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PolishForums.com mission needs to be plastered on the front of this forum

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Dec 2008 /  #31
came across another site which had a lot of detailed information about PF and analysis of traffic etc

Could you post that here, I would like to take a look, if nobody minds.

I'm happy to post it to Admin and it's up to him if he wishes to pass on the info....

Well OK then, should you not have also posted your original comment to Admin then?
You are making statements now and then being evasive.
OP Lir  
6 Dec 2008 /  #32
Well OK then, should you not have also posted your original comment to Admin then?

I did ! What are you going on about here ?

You are making statements now and then being evasive.

I am not. I replied to Admin's post.

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Dec 2008 /  #33
I did ! What are you going on about here ?

You originally talk about another site in your debate.
I ask you to post it on here.
You decline.
OP Lir  
6 Dec 2008 /  #34
Whatever lol..........

Debate away. I'm finished with this.

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Dec 2008 /  #35
You have a very definite inability to debate on here.
You seem to have the "my way or the high way" mentality.

You refuse to elaborate on what you say.

You say you do not agree and run off again?.
So how is anyone meant to know what you disagree with?
You do not take responsibility for your own actions.
Stand up and be counted.
I think you have a good reason for your views and I would like for all of use to debate them.
It is up to you.
State your case or say that this thread is finished.
OP Lir  
6 Dec 2008 /  #36
You refuse to elaborate on what you say.

I have debated and debated well. A debate only works if more than one poster can sensibly debate ?

You seem to have the "my way or the high way" mentality.

Not at all. I know my skills and I know how to use them too :)

You say you do not agree and run off again?.

Not at all.

Aren't you the person who uses words like 'accuse' if someone asks a question and when they reply to you and explain that they did indeed reply to the right person then you call them 'evasive'......

You do not take responsibility for your own actions.

Oh but I do. That's why I am still here and you aren't scaring me in the slightest with your choice of words :)

Stand up and be counted.

I always have, have you ? You know nothing at all about me, what I have done or what I have achieved in my life so far. So, that's quite a meaningless statement :)

think you have a good reason for your views and I would like for all of use to debate them.

I do, yes. And if it's a proper debate I am more than happy to continue . I'm glad you can see that.

It is up to you.

Of course it is. I am totally in control of me and everyone else should be in total control of themselves too :)

State your case or say that this thread is finished.

Edit: I did ! And please don't tell me what to do, you are merely one poster on here, the same as myself or are you now the owner of the site ? Why should I say this thread is finished. I didn't set it up but I did respond to it as Admin seemed to want people to debate this issue ?

If you don't like the thread, then don't read it ? Isn't that what some posters say sometimes on here ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Dec 2008 /  #37
The mere mention of control informs us that you are thinking about it and there is an unresolved issue there.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
6 Dec 2008 /  #38
everyone else should be in total control of themselves too

Most of the time I am! I'd like to join in on this later Lir but I've got a hot date this evening (relax it's with my wife). Hope you are well.

Hasta la vista
OP Lir  
6 Dec 2008 /  #39
I've got a hot date this evening (relax it's with my wife)

Sounds good :) Enjoy <grin> wish I had a hot date with someone tonight :)

Hope you are well.

I am thanks :) See you later !


I always wonder why a person takes things out of context ?

As I am no psychoanalyst I shall not reply as you know yourself better than anyone else on here.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Dec 2008 /  #40
Now that made sense. You only live with one person your whole life and that's you
6 Dec 2008 /  #41
And sometimes your conjoined twin.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Dec 2008 /  #42
A debate only works if more than one poster can sensibly debate ?

So you ignore my points then? that is what I am talking about.

Not at all.

Well then... i am still waiting...

That's why I am still here and you aren't scaring me in the slightest

That is certainly not my intention but sure if you feel that way, I might not be 100% wrong on my observations.

I always have, have you ? You know nothing at all about me, what I have done or what I have achieved in my life so far. So, that's quite a meaningless statement :)

This is nonsence, debate or get off the po

And if it's a proper debate I am more than happy to continue .

So i await your response.

And who on earth do you think you are to tell me whether a thread is finished or not ? Are you Admin ? Do you own the site ?

Listen, I would prefere a debate than this.
Can we not state our cases and argue them.
I do not know you, I do not dislike you, I would like to debate this topic.
I find it interesting.
So if we could start again?

the Mission Statement should be changed if Polish Forums does not aspire to it ? Because isn't that what a Mission Statement is for ?

It is not the mission statement to blame.
The same way it is not the laws fault murder is wrong yet people still commit it.

I would have written the Mission Statement should be changed if Polish Forums members do not aspire to it ?
It is not the mission statement to blame.
The same way it is not the laws fault murder is wrong yet people still commit it.

