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What similarities would you say there are between Poles and Mexicans?

peterweg  37 | 2305  
22 Jul 2010 /  #31
besides those typical ones, I'm curious what yous think.

The dark skin, Spanish accents, the love of hot spicy food. They are twined nations.
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Jul 2010 /  #32
I'm pretty sure you could say this about many cultures.

yes! That was my point.
BTW, my mexican friend says not to defend Maxico City. It's so bad, she says, you need protection to come out of the house.
rider  - | 5  
24 Jul 2010 /  #33
an expensive cigarette that you can't even afford . . . !!!
Real Estate Marketing
sledz  23 | 2247  
24 Jul 2010 /  #34
you need protection to come out of the house.

A Gas mask from all the Diesel fumes is the first line of protection.

Juarez (El Paso) is where you really want to stay away from!
24 Jul 2010 /  #35
juarez is a ***** cat compared to mexico city. hundreds of cops in groups of 20-30 plus military police armed to their teeth. drove from t.o. thru all of mexico even, against my better judgment, at night all the way down to el salvador. some trip it was. :)

ps : u can't even say poosy cat here? puss puss poosy cat. :)
giovannile07  6 | 37  
25 Jul 2010 /  #36
yes! That was my point.
BTW, my mexican friend says not to defend Maxico City. It's so bad, she says, you need protection to come out of the house.

lmaoo alright, could have made it more clearr ^_^
Jesus Nigel  
25 Apr 2011 /  #37
Mexican food is amazing (real Mexican food). Easily worth pursuing.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
26 Apr 2011 /  #38
Neither Mexicans nor Poles wear shorts to mass thats for sure. Mexican men, for the most part, don't wear shorts ever. And I think there are also other similarities: a proud equestrian tradition amongst both peoples, tumultous national histories, quixotic temperments, and Virgin centered churches. The last similarity, in my opinion, gives both peoples their own style in the arts, and in the art of living, which, although quite distinct, share a certain grace which is the boon of devotion to the eternal feminine.
pawian  226 | 27587  
26 Apr 2011 /  #39
Maybe I'm just to young to understand that :-)

With moustaches you look more distinguished.
beckski  12 | 1609  
26 Apr 2011 /  #40
Not too many Poles in Southern Calif. The majority of Mexican men here sport a mustache; some of the Mexican women too!
ElPolaco  - | 11  
26 Apr 2011 /  #41
One would have to distinguish between Poles and Mexicans and Polish Americans and Mexican Americans. I'm Polish American and my wife is Mexican American. We're both devout Catholics and from hard working families. Her and her mother both like Polish food better than Mexican while I enjoy Mexican food more. We both like Polkas (not a real Polish dance). The old ethnic joke is: "What do you get when you cross a Mexican and a Polak? You get a kid who spray paints his name on chain link fences."
shewolf  5 | 1077  
26 Apr 2011 /  #42
Mexican men, for the most part, don't wear shorts ever.

You say Mexican men don't wear shorts ever? Are you sure about that?
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Apr 2011 /  #43
Many Poles dance speedy Gonzales.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
26 Apr 2011 /  #44
You say Mexican men don't wear shorts ever? Are you sure about that?

Notice I added the qualifier "for the most part" and you link doesn't disprove my qualified assertion as the Mexicans wearing shorts in it are minors and not men.
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Apr 2011 /  #45
There is also the polish sobrero.
ElPolaco  - | 11  
26 Apr 2011 /  #46
not many, besides a common religion.....

My wife and I were members of a Mexican parish when we lived in Arizona. The pastor was a Spanish speaking Polish priest.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
27 Apr 2011 /  #47
Notice I added the qualifier "for the most part".

No sense of humor, I see. ;)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Apr 2011 /  #48
The main difference is in the size of the respective sombreros:


shewolf  5 | 1077  
27 Apr 2011 /  #49
That's hilarious. I love it.
Havok  10 | 902  
27 Apr 2011 /  #50
besides those typical ones, I'm curious what yous think.

I think illegal Mexicans are kinda like British socker hooligans, they come uninvited, trash everything and then pretend that nothing bad happened. I can't find any similarities with Polish though. Sorry.

The main difference is in the size of the respective sombreros:

dude it really shows that you're Polish so why would you pretend to be British? Do you get off on that?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
27 Apr 2011 /  #51
A similarity I can think of is both nations' love of shrooms. Although those in Poland make you see the world the same before and after.


dude it really shows that you're Polish so why would you pretend to be British?

And where did you see me pretend I was British?
I don't think I could be more clear on that.
Care to quote?
Havok  10 | 902  
27 Apr 2011 /  #52
Care to quote?

sorry bud, my apologies
ElPolaco  - | 11  
28 Apr 2011 /  #54
My cousin has her last name hyphenated to combine her maiden and married surnames:
Kopaczewski-Gonzalez, I hope she doesn't have to say it too many times in a row, she would be out of breath.
roca  7 | 43  
3 Oct 2011 /  #55
I'm originally from Latin America but have lived in several western european countries and Poland. While living in Scandinavia, some Poles told me that in mentality and humor they are much more closer to mexicans than to scandinavians.

Some similarities which come quickly to my mind

- catholics
- conservative (family values are still important in both cultures)
- very similar humor
- drive like crazy and aggresively ,
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
3 Oct 2011 /  #56
The biggest difference is Poles are not descended from Aztecs or any other mesoamerican tribe.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
3 Oct 2011 /  #57
This "biggest difference" makes Poles on average lighter skinned that Mexicans, but the two people are similiar in the ways that really count. Both live their lives with a certain beautiful Catholic style that is unknown amongst dreary puritainical Anglos.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Oct 2011 /  #58
One would imagine that he is going on tales about Poland handed down from his great-grandmother

Not much has changed really - just WWI and WWII, the border shifts, the killing of 3 million of her citizens, Communism, three different Republics - nah, not much difference really.
pawian  226 | 27587  
3 Oct 2011 /  #59
I think both Poles and Mexicans love America, Americans and everything that has in common with USA.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
3 Oct 2011 /  #60
If you look at sport events with Polish or Mexican athletes, Polish people and Mexican people are similar in the amount of support they give their athletes. They both support their athletes tremendously.

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