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"We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of Israel

Kuchi  1 | 9  
1 Jun 2008 /  #1
How to think about that? First it looks to me like a joke, but finally the last sentence is quite improtant. I'm not antisemitic, to say that first, but obviously the influence of the jewish lobby in poland is rising exponentially, e.g. if you see such projects like the planned "Shalom Tower" in Warsaw:

This project will cost more than several hundred million Euro, where does all this money come from? And who needs such a gigantic project, just for the jewish community, when there are not living more than 5.000 to 6.000 jews in whole poland. Very strange!

szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
1 Jun 2008 /  #2
How to think about that?

The Jews can do what they want with their money - if they want to build big towers then fair enough ( although from an Architectural viewpoint I think they are ugly ).

Arabs have built half the towers in London, Jews too, Russians - money sees no boundries.

Having said that - I do not live in Warsaw.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Jun 2008 /  #3
The Jews can do what they want with their money

The problem is that often It's not their money but sqeezed out of Goys.
scottie1113  6 | 896  
1 Jun 2008 /  #4
Kuchi, it was a joke. And he didn't say buying out, he said buying up. Huge difference. Don't you realize that's there's a lot of foreign capital being invested in Poland these days?

Grzegorz, that comment was so ignorant that I'm not even going to respond to it.
groovyg  3 | 70  
1 Jun 2008 /  #5
it was said in a friendly-joking tone, as in 'we're a small country but apperently i hear we are involved world wide after all'.

in all honesty, it was NOT said in a tone of 'we're taking over the world muhahahah'

as for jewish lobby - you're honestly worried about jewish controlling your life in POLAND??? hitler did a thorough here, don't worry. you have nothing to worry about for the next 100 years at least.

hope this calms your fears. you can go back to your daily life now.
Kaylyn  - | 14  
1 Jun 2008 /  #6
I don't know, that comment seems weird to me too. Why say that at all? Or why say buying up, like soon they'll own the whole flippin city? Who knows what he meant, but it was a weird thing to say.
OP Kuchi  1 | 9  
2 Jun 2008 /  #7
Kuchi, it was a joke. And he didn't say buying out, he said buying up. Huge difference. Don't you realize that's there's a lot of foreign capital being invested in Poland these days?

Look! The foreign capital is not invested to help us, it's invested to earn money in poland. e.g. a big company builds 100.000 new houses. --> They just want to earn buy doing so, that means, that more capital, than has been invested will after that leave the country later! I don't talk about factories, which are being bulid in poland, where they pay taxes and create new jobs. Look at countries like germany and look at us, we've got a very big negative Current account balance, that means we import more, than we export, countries like Germany become richer, we in fact are getting poorer, because a negative c.a.balance means, that the wealth/assets of a nation decrease. So in fact there are investments, but a lot of foreign companies suck the money out of poland again, to maximize their profits.

Examples are: Real estate companies, All those big supermarkets, like Tesco, Praktiker, Real,..... i.t.dalej.


And you can also take a look on the c.a. balance of the USA. The have become a country which in the past years hat to made a lot of debts, just to finance their consumption of chinese and other products. The falling dollar is also a consequence of the gigantic negative c.a. balance.

---> Polacy sa frajery! Inni nas ograbia i uzaleznia szybciej niz mislimy!
---> Poles are naive! Other nations will plunder us faster, than we think.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
2 Jun 2008 /  #8
Look! The foreign capital is not invested to help us, it's invested to earn money in poland. e.g. a big company builds 100.000 new houses. --> They just want to earn buy doing so, that means, that more capital, than has been invested will after that leave the country later! I don't talk about factories, which are being bulid in poland, where they pay taxes and create new jobs.

I don't think you really understand the ways of the world Poland has now become part of.

Poland has had billions of euros of EU money invested to help POLAND. Foreign investors are coming to make money in this new market in the same way that Poles have come to the UK to make money. Everyone benefits from this movement of resources.

Poles are naive!

Many Poles do appear very naive. Some also appear hypocritical. Like you.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
2 Jun 2008 /  #9
You should check out the number of people of north European Christian descent who are pulling the leavers of power in the world, it'll really scare you.

