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Senior Java - Information About Salary in Poland - Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw - 3k usd/month

19 Jan 2015 /  #1
Hi I just was offered a Senior Java vacancy in Warsaw, 3k usd/month , is that enough for a family of 2 (my wife is diabetic and she needs the insulin and some other drugs how that works over there ?)

Any other information I should be aware of ?

Carlos Ortiz
19 Jan 2015 /  #2
This is a tough question to answer. Apart from the possible medical bills, what area would you like to live, what car would you like to drive etc. Its a lot more than some people make even with larger families.

When I first came it would have been nice to earn this salary, I would say you will be ok!
pigsy 7 | 304  
19 Jan 2015 /  #3
You can buy pvt health insurance for 5024 pln a year which ofcourse doesnt include medicine which is damn cheap if your company dont pay for your health
Monitor 13 | 1810  
20 Jan 2015 /  #4
Public health insurance is obligatory deducted from your gross salary. From 3000USD you will get around 2100USD (7800PLN). Your family will be insured for free from your insurance. Insulin sponsored by the insurer is very cheap:

As ozil8080 summarized:

When i calculated monthly expenses, it looked like there was a 2000 pln for rent + 500 for utilities+ 800*2 for food + some money for cinema + sports, ended up with around 5000 per month for 2 people to live in a normal life.

So as you see you will be able to even save around 1/3 of the net salary.
8 Sep 2015 /  #5
Merged: Gdansk job in JAVA development and life standard in Poland


I have been offered a job in Gdansk as a JAVA SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER or JAVA DEVELOPMENT TECH LEAD before i decide witch to accept, can you please tell me:

1. Approximate how much net salary should i expect separate for both positions ?

2. Cost of renting an apartment for 2 adults and 1 baby lets say 1 bedroom apartment including bills (clean and nice because we have baby in the house) also please share links of apartments rent web sites ?

3. Please share links of web sites that can buy used cars ?

4. How is the crime rate in Gdansk ?

Thanks in advance.
CesarChaMal - | 2  
28 Sep 2015 /  #6
Merged: Senior Java Developer Salary


I have been offer a Senior Java Developer position for the company Sii located Wrocław, i have 10 years of experience and i would like to know how much i can ask for this position, maybe someone can help me to give an idea about the salary for a Senior Java Developer an average, low and high salary for this position,

Thanks in advance.
CesarChaMal - | 2  
28 Sep 2015 /  #8
Thank you for the info, i will be checking more post to see if i can find more data.
23 Nov 2015 /  #9
I am a Senior Java Developer and I have +5 years of experience. How much do I earn money wroclaw ?
Thx for answer
PolandBoy - | 7  
23 Nov 2015 /  #10
Hi sahmat.
In Poland the maxiumum salary for Senior Java Developer is about 15000PLN per month, it is very good salary in Poland.
waqas2010 - | 1  
15 May 2017 /  #11

I am a Senior Java developer (without university degree) have done diploma from Aptech Worldwide, and have 6+ years of experience.
What will be expected salary in wroclaw for a single person. Scale is 9000-11500 PLN in job description.

Thanks in advance for answering.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / Senior Java - Information About Salary in Poland - Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw - 3k usd/monthArchived