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Polish Restaurants in NW Chicago & Suburban for 2010

Krystal  5 | 94  
2 Feb 2010 /  #1
I am updating the Polish Restaurants for 2010.

How many Polish Restaurants in NW Chgo. & Surburban Area?
Whose still in businesses or who aren't in businesses? I heard there are some new Polish restaurants and tell me about it. I do not want to travel to restaurants if they aren't in business. You know what I mean especially bad weathers.


You gotta be kidding!
Which mean you don't know too much about Polish restaurants opening new businesses in Chicago? Since I don't have Chicago Telephone boob. Looking up on internets isn't correct either. Thanks!
sledz  23 | 2247  
3 Feb 2010 /  #2
I am updating the Polish Restaurants for 2010.

When you update, that means you would be adding some kind of new information,,,, no?

How many Polish Restaurants in NW Chgo. & Surburban Area?

There are many in the city that Ive visited, I only know of a few delis in the burbs.
Too many to post right now:)

I do not want to travel to restaurants if they aren't in business.

Yeah, that would suck to drive all the way to the old Polish hood just to find,, Si Habla Espaniol,,especial leche $2.49 amiga...lol

If you would like to go to a Ma and Pa type of place try Smakoz they have really good food at reasonable prices, also they have liquor and piwo but its not a bar type atmosphere.

Weve had a couple PF meet ups there before and everybody seems to enjoy it:)

Its at Lawrence/Central
OP Krystal  5 | 94  
4 Feb 2010 /  #3
Thanks Sledz:

No I am not updating for news or internets. I thought it is good idea to post in here only.

I am having visitors from Indiana. My family are very old fashioned who don't eat American foods but only Polish Dishes. I am trying to find good restaurants to take them since I don't live in Chicago.

Oh I used to lives Lawrence and Nagle and it is my old neighborhoods for 35 yrs.
Sound like good place. Thanks.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
4 Feb 2010 /  #4
What's wrong with Lutnia Restaurant located at 5532 West Belmont? Their duck was so good that I quacked on the way out.
sledz  23 | 2247  
4 Feb 2010 /  #5
Oh I used to lives Lawrence and Nagle and it is my old neighborhoods for 35 yrs.

Theres this tiny little place at Lawrence and Austin called Halinias(sp) that I thought was pretty good as well.

I am having visitors from Indiana. My family are very old fashioned who don't eat American foods but only Polish Dishes. I am trying to find good restaurants to take them since I don't live in Chicago.

This is the best place for Polish Buffet, they have a regular menu also.


I would stay away from Old Warsaw though,,Ewwwwww!!

What's wrong with Lutnia Restaurant located at 5532 West Belmont?

I havent been into that one yet, theres quite a few restaurants around Belmont/Central
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
4 Feb 2010 /  #6
Jolly Inn is good. I recommend it but service at that small bar in the back is slow. I had to sing "Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła" before I got some service.

Here's a place I found in my various travels to the burbs. Meals are served true to form.
OP Krystal  5 | 94  
4 Feb 2010 /  #7
Oh, thank you everybody who posting in here. I appreciated your help very much.

Please let us know if there are new Polish restaurants.

I never like Old Warsaw foods. If I find new Polish restaurant, I will post for you all.
5 Feb 2010 /  #8
The White Eagle! In Niles! It's AMAZING!

OP Krystal  5 | 94  
5 Feb 2010 /  #9
Here is more informations for you. I found this. I think you will like it. It is about Polish in Chicago for visitors from Poland.

Kaczor Duck  2 | 95  
5 Feb 2010 /  #10
If you would like to go to a Ma and Pa type of place try Smakoz

Is a great Restaurant !!!! I have been here and is wonderful !!! Right Sledz and Eurola ??
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
30 Dec 2015 /  #11
Update to 2015
Red Apple Buffet in Chicago
This place is one of the best in the U.S. by far.
"This sprawling restaurant is home to three full rooms' worth of buffets, and while there are plenty of American and international specialties, for all intents and purposes Red Apple is a Polish buffet. Pierogis, potato pancakes, schnitzel, Polish sausage, blintzes, pork stew, roast beef, stuffed cabbage, pork shanks, roast turkey or duck, potato dumplings, and a huge array of desserts."

I wonder if the Administrator of the P.F. has ever belly up't there.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Polish Restaurants in NW Chicago & Suburban for 2010Archived