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Polish cuisine and eating habits missed by Poles abroad

fusar  3 | 4  
9 Jun 2007 /  #1

I was wondering if anyone could help with a project I am currently writing for my cooking course? My project is based on Polish eating and drinking customs in the UK and what they miss from their homeland?

I have questions such as:
1. Do Polish people prefer to cook their traditional Polish foods at home are they commonly used to eating out or buying a take-away?
2. What are the main Polish eating customs eg. times to eat, favorite dishes, how are their meals arranged, drinks served with meals etc...
3. Do Polish people in the Uk eat more "english" food or do they prefer to cook their own national dishes if they can?

4. Are there enough facilities for Polish people in the UK, with regards to getting their own recipes either as raw or already cooked?
5. How much would a POlish person be prepared to pay for a main course in an ENglish/Polish restaurant in the UK?

Many thanks for all of your advice
Kind Regards
12 Jun 2007 /  #2
1. polish pepole prefer to cook their traditionals meals at home rather then go out, but it is changing and we strart to go out, but take away is not so popular and we not much doing it at Poland.2. We have like 3 or 4 time to eat it is like breakfast, diner, snak, supper. brekfast contains some polish bread with butter cottage chease, tomato, or milk with cerials or boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, diner is based on mashed patato with meat and some salad with som drink like maślanka witch is produt make of mils similar to natural youghurt or fruite juice like "kompot" about supper it can be some sandwitches or wath so ever that is not hevy to stomach. we like enjoy our meals with family so the diner must have be with family, we trying not to drink to much coke , it is not common to drink coke to diner but it happends.3 i'm i uk and i have to admitt that i prefer cook myself then eat english food.4. i' ve heard that even in cantine they served sometimes polish food , here are polish shops wwher we can buy polish products or ever at stores like tesco or morrison they have polish stuff. 5. i would have spend orund 7-8 pound for an englisg meal

if u have any other uestion feel free to write agafijka@o2.pl
away guy  10 | 343  
13 Jun 2007 /  #3
This topic pisses me off so much , i must say the Polish have very good table manners . But for me they go over board by offering everyone food before they eat and so many other small things that im not used to. It makes me crazy..
14 Jun 2007 /  #4
im polish and never offer my food! a lot of polish food is eaten as a family-set out on a table rather than each person has their own food, thats why it seems like they offer it. polish food rocks! but their table manners are over the top i always have my mum telling me to hold my knife and fork properly its so annoying!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
14 Jun 2007 /  #5
i always have my mum telling me to hold my knife and fork properly its so annoying!

i have yet to meet a pole who can... used to really wind me up...
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Jun 2007 /  #6
We should still eat with daggars ;)

Pfff...table mannars. It's Gerritszoons' fault :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
14 Jun 2007 /  #7
table manners tell you a lot about a person, as with manners in general...
shopgirl  6 | 928  
14 Jun 2007 /  #8
i have yet to meet a pole who can... used to really wind me up...

My Polish friend ate as if he were a prince. He could do things with his knife and fork that seemed like magic, I forgot to eat and just sat there watching him in awe. :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
14 Jun 2007 /  #9
He could do things with his knife and fork that seemed like magic

mummy used to tell me not to play with my knife and fork... which is why i never learnt to do magic with them...
FISZ  24 | 2116  
14 Jun 2007 /  #10
My gf laughs at me because I cut my meat into pieces before I eat it :) She said it's cute like a child. I still don't get it :)
Fantasy  1 | 13  
18 Jun 2007 /  #11
hi hi FISZ ... i agree with your girlfriend :)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
18 Jun 2007 /  #12
i agree with your girlfriend :)

ha ha figures you agree :)

Is this not done in the UK either?
bunia  1 | 134  
18 Jun 2007 /  #13
I wont answer for all polish people but ill answer for myself as a polish girl in Uk :)
1. I only buy take away when im really really tired or for any reason cant cook at home. Always try to cook food at home. Even if i know that next day i dont have much time to cook , i will cook soup and just put in the fridge ready for next day.

2. Times of eating: breakfast (whatever time you wake up), dinner around 4pm, supper like 7ish.
breakfast - usually some sandwiches, dinner - soup and potatoes + meat + salad, supper - either sandwiches or whatever is left after dinner :)
As a drink - usually some fruity stuff. We dont normally have wine with our meals.
3. Sorry but english food sux :) (Except of roast dinner :) ) So i usually cook polish food.
4. We can get all polish stuff we need from pakistanian shops :)
5. How much ? Depends what sort of food would it be and what quality. I would pay all money in the world to get my grandmothers racuchy or pierogi :)
9 May 2009 /  #14
Dear friend;
I had read your written about your eating habits than i'm ready to answer you now.Actualy,i'm Moroccain guy who enjoy have knowledge about foreing cuisine and what they do!!As i saw,your eating habits don't conclude anything of obesity.Than i found it interesting.Finaly,i'm looking forward to hearing from you.My email is:rachid_ennasseri@hotmail
Seanus  15 | 19668  
10 May 2009 /  #15
Poles do tend to miss their cuisine abroad. I was fair game to try all sorts of food in the Balkans but the Poles lusted after their beloved national fare. They were happy enough with the staples like cheese and ham but there was no bigos or pierogi for example.
piotr_au  - | 7  
4 Jul 2009 /  #16
I'm Polish/Australian, born to Polish parents. I didn't discover Polish cuisine until 1999, when I went to Poland to meet my cousins etc. I grew up on Australian/International cuisine. There are few foods from Poland that I enjoy.

Bigos - but only once a month or so, I usually cook about a 2.5 kg batch and freeze it in smaller portions. Too much and I get the runs.

Kluski z serem (yum) a lot of work, and mess in the kitchen, but worth it.
Zrazy zawiandzany Beef Rolladen with gherkins also a lot of work. But also yummy.
Placki ziemnaczone - Potato pancakes Food processors make this a lot less work. Eat them sweet or savoury.
Żurek - It takes a week to make, by the time you make the kwas, or longer if it doesn't ferment properly, and goes off. It means you have to start again.

The food I miss most when I'm in Poland - Roast Lamb or even lamb chops. I had some this year in my Father's home town, but Poles don't understand Carving meat in fine slices, but instead give you large hunks of meat, which can tend to make it tough.

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