Though probably not.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Jun 2008 /  #10
The Jews can do what they want with their money

In principle I agree, but there is a catch. A lot of money that Jews have is in the hands of the wrong Jews. Most of the reparation money from Germany and other countries was never seen by those on whose behalf it was paid out.
2 Jun 2008 /  #11
The foreign capital is not invested to help us, it's invested to earn money in poland.

And Poland gets no benefit at all from that investment. No jobs created for Polish workers. No products bought from Polish companies. No land or property bought from Polish sellers. No tax paid to the Polish state.

And of course no Poles can use the things built with the foreign capital.

a big company builds 100.000 new houses. -->

Better that 100,000 Polish families have no house than a foreign company builds the houses?

that more capital, than has been invested will after that leave the country later!

So what if it does? Not that it will, companies tend to reinvest profits rather than just get all the cash out. First they want to make money and next they want to make more money.

Remember that 19% of any profits go the Polish state and stay in Poland.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Jun 2008 /  #12
Better that 100,000 Polish families have no house than a foreign company builds the houses?

Those who don't have a house either can't afford it, or can't afford it yet. I doubt that Poland needs any particular foreign company to fix that. There will be always the haves and have nots.

There is a sentiment that tells people those new investments are not for Poles to benefit from (although some undoubtedly will). The thing is that Israel simply cannot survive and I have a feeling countries such as Poland or Romania are among the few feasible options for Israelis to settle.
OP Kuchi  1 | 9  
2 Jun 2008 /  #13
I agree in full with you! Israel is a very instable country. Just out of demographic reasons. This state will have enormous problems to stay alive in the next 100 years. The arabs won't give up, until Israel is destroyed. And the Iranians are still continuing with their nuclear programme, while the US are still captured in Iraq. Finally, if all ropes should break one day, Poland could again become a second Israel for the jews, this time from Israel. And I think this scenario is quite real in my opinion. No jew would ever like to live in a state, where the majority is arabic.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
2 Jun 2008 /  #14
Next hundreds???

The deadline will be the next 25 years already...then the demographic bomb will have exploded...the Israel as it is now won't exist anymore.

PS: I think lot's of Poles profited from german firms settling in Poland due the lower wages and lower overall costs, leaving unemployed Germans behind, you shouldn't forget about that!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Jun 2008 /  #15
Grzegorz, that comment was so ignorant that I'm not even going to respond to it.

Actually you did It... and If I cared I could easily show you that the comment wasn't ignorant at all...
OP Kuchi  1 | 9  
2 Jun 2008 /  #16
Next hundreds???

The deadline will be the next 25 years already...then the demographic bomb will have exploded...the Israel as it is now won't exist anymore.

PS: I think lot's of Poles profited from german firms settling in Poland due the lower wages and lower overall costs, leaving unemployed Germans behind, you shouldn't forget about that!

What do you exactly mean? There are a lot of international companies, which have settled in poland, not only german. 25 years? Quite possible, 20% of the israeli living in Israel are already arabs now. And they are not loyal citizens.

I think you soon will also get problems in germany too!? With the turks, right?
It was a big mistake to let them into your country.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
2 Jun 2008 /  #17
I don't understand what is the porblem.

Somebody inevsts money here and it is good. I don't care how have they earned this money. Who cares ....

Money make money ... they need to employ people to build it, buy materials, warszawa with Manhatan will look much better ...

Kuchi you must rememebrt that after 89 we had only debt and foreign investemnts moved Poland forward.

I feel that in this case problem for Kuchi are not investents but something different. ;)
lesser  4 | 1311  
5 Jun 2008 /  #18
It does not sounds like a serious comment to me.
PLAT  1 | 23  
7 Jun 2008 /  #19
but TESCO , that guy who started it was a Polish Jew . just my 2 cents
And maybe because before Israel , Poland was a country woth the most amount of Jewish people ad viewed as the most tolerant in Europe especially for Jewish people. So because of all this history, that why Jews want to be in Poland . and also there is rich Jewish peolle in Poland that own companies, but so what. it always been like this.
osiol  55 | 3921  
7 Jun 2008 /  #20
but TESCO , that guy who started it

