favor of 'trade' or 'vocational' schools, as they will prepare a student for specific skilled job in the real world...however, the universities charge now about $40000-50000 a year for this type of the time the student graduates, he will owe maybe $50-75000 in student, forget studying the humanities in this situation.

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