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Polish Australian, civil/hydraulic engineer, experience with programming in C++, is looking for work in Warsaw

AlexByasse 1 | -  
2 Apr 2015 /  #1
Hey friends,

I'm from Australia but my mother is Polish and I speak Polish well, although my reading and writing leaves a lot to be desired I'm afraid. I'm a civil/hydraulic engineer. I've worked for over a year in Brisbane, Australia as a coastal engineer. I was also a Maths tutor and Fluid Labs tutor for my university. I have experience programming in C++, Matlab and Fortran. I work great as an individual and as part of a team. I show a lot of initiative with regards to taking on work and tackling problems. I am a very personable and social person, verbal and professional communication are among my strongest skills. Above all I am a reliable and honest person with the ability and drive to grow as a skilled individual and as part of a group. Recently I've decided to try and move back to Warsaw to take care of my ageing grandmother and her deteriorating house.

If anyone has any job opportunities for me even outside of engineering I would greatly appreciate it and hope to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Looker - | 1129  
3 Apr 2015 /  #2
In my opinion you should focus rather on your programming skills, since it's one of the most demanding ability by Polish employers, and the IT sector is still growing. Make a good CV, get some references, and try to reach potential employers. You may also advertise yourself in a Polish job sites, check this thread:

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / Polish Australian, civil/hydraulic engineer, experience with programming in C++, is looking for work in WarsawArchived