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Would you live in California, USA?

TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jun 2018 /  #211
No one cares about 'fair' or not.

Well, then why do we have a system in place that controls legal immigration? If no one cares whether someone came to the country legally or illegally, we might just as well open our borders and stop talking about that stupid wall. I'm against illegal immigration - be it a Pole overstaying his visa or a Mexican sneaking across the border. If you want to live in this country, don't start by committing a crime.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
9 Jun 2018 /  #212
their reward was naturalization

They have to have legalized their stay at some point.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jun 2018 /  #213
They should be allowed to stay.

Personalizing national debates is dumb but I cannot resist this one:

How many dreamers are in your house?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
9 Jun 2018 /  #214
National policy cannot be based on what "brave soldiers" think.

Tell that to soldiers who are pushed too far and will not commit genocide (as you propose) and you suddenly find yourself in a military coup.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jun 2018 /  #215
How many dreamers are in your house?

If you'd come visit me ... one. What kind of BS question is this?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Jun 2018 /  #216
Well, then why do we have a system in place that controls legal immigration?

Because of political posturing, prison lobby, law enforcement unions, etc.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jun 2018 /  #217
If you'd come visit me ... one.

So, you are not compassionate enough to share your place with any of them? How cruel.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
9 Jun 2018 /  #218
No one cares about 'fair' or not. Life isnt fair.
Exactly, Fair is where you go to buy cotton candy and step in monkey ****.

we might just as well open our borders

News Flash, they are open and Trump is trying to close them !!!!!! but the Liberals are fighting him all the way because they know that every time one comes in illegally it's a future Democrat vote.

That's one of the points Trump made with negotiating the BIRTHER's that they could not vote for twenty five years and the Democrat's said NO WAY ! lol

We have 15 million of them here now voting 100% Democrat and taking much more then they give.

They have to have legalized their stay at some point.

Send them back to where they came from and start taking care of the U.S. Citizens that are going without first and if there is any left over then share it.

Why take what is meant for our own citizens who worked for it and give it away to people that have their own country to live in.

If they don't like their country then change it, don't go burden someone else who has worked and died for what they have.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jun 2018 /  #219
Because of political posturing, prison lobby, law enforcement unions, etc.

Same for China, Japan, Mongolia, Mexico and the remaining 190 countries which enforce their immigration laws?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jun 2018 /  #220
Someone who was brought here illegally as a baby and grew up in this country is simply an American. That political decision should've been made decades ago.

News Flash, they are open

Try to get into the country illegally via any airport in the U.S.. That'll teach you about your "open" borders.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
9 Jun 2018 /  #221
That political decision

But once you make that decision you've given millions of people an incentive to bring their kids with them when they illegally cross the border. Incentives matter.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jun 2018 /  #222
The magic words were "(children) who grew up in this country".
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Jun 2018 /  #223
Same for China, Japan, Mongolia, Mexico and the remaining 190 countries which enforce their immigration laws?

Their systems are different than ours. China's system isn't like Japans and Japans system isn't like the US. We're not talking about Mongolia or any other country, that's irrelevant to the conversation. Mexico has a wall with Guatemala - they're actually very strict about their immigration. America is not - hence people exploit it. It is only natural for people to exploit a weakness, a loophole, etc.

Try to get into the country illegally via any airport in the U.S.. That'll teach you about your "open" borders.

Very few people are dumb enough to try to get into the US via an airport without a visa. And once they're in they just overstay the visa - just like Poles have done for decades. And if they got kicked out of the US then they'd just go to Canada and sneak in through the border there into the US.

The vast majority of illegals come from the southern border. They make the CA border more difficult they go in through Texas, they make Texas more difficult they go through New Mexico, they make New Mexico more difficult they go to Arizona, they make Arizona difficult they go through Texas again. It's never going to stop. Plus, many of the people enter the US legally through the border on 3 day passes and then just stay till they're caught and then get a 5 year ban on entering so they just cross illegally if they really want to enter.

Personally, if someone is willing to go through all that trouble of getting arrested, getting deported, walking on foot through a desert just to work some ****** job that no American wants anyway I say we just streamline the process and make it easier for the ones who actually want to work to come in. Right now its a nightmare - just like with anything related to the government (I'm still waiting for my tax refund and it's been over 2 months!!!). These people take jobs americans don't want anyway so personally I don't see the harm in them coming. And even with the massive amounts of latinos its still hard to fill low wage positions.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
9 Jun 2018 /  #224
(children) who grew up in this country

growing up in a place doesn't make you a citizen, which is the question. At one level I'm completely okay with giving all the dreamers citizenship, but it opens up a whole bunch of new questions about the future because it encourages reckless and feckless behavior (cross the border illegally with your kids and wait for the government to crumble and give them citizenship).