I don't actually agree on your interpretation :) I was going to write more here, and I will but I think first of all Admin should come on here and answer that point. After all, this is his Mission statement is it not ?

So what do you say Lir?
Lets continue?
I await your debatable points.

Excuse me, I misquoted there the first time and have now rectified it.
I am only human (well not according to admin) :)
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Dec 2008 /  #43
You should maybe get some therapy for that then cos it can't be good for your psyche to be living like that then :)

You probably didn't notice it was an irony on my part.

So explain please what the difference is between the two then ? :)

Difference between humans and robots? It should be obvious.

Precisely, so why did you feel the need to make it into a separate thread then without asking me if I was happy about it ? Surely it would have been the more respectful thing to do i.e. ask me first !

Why not ? If someone else creates a thread under my nickname then it should be duly noted that this has happened. It shows in my profile that I created a thread when in fact I hadn't. I deal in fact, not fiction :)

I see it this way - you had a chance to read your original statements again and after that you concluded they made little or no sense and now you appear to be upset it has become a new thread. But it was not your first such post and I might have missed them all, so that's why I decided to make it a new thread to answer your questions. It also appears you now try to turn everything around by putting smileys after your replies as you know they actually make little sense. But that's fine with me, cannot blame you for that.

I did , that is true. But I didn't get it off PF. I was doing some research and came across another site which had a lot of detailed information about PF and analysis of traffic etc and it had the Mission Statement on there. Admin, why would I ask for a link to where it is on the site if I knew where it was already. That is such an illogical thought that I can't comment much further. I'm not playing a game here. Either this is a fair debate or it isn't. If you want a fair debate , great ! If not, then why start of a separate thread.

So that's my fault you failed to notice a link that appears on 20,000 pages? And you prefer to take your time to "research" this website on another website and then you finally noticed the link. If you truly did not see this link it should be better to first look around and then comment based on the facts, not about illusions.

I admire your Mission Statement and think it is well thought out and
pretty good in terms of its objectives but I do think that most posters know nothing about it. So , I ask the question again, what is the point of the Mission Statement for PF ?

Please read again what you wrote and when you realize the link to the mission statement is on 20,000 pages and you still claim that "most posters know nothing about it" then what is your suggestion? Should we buy ads on Google with another 100,000 links to the mission statement? Or put the link on top of the page in bold, red font?

So it starts to make some more sense now. Your statement is not in the truest sense a proper Mission statement. Therefore, it's just something that was written on a page and really doesn't mean too much too any poster or member of PF.

Mission statement is not a religious or spiritual statement. It is not something I expect any of the forum users to take too deeply to their hearts because that would be unrealistic and silly. Whenever you do a search on Google, do you first think about Google's mission statement, which is: "To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful" and make sure to use your search keywords based on this statement? I seriously doubt it..

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Dec 2008 /  #44
Mission Statement.
My Thoughts.

The Mission Statement to my mind is a waste of time. It only satisfies the person/people who wrote it. For the most part I doubt that many posters have actually read it. And if they have it makes no difference once they have been drawn into an arguement.

We are controlled somewhat by the threads we are given to post in. The threads in themselves hold posters to a particular theme. And therefore within the bounds of the Mission Statement.

Random Chat and many of the Lounge topics are an escape route for Admin. They keep posters on the forum and at the same time allow these posters to drift away from the ideas in the Mission Statement.

Much of what fails to live up to the Mission Statement is down to posters. And much of what has made the forum so popular is down to these same posters, and others.
Admin  25 | 414   Administrator
6 Dec 2008 /  #45
Totally agree with Wroclaw.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Dec 2008 /  #46
Exactly what I was trying to get across in post 31, Wrocław.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
7 Dec 2008 /  #47
I'm stopping here now because as I said before I don't wish ti get into silly, petty arguments or slanging matches. It's a shame that it couldn't be properly debated, maybe <my view> it would have made PF <in some respects> a more enjoyable site for many new posters <who don't stay> as well as for some existing members who never want to add their views whether or not they agree with it.

Have a nice evening :)

i hope your not saying that my only contribution to PF is to be silly, petty and involve myself in slanging matches, as i don't seem to remember doing that with you!!!!!

I understand your a woman of the world and have experienced a lot but there is no need to talk down to me thank you very much
Randal  1 | 577  
28 Feb 2009 /  #48
Thread attached on merging:
What is the PF's mission?

Answer me this...

If this is a Polish forum primarily for Polish peoples about all things Poland, why then is it all in English? I even saw somewhere that the “Number 1 Rule” is that posts must be in English and not Polish. Why is this?

Is this really a forum for Polish peeps to come and practice their English or something? Some sort of Polish outreach maybe? What gives?
plk123  8 | 4119  
28 Feb 2009 /  #49
search for threads with the same title.

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