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Do Poles take Kaczynski seriously!?

Bartolome  2 | 1083  
5 Oct 2011 /  #181
Do Poles take Kaczynski seriously!?

Some definitely not. He doesn't deserve this.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
5 Oct 2011 /  #182
That's why he says one thing to the moustaches/hooligans/old people, but then all his candidates for the Sejm are from the educated middle class of society?

I think that you have a problem with basic understanding what's going on.
What you put forward is irrelevant. He wants to rebuilt strong working state, German or French like-model.
PO is for cronies and under-the-table deals - and to hell with state, country and people, provided they are not our people.

What do you have against moustaches.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
5 Sep 2018 /  #183

For the att. of J. Kaczynski Esq and Dirk Diggler


Basically, a Polish resistance fighter rubbishes PIS and its' anti-defamation laws. Read it, if you can, dear Chairman, and then get down on your knees and beg the man's forgiveness.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
5 Sep 2018 /  #184
Really? You can always pick one or other person to state his opinion. So what? Funny though that the guardian pretend to be a champion of free speech if that suit them. That would gladly can any other opinion or view beside their own.

Anyway he doesn't rubbish PiS or any laws. He just make a general statement that is true for any society , any country and anywhere including your sacred English/Brits.

I would say that is not a big problem in Poland, something at 93 and away from the country for the most part of his life might have skewed view of things.

Anyhow he is leaving rebuttal for all those lies and slanders leaved by Israeli, American and domestic Jews and commies against Poles, Poland, Polish patriotism and conduct of its people during the war.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
5 Sep 2018 /  #185
Anyhow he is leaving rebuttal for all those lies and slanders leaved by Israeli,

Yes, exactly Ironside. He says that no country has the right to the moral high ground. That is exactly the problem. PIS thinks Poland should always have the moral high ground. That is "The Polish Problem" right there - the old inferiority complex. And like every complex, it's just in their minds.

The speaker reminds the reader that there were unspeakable acts carried out. Kaczynksi's revisionist history tries to deny that.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
5 Sep 2018 /  #186
PIS thinks Poland should always have the moral high ground. That is "The Polish Problem" right there -

What are you talking about? What Polish problem? Polish historical narrative doesn't lie or slander others or make up the stuff or distort it. There is always a question of perspective but more oft than not it is a very minor issue if one sticks to facts and the truth.

For the record Poland has a moral high ground if we talking about WWII. The problem is that is comparison pretty much all other participants rick to high havens to the lessor or higher degree. So 'the Polish problem' in this context is that other would have a bitter pill to swallow if they were to fact the hard truth's about themselves.

So it so much easier to go with the flow, pay a lip servicer to this holocaust narrative and sh''t on a country like Poland for not walking the line. The Polish problem is WE paid much to high price to just let it go. So, as they say - go violate your rectum with some heavy and preferably big object ( with some spikes) rather than lecture Poles on morality or history.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
6 Sep 2018 /  #187
Problem is, that as with an individual state in the US, it doesn't merely exist in some kind of vacuum, but remains bound by the continent to which it belongs.

In Europe, it's the same thing. Poland may well wish to distance herself from the West and drift away from established constitutional practice, but she needs the EU as an overall safeguard against capricious threats to democracy!

Germany also rejected the rest of Western Europe, long before the outbreak of WWII, imagining herself "above the law" which governed the same continent which she shares with France, Italy etc.

All countries need to be reigned in when they cease being responsible member states, and, like naughty children in need of strict parenting, act out their prurient fantasies and impact the welfare of their neighbors.

"No man's an island,..... everyone's part of the continent, part of the main......" - John Donne
Crow  154 | 9207  
6 Sep 2018 /  #188
I will answer you with a question.

But do Serbians take Kaczynski seriously!?

and my answer, if you ask me. You don`t but well...

Frankly, I don`t know.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
6 Sep 2018 /  #189
Slavs no longer belong to some medaeval "Pan-Slav fiefdom" as you seem to imagine they still do!
Poles belong to the EU, period, end of story.
Crow  154 | 9207  
6 Sep 2018 /  #190
Lyz. You didn`t sow how Polish younglings of ultra right Polish organizations listening to Misa Vacic during pro-Serbian demonstrations in Poland. Serbians don`t restoring Pan-Slavism. Serbians awakening the Dragon. We want free Sarmatia. Nothing less of it.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
7 Sep 2018 /  #192
All countries need to be reigned in when they cease being responsible member states,

Great, who is gonna make that call. Who is gonna say - hey you're not a responsible member state. last time Trump called Merkel in Germany irresponsible double dealing with /Russia nothing happened.

While some unelected pen pusher a **** who made dirty financial deals has somehow right to dictate to Poland what laws its legal, democratically elated gov can do and cannot to in their own country. ( even though there is nothing in the EU treaty that give him that right)Really I think Lyzko you are out of the loop. Not that you have anything to say that would be more than few slogans.
Lyzko  41 | 9545  
7 Sep 2018 /  #193
Don't believe the BS Trump's been dishing out, Ironside! It's an insult to your intelligence (..and that ain't sayin' muchLOL).

Human beings are by their very nature irresponsible and are inherently incapable of so-called self-governing. By your logic, why have bosses as workers can boss themselves, or police, as citizens can police one another, finally, why have governments at all??!
Crow  154 | 9207  
7 Sep 2018 /  #194
Dream on......


But Misa Vacic spat on NATO in the middle of Warsaw and Polish patriots frantically repeated after him: ``F***, f*** NATO pact`.

Is that dreaming? Man, Serbs are hard working and we will get Poles with us. We will pull Poland out of sh**. We have Sarmatia and we only have to remind Poles that they too have Sarmatia.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
7 Sep 2018 /  #195
. By your logic,

I think you have no clue as to the workings and dealings of the EU. Same as you have no clue to what Germany has been doing. On which it has been right scolded by Trump.

Polish patriots frantically repeated after him: ``F***, f*** NATO pact`.


If that is a fact, you can always find some deluded idiots. Very few of them.
axelm  - | 13  
8 Sep 2018 /  #196
Kaczynski is a real patriot, unlike left-wing liberal EU pussies who loathe patriots.
His vision of Poland is a balanced one, liberalism mixed with social side where state helps the poor, works quite well.
Lessons learned from western " democracies" are that Poland will not repeat mass import of refugees who cause nothing but crime, aggression and brutality in western EU.

Remember that it was Lech Kaczynski who went to Georgia and prevented russian aggression. No other EU leader had balls to do it.
cms neuf  1 | 1721  
8 Sep 2018 /  #197
Lech is long dead Axel - this thread is about his brother Jaroslaw
Crow  154 | 9207  
9 Sep 2018 /  #198
If that is a fact, you can always find some deluded idiots. Very few of them.

Deluded idiots?

Why you now pretend here dobri brate irone. You yourself would in perfect situation want to shout against NATO and EU and you would also walk with Serbs. You are not of those who wants to live forever at all costs.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
9 Sep 2018 /  #199
in perfect situation want to shout against NATO and EU

hmm.... there was nothing about the EU, were they shout against EU - good.
They shouting against the USA presence in Poland - stupid at the moment.

Unfortunately Serbia is just a pimple with very little significance in the real world. All you want from Poland is to help you with your problems.

Please back to the topic

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