I'm also in favor of ending jus soli as it's being degraded by birth tourism (China and russia are among the biggest offenders).
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Jun 2018 /  #225
it encourages reckless and feckless behavior

It could, I agree with you. That's why it has to be made abundantly clear that this won't fly in the future.

ending jus soli

Would require a change to the Fourteenth Amendment. Highly unlikely.
Joker  2 | 2458  
9 Jun 2018 /  #226
That's why it has to be made abundantly clear that this won't fly in the future.

And a big shiny new wall will guarantee us this safety and security for American Citizens, not Illegal aliens.

Build the Wall! MAGA!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Jun 2018 /  #227
They're not going to stop coming though johnny nor will it stop the flow of drugs. Its mainly marijuana that is brought in my illegals. They strap a bail onto their back and walk with it. Especially on the Rio Grande. There's dudes standing there 24/7 just waiting to catch a border guard lackin and send a few bales across the river. All the expensive hard drugs like meth, coke and heroin are brought in by tractor trailer and cars. Cartel makes secret compartments in them and then theyll send like 20 30 cars amd trucks at once to the border. Even if just half to a quarter get though they're profiting millions and in reality the border guards only intercept about 10% of the loads coming in with some estimates as low as 3%

It will stop the human trafficking I dont doubt that but only if the wall runs the entire span of the us border which it won't. And besides cartels will find other means whether its with tunnels, boats, trucks, corrupting border guards which happens a lot or whatever. That's the criminals m.o. - adjust to whatever impedes their business.

Plus even the ones who dont use the cartels coyotes to get across will still come on a 3 day visa and just stay till theyre caught.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Jun 2018 /  #228
The dumbest claims made by the open-borders nuts are these three:

1. Illegals commit crimes at a lower rate than the natives.
2. Illegals are an asset to the US economy.
3. Majority of the illegals work very hard.

An inexperienced debater usually folds when confronted with this bs.

1. This a factually not true. Also, the claim ignores the fact that all crimes by immigrants - legal and illegal - are 100 percent preventable.
2. If that was true there would be bidding war between countries for the illegal Latino scum. The opposite is true: nobody wants them. Mexico included.

3. This is as dumb as it gets because it's an admission of guilt. Under law, illegals are not allowed to work at all - hard, light or anything in between. To work, they have to commit fraud on the US by getting fake SS cards - a federal felony. So much for law abiding, hard working illegals.

If you are still scratching your head about that 100 percent preventable. above, a Latino scum who was stopped at the border is unable to commit crimes beyond that border. Duh! Just don't let them in - like in Israel - and no crimes by the illegals.

I should apply for a patent for this last discovery.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
10 Jun 2018 /  #229
1. Illegals commit crimes at a lower rate than the natives.

Not against natives as a whole, but it is FBI fact that latinos commit far less violent crime including murders than blacks, and only slightly more than whites.

To work, they have to commit fraud on the US by getting fake SS cards - a federal felony.

No they dont. Many of the jobs they get are cash jobs - food prep, landscaping, agriculture etc. Also theres no such thing as 'fake ss cards.' Anyone can make a social security cars with bogus numbers on their computer, but short of hacking the ss database which is basically impossible.let alone for a migrant that ss is bogus. Obtaining a real false identity that checks out costs tens of thousands of dollars which an illegal cannot afford and even then they're merely duplicates of an existing identity.

hard working illegals

The fact is latinos illegal and legal take the low wage dirty jobs that majority of Americans dont want. Even illegal poles wont take the jovs mexicans do. Americans are too lazy and comfortable to take a dirty job like picking fruits in 90 degree weather, cooking at some restaurant for $10 an hour or working on a dairy farm where you're constantly kicked by cows and shat on, literally. Nonetheless those jobs are needed and unless the wages for them are drastically increased and the workers offered benefits which then results in consumers paying far more, itll only be mainly illegals working them

The worst job in New york: immigrant america

You should watch this movie its called a day without a mexican.


If you dont like illegal latinos working in the U.S. than stop purchasing products and services in which theyre involved in. That's what I do for israel (bds movement). I don't buy products on the bds list because ive been to israel and its some thing I strongly believe in.

Stop eating out at non franchise restaurants, stop eating yogurt, stop buying oranges, stop buying any food products made in the us as 80% of the people who worked to bring it to you are latinos of whom over half were illegal. You can safely assume that an illegal latino is responsible for the most food in your fridge. Once you stop buying produce, dairy, vegetables, etc then you'll stop supporting the Latino scum you have so much.


"If the Mexican farm laborers all went back tomorrow, the U.S. farm system would collapse," said Bobbie Brown, a crop farmer in the lower Rio Grande Valley along the Texas/Mexico border.

A recent National Agricultural Workers Study (NAWS) by the department of labor which surveys crop workers in the field found that 75 percent of hired hands in the sector were from Mexico and five percent were born in other foreign countries.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
10 Jun 2018 /  #230
You should watch this movie its called a day without a mexican.

First, I want to watch a movie "A day in Japan without a Mexican".