There were two of them - Jack Cohen and T.E. Stockwell. Nowhere on the internet or anywhere else can I find what the initials T.E. stand for. As far as I can tell, Cohen had the ideas, Stockwell had the money. Now, Tesco is a huge evil company that will take over the world if it can, and it probably can. But only about 15 or 20 years ago, it was just another grotty supermarket, not nearly as good as Sainsbury's. It is the people who run it now who have turned it into the monster it is, not the chap who started a grocery shop, then supermarket business all those years ago. Anyone who starts a company wants it to be successful.
Romek  - | 8  
4 Oct 2008 /  #21
Oh again Jews building properties in Poland :)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
8 Oct 2008 /  #22
How to think about that? First it looks to me like a joke, but finally the last sentence is quite improtant. I'm not antisemitic, to say that first, but obviously the influence of the jewish lobby in poland is rising exponentially, e.g. if you see such projects like the planned "Shalom Tower" in Warsaw:
This project will cost more than several hundred million Euro, where does all this money come from? And who needs such a gigantic project, just for the jewish community, when there are not living more than 5.000 to 6.000 jews in whole poland. Very strange!

I'll tell you what I think...The 'official' Jewish culture is all a 'Tower of Babel', whether it be building skyscrapers or gambling casinos or banking networks...They worship at the Golden Calf...And of course they want to 'buy' Poland, along with other Eastern European nations...The already 'own' a large chunk of Hungary...They 'own' much of the USA, but they have gone too far here, with their 'non-Jewish' partners, and it is falling apart...The historic home of the Khazars/Eastern Jews is, of course, the region between the Caspian and Black Seas, which includes the Ukraine and Souhtern Russia...they wish to reconquer this too, but Putin has blocked the way...The ultimate Jewish aim is a global 'Pax Judaica' with it's capitol in Jerusalem, control of Europe through the EU, and, finally the control of Russia...Poland, which gave a home to the Jews when no one else would take them, has a special place in their hearts; Yes, they dream of 'buying' it, because then they would be justified for all the 'suffering' they went through in Poland...Pehaps Yiddish will become the second, or first language again when they make the final settlement.

Also, if Israel goes down the tubes, and it is only a question of when & how, many Jews will need a place to go...Europe is a preferred destination.
JulietEcho  3 | 100  
9 Oct 2008 /  #23
How to think about that?

- How do you assume that bastard state persists?
They have no economy as they need Goys to work for them, so they polute other civilizations and decadent jewmocracies...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Feb 2009 /  #24
we didn't get rid of them once, to have them come back again and try to control us,i think we all know who had most of the buisnesses, held many government positions, owned property in pre-war Poland. Poland is on the right path because they're gone, not there to rob our homeland. i've read that they want 60-100 billion dollars for their properties that got taken away and all the wrong doing done to them in Poland. Excuse me, but i believe it was the Germans that are to blame for that not us Poles. Them being let to reside in our Polish nation for centuries, tolerated, not persecuted like in Western Europe ow us, NOT the other way around.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Feb 2009 /  #25
we didn't get rid of them once

10 Feb 2009 /  #26
Excuse me, but i believe it was the Germans that are to blame for that not us Poles.

And the properties which were taken by the post-war Polish government? What about those?

The Polish attitude to property restitution should be a national disgrace. That it isn't speaks volumes about the nation.
JulietEcho  3 | 100  
10 Feb 2009 /  #27
PS: I think lot's of Poles profited from german firms settling in Poland due the lower wages and lower overall costs, leaving unemployed Germans behind, you shouldn't forget about that!

And you shouldn't forget about a lot of Polish firms that were put out of business just because their stupid government liquidated the import tariffs overnight, as part of a process to EU membership... Or the ones that survived, that were "privatized", which in many cases equaled to some German company buying and closing their Polish rivals... Its funny how Germans ONLY see what Polish did to them and not vice versa... That's why the EU concept has no chances of survival.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
10 Feb 2009 /  #28
I believe some people say that for 50 years now!
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
11 Feb 2009 /  #29
Another jewish paranoia thread? Can we not live together, peacefully, respect each other's culture? There is not ONE human civilization on this planet that is exclusive and is not influenced by many cultures.

If you are going to be so afraid of other cultures you might as well abandon catholicism because that is NOT polish. It did not start in Poland, it started in JERUSALEM. So you might as well become paranoid and abandon it as well because it's not "Polish" right?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Feb 2009 /  #30
Aha, so it's ok for the President of Israel to say such ridiculous and far-reaching things but not the Iranian PM? Maybe the world should be paranoid and abandon what he said too, right?

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