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What rule have I offended with this translation request?

rick54  4 | 9  
5 Mar 2007 /  #1
How would I say, "please, take my chair" to either a man or woman.
Thank you!

I had posted this request under the English to Polish Translation and I see it was sent to the trash can. The reason being?
krysia  23 | 3058  
5 Mar 2007 /  #2
"Proszę, weź moje krzesło"
Ranj  21 | 947  
5 Mar 2007 /  #3
You violated the rule of posting original message header. This one made it because of your thread title.....:)
OP rick54  4 | 9  
5 Mar 2007 /  #4
"You violated the rule of posting original message header"
I'm sorry, I don't understand this statement, could you explain please.
Ranj  21 | 947  
5 Mar 2007 /  #5
The original title of your thread was "Translation Please". That was not specific enough because your thread needs to give some idea of what the content. Messages that did not follow the rules...just read the rules and it explains it....:)


Posts: 174
Joined: Oct 31, 05
Male Edited by: Admin . Jan 15, 07 [23:16] . Post #1

If your post or topic was deleted, most likely it did not meet the forum rules or the topic title creation rules. You may be able to find your post or topic in this section of the Polish Forums website.

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OP rick54  4 | 9  
5 Mar 2007 /  #6
Ranj, now I understand, I'll re-read the rules again, as I get the feeling I'm treading on thin ice!

Krysia, many thanks for coming to my aid!
Huegel  1 | 296  
5 Mar 2007 /  #7
It's like going into a pub and saying drink. :) Is that a command or an offer. Everyone around you fnishes up and looks at you expectantly. :) That's going to be a costly night out.
OP rick54  4 | 9  
5 Mar 2007 /  #8
Okay, I'll consider my hands as having been slapped! New kid on the block, I should have expected it sooner or later! Sorry.
I will try in the future to be more polite, humble, and exact in my requests!
Perhaps, I'll try again in a couple of months after I've re-read the rules several times and get up enough courage!
And should I ever see you in my local watering hole, you'll have a shot and snit on me!
Ranj  21 | 947  
5 Mar 2007 /  #9
I will try in the future to be more polite, humble, and exact in my requests!

No apologies necessary, Rick. We've all made mistakes on here (I'm surprised I haven't been "banned" yet). Just stick around and live and learn. Welcome to the forum, BTW:)
krysia  23 | 3058  
5 Mar 2007 /  #10
I'm surprised I haven't been "banned" yet

Oh, I'll be the first one to go if anybody. Sledz will be right behind me....:)
Ranj  21 | 947  
5 Mar 2007 /  #11
Tell the truth, Krysia....you're taking Sledz and I to Vegas to lose us in the desert, with no computer access whatsoever.....so we can never to be seen on the forum again, Right?:)
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2007 /  #12
Oh, I'll be the first one to go if anybody. Sledz will be right behind me....

Who us????????????

Tell the truth, Krysia....you're taking Sledz and I to Vegas to lose us in the desert

maybe we will have to get lost at the pool:)
krysia  23 | 3058  
5 Mar 2007 /  #13
Just make sure you wear underware if wearing a skirt on the glass floor....
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2007 /  #14
She can go commando if she wants too..:)
krysia  23 | 3058  
5 Mar 2007 /  #15
lose us in the desert

Try to get out of the Grand Canyon... hahahaha
Just don't let the monsters get you.:)
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2007 /  #16
Well find some peyote... and the Indian spirits will guide us
Ranj  21 | 947  
5 Mar 2007 /  #17
Just like Jim Morrison (Grrrrr)....:)
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Mar 2007 /  #18
Ya I`ll buy some leather pants..:)
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
5 Mar 2007 /  #19
now I understand, I'll re-read the rules again,

Yes, please read and understand.
Huegel  1 | 296  
5 Mar 2007 /  #20

Like cease and desist, but with less Canderel. Now that is is a spoonerful :) You must understand please sonny.

I, Huegel.

Welcome aboard Rick54. Good to have you here. Don't mind us, we've all just been here a little too long, it gets us all in the end.

She can go commando if she wants too..

Try to get out of the Grand Canyon...

Just the way those two lines followed on from each other made me smile. :)
daffy  22 | 1153  
5 Mar 2007 /  #21
Ah this forum is fun again :) even the moderation is funny :)

its like a club house we all go to after school :)

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