It's our future, guys...... Very soon we are going to loose our identity.
Pole: What is your nationality? I am eurounian....
19 Aug 2008 / #2
well, i am Polish... and i don't know about next generations... probably, maybe so....
JaeTheProducer 3 | 33
19 Aug 2008 / #3
English. I have 'italian blood' but i class my self as English as i spent 20 out of my 21 one years of my time on earth in England.
I come from Tatarian Royalty "Lipkowie" who where situated in Litwa. Our Royal clan was the Almak-Han. We did not become Muslims in Turkey or anything like that. We stayed in Poland. All of my ancestors including me and my children, as well as my brothers and sisters have a Royal Mark in a shape of a dark spot somewhere on our legs. It is a mark which prooves that we have the Royal Blood in us.
I raised this issue because the nature of this union suppose such result.
Are you agree with me?
Are you agree with me?
19 Aug 2008 / #6
Very soon we are going to loose our identity.
Well, dont let it happen.. Somebody else might mess up Zywiec. Seriously, I think you'll be okay.
All of my ancestors including me and my children, as well as my brothers and sisters have a Royal Mark in a shape of a dark spot somewhere on our legs. It is a mark which prooves that we have the Royal Blood in us.
cute. can we see it?
North Central european. With my eyes, nose and facial hair, its not hard to guess where im from...
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 12015
20 Aug 2008 / #9
I raised this issue because the nature of this union suppose such result.
Are you agree with me?
Are you agree with me?
Ask the americans...
I raised this issue because the nature of this union suppose such result.
Are you agree with me?
Are you agree with me?
I'm not a fan of everything the EU does, but overall it's done much more good than harm (and has the best record of erradicating poverty of any such supernational alliance). And there's no evidence whatsoever that it's erasing cultural differences. I've travelled in Shengen and landing in Hungary or Amsterdam, it's just as obvious as ever that you're in a different country.
But, no one's preventing you from trying to convince Polish people that it's a huge threat and that Poland should withdraw from it. But are Polish people really willing to give up EU money? Do they really want to have to absorb back almost all of the Poles in the EU right away? Do you really want to have to go back to getting visas to cross the Polish border (or going to the post office to try to get your passport)?
There's no such thing as a free lunch and EU membership does limit what Poland can do to some extent, but overall it's a tradeoff that's well worth making.
ps: my nationality is American though I've lived in Poland well over 10 years now with no plans of moving anywhere else (though february mornings make somewhere sunny seem mighty tempting)
ps: my nationality is American though I've lived in Poland well over 10 years now with no plans of moving anywhere else (though february mornings make somewhere sunny seem mighty tempting)
Americans are here... I do need to ask them.... Goodbye Poland and our identity!!!
I am Native American with English and Ukranian ancestry. I will never lose my Native heritage.
Yanek. Where do you reside? You state you're Polish, but do you live in Poland?
Yanek. Where do you reside? You state you're Polish, but do you live in Poland?
You state you're Polish, but do you live in Poland?
ps: my nationality is American though I've lived in Poland well over 10 years
Just in case he asks you who you are Mr Z
I am Native American with English and Ukranian ancestry. I will never lose my Native heritage.
I believe he meant to quote mafketis. Smarta*s :P
I am Pole, so what? What else do you need to know? My address?
Because you're so concerned with saying "my country" and keeping identity, so I was curious if you live there. That's all, no need to be defensive.
my nationality is American
I am Pole
So you are...........?
He didn't say his nationality is American. He was quoting someone else, but used P.S (post script) instead.
...i've fixed.
...i've fixed.
OK. Sorry. I get it. Never mind.
Well I'm European, Pole, Wielkopolanin, Opaleniczanin, ect, ect... and I don't think that one identity contradicts the other.
Fascinating. The territory of today’s Ukraine was once "the wild west" of Europe, with the difference that it was actually located on the east. ;P Many outlaws, adventurers and runaway peasants fled there to start a new and better life. Aside from Poles, Ruthenians, Lithuanians, Jews, Tartars, Germans, Armenians, etc there were also many people from the rest of Europe, even from England or France. The land was very fertile but it was also a very dangerous place because of many Tartar raids, Cossack uprisings, wars with Russia, Turkey etc... I do see a similarity between your Ukrainian and Native American heritage. :) Sorry for the off topic.
I am Native American with English and Ukranian ancestry. I will never lose my Native heritage.
Fascinating. The territory of today’s Ukraine was once "the wild west" of Europe, with the difference that it was actually located on the east. ;P Many outlaws, adventurers and runaway peasants fled there to start a new and better life. Aside from Poles, Ruthenians, Lithuanians, Jews, Tartars, Germans, Armenians, etc there were also many people from the rest of Europe, even from England or France. The land was very fertile but it was also a very dangerous place because of many Tartar raids, Cossack uprisings, wars with Russia, Turkey etc... I do see a similarity between your Ukrainian and Native American heritage. :) Sorry for the off topic.
It's ok, thanks for that :) It's all interesting material and I'm still in the process of seeing how far I can go back with my genealogy research.
Now I understand why you like polish cuisine. :) It's all makes sense now. :)
You need to visit Ukraine. It's a beautiful place. Poor but very picturesque.
You need to visit Ukraine. It's a beautiful place. Poor but very picturesque.
I'd love to visit one of these days. Slowly but surely I'm making my way around Europe :)
Yes, it is incredibly fascinating. I have also commented on a couple of other genealogy threads since I started here. I also have Native American blood, via South America (Suriname and Dutch West Indies) on the paternal father's side. I was given up for adoption, and raised in another vibrant ethnic culture. However, I have now started to research my biological heritage of Eastern Europe, and it has been the beginning of a fascinating journey. I am part Polish and Hungarian on the maternal biological side, and Suriname (Arawak and various strains of East Indian, Asian and Dutch). I look European to most people's eyes, but from where exactly???
The research on the E. European side has led me again into Asia, into the Ural-Altai regions and the Turanian migration of Central Asia, and the history of the Slavs, Ural-Altai tribes, Mongolian Turks, multi-ethnic confederations, Scythians, Samaritians, Khazars, Avars, Tatars, Huns, Magyars, Cossacks ... fascinating ride. I feel confident and validated saying that I am Eurasian, because I feel that the term has merit in its own right. I think people who sneered at the term (and previously I could have been one), simply don't know enough about the region and its origins.
The research on the E. European side has led me again into Asia, into the Ural-Altai regions and the Turanian migration of Central Asia, and the history of the Slavs, Ural-Altai tribes, Mongolian Turks, multi-ethnic confederations, Scythians, Samaritians, Khazars, Avars, Tatars, Huns, Magyars, Cossacks ... fascinating ride. I feel confident and validated saying that I am Eurasian, because I feel that the term has merit in its own right. I think people who sneered at the term (and previously I could have been one), simply don't know enough about the region and its origins.
Native American (indian) about 90% YEA!
Yeah, and if you go back long enough, it brings you back to Asia, lol.
^ I heard that too.
I completely misunderstood this thread, and now im still not sure whats its about.
I completely misunderstood this thread, and now im still not sure whats its about.
and now im still not sure whats its about.
Nobody does.
6 Apr 2009 / #29
my nationality is (U.S.)american
What is your nationality?