They must be desperate without Mexicans in Japan. Nobody cuts grass, picks tomatoes, flips burgers, and make beds in motels.

Yeah, life must be hell in Japan.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
10 Jun 2018 /  #231
You're right, because they offer livable wages and health insurance for Japanese to do those types of jobs. That is not the case in the U.S. Americans don't want to take those jobs its really that simple. Increasingly Americans don't even want to take blue collar jobs like welding, plumbing, etc because they're seen as 'lower class' even though they often pay way more than entry level post-college jobs. These type of jobs don't even cross young Americans' minds. They'd rather put themselves in debt just to get some $40k a year job after graduating - if they're lucky. Even though they could get a blue collar job in less time with no student debt and make way more money starting out they don't do it.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Jun 2018 /  #232
Build the Wall! MAGA!!

Mexico and South America are laughing at you fools. There are a million ways to cross the border illegally, and America will pay through the nose for daily operations and maintenance just to make Trump's billionaire buddies happy.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
10 Jun 2018 /  #233
There are a million ways to cross the border illegally

For now, I will settle for the bottom three so skip the first 999,997.

Just for fun: how many ways do the Palestinians use to go over the wall Israelis built?

Or are you saying that Israel is full of fools, too?

And, while you are at it, don't forget to include the DMZ.

Go. I am all eyes.

From USA Today:

MIAMI - As President Trump travels north to Canada to attend the G7 summit, Canadian officials have been heading south to try to stem a wave of undocumented immigrants headed their way.

Now, why would those lovely and compassionate Canadians do THAT?

Don't they know that the "undocumented" immigrants are a great asset and that they would, with joy in their hearts and smiles on their faces, do the work the Canadians just won't?


TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Jun 2018 /  #234
the wall Israelis built / DMZ

You are comparing our southern border to war zones? A little paranoid, aren't we? If you feel so threatened, why don't you move to Israel for a while and experience the warm fuzzy feeling of being safe first hand? Some inconveniences though: when you enter and leave the country, you will be interrogated like a criminal. Armed military in the streets. Your backpack will be searched before you can enter a shopping mall. Act suspicious and you might get shot. The regime doesn't care too much about human rights, you know. Really peaceful country, and sooooooooo safe because of the wall. Weapons and wall maintenance of course courtesy the American taxpayer.

I will settle for the bottom three

Sure. Shovel, ladder and boat. Bonus methods: drones for the drugs, overstaying visas for those who don't want to go with one of the first three options.

a wave of undocumented immigrants

Most likely U.S. Americans who are fed up with Trump... :)
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
10 Jun 2018 /  #235
Most likely U.S. Americans who are fed up with Trump...

What do you think Trump meant when he said he was going to make America Great Again.........Bye.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
10 Jun 2018 /  #236
Sure. Shovel, ladder and boat.

OK. Now, give me, please, the top three.

Sure. Shovel, ladder and boat.

"You are comparing our southern border to war zones? A little paranoid, aren't we?"

I will take a war zone over the peaceful invasion by the millions of scummy Latino undeportables every single day.

We can detect a zit on Kim's face from 10,000 miles but we can't detect a bunch of Latino a-holes digging a tunnel? The first one detected gets flooded with gasoline and ignited. No more tunnels. Duh.

Ladders. Have you seen one at the DMZ, the Berlin wall, or in Israel? So, how did it work?

Boats. You catch them, 10-years of hard labor for the "passengers" and sink the boat. Next.

See how simple things can be where there is a will?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Jun 2018 /  #237

Last one turns off the light.

Now, give me, please, the top three.

Are you Mexican by any chance?

How about you tell me instead what you have in mind when you think of a safe America? You know, safe from evil foreigners, safe from dangerous brown people, safe from the terribly unfair treatment by all other nations, safe from drugs and all the other stuff that Republicans are so afraid of. Do you imagine a nice little police state where every citizen is armed with a gun and a Bible? Where women know their place, stay in the kitchen and spread their legs on demand for nookie? How do you want to make America great again, and while we're at it ... when was America great last?
Joker  2 | 2458  
10 Jun 2018 /  #238
Are you Mexican by any chance?

You asked me the same stupid question. Now, go away unwanted expat along with your hateful anti-American propaganda.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Jun 2018 /  #239
scummy Latino undeportables

How many do you actually know personally?

anti-American propaganda

Sorry, señor. No clowns allowed in the main section of PF. Your place is in Off Topic at the neo-Nazi convention - also known as the "Thread of support to US President Trump in his fight for media freedom in USA". Now bugger off...
Joker  2 | 2458  
10 Jun 2018 /  #240
Sorry, señor. No clowns allowed in the main section of PF

Your personal attacks against me just prove you are very misinformed and with No winning argument in your liberal diatribe.

I have now become a Nazi? You claimed, I was a Russian last week. Which is it, are you confused?

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Would you live in California, USA?Archived