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How to find a job in Krakow? Fluent Hungarian, Romanian and English, just after Master degree in HR

7 Sep 2011 /  #1
Hello! For 2 months I am searching for a job in Krakow. I speak fluent Hungarian, Romanian and English, just after Master degree in HR, with one year experience in offering technical support for the clients of a well known electronics producer company. Even though I am out of inspiration..where should I search more? Every day: GOOGLE -hungarian speaker job in Krakow..NOTHING new..I had some interview, but recruitment process takes really a lot of time, even a month..is anyone aware of some job opportunity of have some tips where should i search more?

Thank you, good luck to all of you!
pawian  226 | 27583  
7 Sep 2011 /  #2
My ex students, when they visit the old school, complain about job opportunities. There is hardly anything available, and if there is, it is thanks to connections.

Sorry to be a bad news bearer.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
12 Sep 2011 /  #3
Try all the recruitment agencies in Krakow and also look on Gumtree Krakow in the work section, you can put an ad in English.(you can pay an ad via paypal)

Target international companies HR departments etc

Forget about Hungarian and Romanian language skills because i am not sure Poland has a lot of commercial dealings with Hungary and Romania stick to your good will, experience in technical support .

Good Luck
19 Sep 2012 /  #4

We are a European company and always looking for programmers. I don't know if anyone in this group is intrested but it is ofcourse job related ;) Our website is mobilem.net, please select the english version, as said we are looking for PHP IOS android programmers and web specialists.We hire Polish and international team members, speaking mainly English, Polish, and Dutch (for now).

I hope this helps someone, and us ofcourse.

Kind regards,
melanie hill  
26 Jul 2013 /  #5
Hi We are a Recruitment company based in the UK and are currently looking for Help Desk / IT Analysts to work in Krakow for a leading Bank. We are looking for people who are fluent German, French or Czech speaking.

If you know of anyone who may be interested please contact me on +441932-856333 or send me an e-mail to mel.hill@proximesearch.com
21 Dec 2014 /  #6
Hello Everyone,

I am finishing my MBA this January and moving to Krakow. I will look for position as Personal Assistant (or similar) since I have an experience in it and this is really my cup of tea. I speak English, French, Russian, Belarusian and some Polish.

I will be very grateful for any tips, advises or recommendations.
write me: alena.stat@bk.ru

Kind Regards,

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