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Polish Milk, Just not the same

Tamara  9 | 202  
2 Jul 2008 /  #31
I know a few guys who will be perfect volunteers for your project if you like hehe

Hmmm, my husband has first dibs.
Switezianka  - | 463  
18 Jul 2008 /  #32
I get fresh milk from a farmer when I'm at my grandma's dziaƂka. I just take a bottle, go to the cottage and the farmer pours me some fresh milk into my bottle. Then I boil it, wait for it to cool down and it's delicious.
KatieKasia  3 | 39  
22 Jul 2008 /  #33
I am SO pleased its not just me. I hate the milk here, it ruined my love of tea and cereal. Eventually i found fresh milk in our local shop, and PG tips and now my life is complete. Hurrah!

indiced  - | 6  
22 Jul 2008 /  #34
I get almost everyday fresh milk in glass bottle, straight to my door. There's milkman who provides it at my housing estate...It's really fresh and tasteful for certain.

But if you want to buy good milk (not coloured water) at the store, you should look for "Ale Mleko!" (What a Milk!), 3.2 per cent, red carton probably...last time I drank it, was good....
Ecoprincess  - | 28  
4 Aug 2008 /  #35
There is no better butter than that. Even better when churned at home. I wonder if anybody still does it! Wow.

Oh yes, make all my own butter, cheese, youghurt, sour cream, etc I do it from 3 goats that I milk everday. I use an old hand cranked seperator then put the cream in the Kenwood chef and by the time I've cleaned up I have butter, I freeze my surplus. cheese is from the two mornings milking. I also freeze milk to see me through the dry period as I have to borrow a billy every year.
indiced  - | 6  
10 Aug 2008 /  #36
I don't like milk products which are home-made... I prefer those which come from professional creameries in clean, aesthetic and hermetic packages (returned empties)...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
29 Aug 2008 /  #37
Here is the answer.

  • Zytnia_40.jpg
cjjc  29 | 407  
1 Dec 2008 /  #38
Yep, It's true that the milk is just not as good as the UK I was shocked when my friend asked me if I wanted to buy some to try in the supermarket and she took it from an unrefrigerated shelf. I was like :O why is it not in the fridge? She wasn't sure of an answer. Apart from that everything food and drink wise is better.

krysia  23 | 3058  
1 Dec 2008 /  #39
Then I boil it

Why do people in Poland boil milk?
Best milk is cold.
In Polish schools they serve boiled, warm milk. Tastes horrible.
In US they only serve cold milk.
1 Dec 2008 /  #40
In Polish schools they serve boiled, warm milk. Tastes horrible.

that's why i don't like any milk soups and such ....yucks!!

In US they only serve cold milk.

Americans could eat everything cold... yucks!

cjjc  29 | 407  
1 Dec 2008 /  #41
that's why i don't like any milk soups and such ....yucks!!

Milk rocks!

3 Dec 2008 /  #42
That's because UHT milk can be kept outside the fridge as long as it's sealed. It's kept on the shelf in the UK just as well - see cheap UHT Tesco milk (I was buying this when I lived in the UK, as that was the only "drinkable" stuff I could find there - so, all is the matter of taste!).

However, you can get fresh milk in Poland, it's sold in boxes or bottles kept in the fridge - just like in the UK.
mafketis  38 | 11179  
3 Dec 2008 /  #43
it's sold in boxes or bottles

or bags
outintheyard  27 | 517  
3 Dec 2008 /  #44
Why do people in Poland boil milk?

When you get it fresh from the cow and have not grown up drinking it this way,It is important to boil it . It is called pasteurization. Then you can cool it down or anything. I can drink straight from the cow becuse I have the neccesary anttibodies against Salmonella. Most people today do not have this unless they grew up on a farm.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
3 Dec 2008 /  #45
I can drink straight from the cow becuse I have the neccesary anttibodies against Salmonella

You seem to mix things up. Salmonella is in a raw meat and nobody has "antibodies" against it. Boiled milk is merely better assimilated and lessen chances of that you end up with a run.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
4 Dec 2008 /  #46
You seem to mix things up. Salmonella is in a raw meat

Raw milk may harbor a host of disease-causing organisms (pathogens), such as the bacteria campylobacter, escherichia, listeria, salmonella, yersinia, and brucella. Common symptoms of foodborne illness from many of these types of bacteria include diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, headache, vomiting, and exhaustion.

I don't think I am too mixed up! My dear fellow I was not born in a barn but have a degree in Agriculture.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
4 Dec 2008 /  #47
My dear fellow I was not born in a barn but have a degree in Agriculture.

That's cool. I've never heard of Salmonella being in a raw milk (it could be... I just don't know). I merely think it's quite doubtful if anybody has specific antibodies against salmonella. If so you're really lucky.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
4 Dec 2008 /  #48
specific antibodies [/q Not exactly the best choice of words. Rephrasing, I would say it is more genetic programing from breast feeding pre antibiotics developed immunities which have been created over time. Eventually genes have become re- programmed due to the influence of antibiotics introduced into the cows and now genetic immunity is lessened. I have passed my Genetics off to my son who seems to be the same as I in regards to immunity. However, over time I would say this will change with any future off spring. The influence of antiboitics is causing a great affect to genetic immunity. People who still have a strong genetic make up such as from agricultural areas and Countries as Poland with little outside influence where the strongest survive. Thes people need to have more babies and this is a whole another story.
cjjc  29 | 407  
6 Dec 2008 /  #49
I bought milk in a bottle with a blue top today, I wonder what it will be like......

Stay tuned.


I wonder what it will be like......

Not great, tastes like mik mixed with water :( is ok in tea but not for a nice cold glass before bed.

Vincent  8 | 800  
8 May 2009 /  #50
Seen some polish milk in my local supermarket last week. It was from "£aciate" and printed on the carton was "Samo melko" Same milk? Can anyone please tell me what this means, as i might try it tomorrow? Thanks
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
8 May 2009 /  #51
Can anyone please tell me what this means, as i might try it tomorrow? Thanks

It's long life milk, and if you drink it from the carton you'll be on the pot for a month.
Vincent  8 | 800  
8 May 2009 /  #52
I have tried UHT long life milk before from the same company ( red carton ) and it is nice in coffee. Just wondering what" same milk" means if that is the right translation of samo mleko?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
8 May 2009 /  #53
real milk... only milk... just milk

The stress is that it is any of the above.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
9 May 2009 /  #54
Why do people in Poland boil milk?

That is simply a do-it-yourself pasteurization.
It also makes sense in Winter to have a glass of warm milk.

Best milk is cold.

So cool it down.

In US they only serve cold milk.

Not really. What they serve is a milk based product ;)

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