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"We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of Israel

HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
13 Feb 2009 /  #61
I apologize, Seanus, I must have misunderstood. We are getting a new skyscraper where I live but it isn't nearly as nice as the one you guys are getting :P I 'm jealous. At least it's better than nothing, though.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
13 Feb 2009 /  #62
Thanks for the apology but now I'm well and truly lost. Should I be wearing a dunce cap or was your message really that cryptic??

What do skyscrapers have to do with buyouts? A tenuous correlation indeed.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
14 Feb 2009 /  #63
How to think about that? First it looks to me like a joke, but finally the last sentence is quite improtant. I'm not antisemitic, to say that first, but obviously the influence of the jewish lobby in poland is rising exponentially, e.g. if you see such projects like the planned "Shalom Tower" in Warsaw:
This project will cost more than several hundred million Euro, where does all this money come from?

Seanus, I know we disagree sometimes but is it really worth you trying to make me think I've lost my ever loving mind? I was referring to the above quote, the construction of Shalom Tower in Warsaw.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
14 Feb 2009 /  #64
This time it is me who will apologise. I'm sorry, I had never heard of that development until just now. Strange to see such incredible figures being bandied about.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
14 Feb 2009 /  #65
Oh, it's okay, Seanus, lol, I thought it humorous anyway. Misunderstandings.
I don't find anything strange about it and if the same thing were happening here people would be ecstatic because it would bring a lot of jobs and mega $$$$$ to the area and where I live, that's all that matters. It's a bunch of neo con republicans and all they care about is jobs, money and tax dollars.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
14 Feb 2009 /  #66
Exactly, they happen. Talking face to face would make everything easier.

You have to laugh really. What are we if we can't do that much? :) :)
Seanus 15 | 19668  
14 Feb 2009 /  #68
Ach, words are often taken out of context anyway. Just like the forum, who knows the intention and circumstances behind the words?

An example, I wrote, 'Hey, you' to my female friend today. She thought I was being abrupt but those 2 words can be interpreted in so many ways. Aggressively, yes. I meant it as 'Hi there, you (friendly)'. Hey you, Jimmy is pretty funny in Scottish.

So, cheers to good intentions :)
yehudi 1 | 433  
15 Feb 2009 /  #69
I just saw the video of Shimon Peres. That's what got you hot under the collar? I listened to the original Hebrew and you can obviously hear him chuckling as he says "we bought this and we bought that". He's saying it "tongue in cheek" to emphasize the point that without natural resources Israel has companies that are involved in business ventures all around the world. And Dubai is "buying" manhattan and london and several other places too. That's called "investment and development" and it's good for poland. You should be happy. And don't worry, no one is making it part of Israel.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
15 Feb 2009 /  #70
I didn't get hot under the collar at all. I know that quotes are often taken out of context.
13 Mar 2009 /  #71
I found this kind of interesting.

The Wiesenthal Center wants to build a $250 million complex in Isreal. Where a private organization gets money like this to fund such a project (and multiple ones) I don't know. I guess it costs money to maintain awareness of cultural identity, but it seems they're overdoing it a bit...

That's not even the point, though. The fact that they're building on top of a Muslim cemetary (or part of it) is rather disturbing...and even worse that "Israel's Supreme Court to allow the destruction of part of an ancient Muslim cemetery".

I'm glad there was a peaceful protest though. I guess that leads to progress.

And yes, I know I'm a bit off topic here, but on the topic of spending copious amounts of money...
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
13 Mar 2009 /  #72
The Wiesenthal Center wants to build a $250 million complex in Isreal. Where a private organization gets money like this to fund such a project (and multiple ones) I don't know.

Well, figthing "anti-semitism" is not a small potato...
ragtime27 1 | 146  
13 Mar 2009 /  #73
Israel has companies that are involved in business ventures all around the world. And Dubai is "buying" manhattan and london and several other places too

Sure.....How about the disgraceful controversy case of Dubai when DPW (owned by United Arab Emirates ) tried to buy ports in USA,the deal was blocked by the congress with a big push from Senator Charles Schumer(support Iraq war,member of AIPAC,Zionist).

I thought investment is good money....AHHH.

Question if anybody can clarify,why would you name a building(Jewish Community Tower)?

is it going to be run by jews for the jews no poles are allowed,please am i missing something.
13 Mar 2009 /  #74
Well, figthing "anti-semitism" is not a small potato

Right, but look at the design plan for the center. It's superflous to say the least.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / "We buy out Poland, Hungary, and Romania!" - the President of IsraelArchived