I'm not sure why you'd be so much interested in your ancestors... I understand it can be fun to do research and stuff, but living just to discover what my ancestors were doing - it's not for me :).
maybe it would be just nice to know what happen to the siblings they left behind in the old country. Its not for everyone but I'm quite sure there are alot of people interested in finding their roots.
Krzys, I think that you must be young... To find out your background and ancestry is to establish more of a sense of "self." Who you are and where you come from.
This is a different "sense of self" than you get from wearing certain clothes, listening to certain music, or what car you drive. All of those things can be taken away from you, but your family, ancestry, and heritage can never be taken from you. It is uniquely YOURS and no one elses.
I am 3rd generation Polish-American and still keep some of the traditions alive. Especially around Christmas and Easter... I've even begun re-learning the Polish language. I spoke it when I was very young; all of my older relatives died and I didn't hear it or speak it for years. Now I am learning it again at 38 years old.
I enjoy doing geneological research. I think it's mostly because I just enjoy history. I am also third generation Polish-American. When my grandparents were alive, they "practiced" all the Polish traditions, made/ate traditional Polish food, and spoke Polish. I miss those crazy Polish speaking loonies!
This is very good that you speak polish! I dont and it is quite impossible to make research on polish ancestors as most of internet sites are in polish. But I am not giving up and thank you for the help in this forum
koach, do what you need to do, I think now, if I would have asked when I was 18, I would have not had so much trouble finding my roots, when people were able to tell me, alot was gone, because I didn't ask, I was to busy doing my own thing which is fine, but it only takes a minute to ask a few questions which can last lifetime. The history of a family will only die if we dont ask.
so keep it alive koach, ask away and keep gathering info. I am sure you have time to balance both social and interests :) best of luck P
I always ask my grand parents questions about my ancestors, i get an answer but not the kind i was looking for, to me it seems they have forgotten they're roots and that is a shame.
we can't rely on schools to teach history lessons to our young or we continue to bring up kids with white guilt etc. I know i'm straying from topic but this is the way i see things nowadays in America...
searching for my grandparents or there relatives .My dad was wladyslaw Karkocinski or Karkucinski born in Jablonna Poland near Chotomow Poland any help would be appreciated Skyboundpp@yahoo,com
it seems they aren't that interested in where they came from and if they have any relatives in other parts of the world
It may not be important to some about rearching their roots . I have grown up first generation Brit not knowing any other family members from either my mothers side or fathers side , my mother came from Austria and my father came from Poland growing up not knowing your history or family only parents and siblings is hard no one to call cousin or aunt or grand parents . some are more lucky than others . I am loving trying to trace my "lost" family and the web is brill . I am keen to know of my Austrian side and Polish culture . UK Anita
Archives - 2005-2009 / Genealogy / Polish people and their ancestors - they are not interested in where they came from, and in their re