He also had some bad things to say which I won't repeat.
Bad things about Polish Jews? You have to be more specific here.
You see, my father was Jewish, and he spent 1944 and part of 45 in Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen. He was the first to admit that some German guards saved his life in the camps. However, I'm sorry to say that he didn't have any kind words for the Poles or Ukranians that he came in contact with, inmates or guards. They were invariably rabidly anti-Semitic. Now, I'm trying to strike some balance here by saying that it is a well-known fact that some Poles harbored Jews during the war and that many were not rabidly anti-Semitic but were unable to do anything. Still, the fact remains ( and this forum proves it) that anti-Semitism is a national disease in Poland. Claude Lanzman effectively proved it with SHOAH, especially in the scenes where the villagers are finally admitting that Jews bear the eternal guilt as Christ-killers and in another village, where the peasants relate the fate of their former neighbors with some glee and amusement.
As to your suggestion that the forum participants, or 99% of them, are in essence bigoted morons, or the lunatic fringe, I really must object. Saying things like that aint going to endear you to those who read it.
The purpose of my participation in any forum is not to become popular but to express my opinions and present some facts, however unpopular they may be. That's the price one has to pay sometimes. If the participants are half-way civil and informed and do not display overt bigotry, I'll treat them with kid gloves, like I'm treating you. However, if they are from the lunatic fringe, like the guy who's accusing Einstein of plagiarism or the guy who sees a sinister plot in every Jewish name, then I make no bones about using strong language and expressing contempt.
You see the problem you now face is that you have engaged in a metaphysical debate. There is no correct answer and no one will come to any concensus.
How can a debate about anti-Semitism be called metaphysical? That's one of the central problems of history and is central proof of any nation's maturity as to how it positions itself on that issue or about the mistreatment of any other minority, not just Jews. It has to do with the loss of lives of countless millions throughout history and the suffering of countless people because of irrational, prejudices, accusations and fears. And my friend, that issue is solvable and has been solved in the civilized world but not yet fully in Poland.
nor do purported diagnoses of psychiatric illnesses. Indeed, is it really ethical of you to hold yourself out as a mental health professional and engage in this conduct - I think not.
I am participating in the forum as a private individual, not as a psychopathologist. However, that doesn't prohibit me from using professional knowledge in the assessment of some of the views expressed. I do repeat that I stand behind a previous post that states that any kind of racism is a type of mental illness because it's underlying cause is persecutory delusions. That's state of the art established opinion in the field. It's always uncomfortable to hear the truth about one's psychic shortcomings because they undermine one's identity and one's good opinion of themselves, but one can always seek treatment. We don't use shock therapy any more, and we don't lock people up (I guess someone was unduly influenced by "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".).
On a lighter note, was it really wise to put Corey Haim in with those other credible actors?
As for Corey Haim, well, as I said before about Pee Wee, if that is your only undeserved entry from the lists I submitted, I'll take him out.
Nobody's had the guts to tackle this either. Most of the responses dance around the margins (the lunatic fringe?) but never take the important issues raised head-on.
This refers to my post on page 17 about Jesus, the Bible, and the Papal proclamation Nostra Aetate. I quoted it, but the moderator erased it.