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"It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)

jon357  72 | 22778  
1 Apr 2018 /  #31
actually contribute to the societ

Plenty even, since millions have the right to settle in PL due to freedom of movement. And yes, people who have settled in Poland contribute rather a lot to the economy. Certainly far more than those who've left.


It would actually be Pitcher of the Decade rather than catcher of the year, however no; it's something far more official...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Apr 2018 /  #32
since millions have the right to settle in PL due to freedom of movement

Travel, work, reside yes, become citizens and vote - no, lest they meet certain strict requirements.

And yes, people who have settled in Poland contribute rather a lot to the economy. Certainly far more than those who've left.

Oh I contribute plenty to the Polish economy. What do you contribute besides increasing the risk of HIV infection and ideologies despised by the vast majority of PL society? You're only in Poland because as a 'transport consultant' (whatever that is) you can't quite afford the same type of lifestyle in W. European cities as in Warsaw ... same as the other LBH/sexpats...
jon357  72 | 22778  
1 Apr 2018 /  #33
become citizens and vote

I don't think that's most people's priority if they already have EU citizenship. Polish citizenship isn'thard to obtain for those who meet straightforward requirements anyway.

'transport consult' (whatever that is)

Yes, what is that? Certainly new to me.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Apr 2018 /  #34
p. Polish citizenship isn'thard to obtain for those who meet straightforward requirements anyway.

No it isn't - it's given to people who show they're assimilating and contributing. A fair compromise IMO. They're not given to every person just because they ended up landing in Poland and expect the taxpayers to pay for them and all their kids - like the migrants are currently doing in Germany, Sweden, etc. As soon as Denmark cut that BS they scurried like the parasites they are to a new host - Sweden.
jon357  72 | 22778  
1 Apr 2018 /  #35
people who show they're assimilating and contributing.

Very straightforward to get, certainly easier than in a lot of places in the world, and frankly unneccessary anyway now due to EU Freedom of Movement. A friend originally from the Middle East has just done taken out citizenship The degree to which he chooses to assimilate is a private matter for him and his family; the degree to which he contributes is however huge. He is an asset to the country.

expect the taxpayers to pay for them and all their kids

You have a very cynical view of the people from Turkey etc who set up businesses in Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Apr 2018 /  #36
the degree to which he chooses to assimilate is a private matter for him and his family;

Yes - as long as his religious and cultural views don't interfere with those of Polish society, our constitution, our laws, traditions, etc. That is a BIG problem in Germany where migrants have no respect for the German society and its laws, values, etc.
jon357  72 | 22778  
1 Apr 2018 /  #37
as long as his religious and cultural views don't interfere with those of Polish society

They in fact differ hugely, not that ones 'religious and cultural views' are either a help or hindrance in the matter of citizenship. He lives in the part of Poland which has the by far lowest levels of religious observance in the country, so I doubt those around him would notice or care.

He did tell me that a neighbour was being awkward about him being there and being married to a Polish woman who is not raising their kids as Christian; the other neighbours told the guy to shut up and mind his own business.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Apr 2018 /  #38
Oh that kid will not have it easy in Polish schools lol... a half Arab ... he's better off in W. Europe

Besides, that's an outlier. Polish society is arguably the most homogeneous in Europe and according to CBOS the majority of Poles wish to keep it that way.

They in fact differ hugely

Differing is one thing. If he's going to marching around with 'Sharia 4 Poland' signs or starts blaring garbage about allahahmuhammedjihad he's going to get pounded by Polish patriots and hools who don't want that crap.

$20 bucks says that Polish girl married him for the money - as tends to be the case when a Polish woman marries a foreigner. Another $50 says they'll be divorced within a decade.
SigSauer  4 | 378  
1 Apr 2018 /  #39

A bit off topic, but I'm curious. Why are you hostile to the idea of homogeneous nations? Certainly haven't heard you lambaste South Korea, Japan, Kenya, China, or Mongolia for not being 'multicultural' and accepting asylees who hate them and their culture.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Apr 2018 /  #40
Because the far left believes only white people should have to share their countries and be forced to redistribute their resources
jon357  72 | 22778  
1 Apr 2018 /  #41
Why are you hostile to the idea of homogeneous nations?

Did I ever say that? Not that either homogeneity or diversity matter that much nor are either positive or negative things. It's the way the world's changing and a couple of the examples you give have plenty of people who have settled in those countries. You yourself come from one of the most diverse countries in the world.

Oh that kid will not have it easy in Polish schools lol... a half Arab

As far as I know, they're all doing nicely, and being an in a very upmarket area of Warsaw they're certainly far from the only ones with mixed heritage.

married him for the money......Another $50 says they'll be divorced within a decade.

Since they've been together for longer than that already, and the wife owns a (as far as I know thriving) business, I suspect the 50 will be an easy win for me...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Apr 2018 /  #42
Not that either homogeneity or diversity matter that much

They do for some people - namely Poles and Hungarians who don't wish to become immigrant countries.

That kid will get teased a lot - Warsaw or not.

I guess we'll see - seeing as how many battered women left their Muslim husbands, only time will tell.

When Muslims arrive in Poland:
Rapefugees not welcome:
Most Polish women would never sully themselves with carrying a 3rd worlders child.

Migrants = Human garbage (translation into English from a speech by a well known libertarian politician)
OP Slavictor  6 | 193  
2 Apr 2018 /  #43
Jon357 is what is known in North America as a Social Justice Warrior - a rebadged cultural marxist.


Forced mass 3rd World migration into Western Countries is engineered, plainly. A plan a long time in coming, and one that no citizen voted or asked for.

Dupes, or "useful idiots" as they were referred to as, are un-able to understand, accept, recognize or reason against their conditioning and therefore either consciously, but mainly sub-consciously, maintain the narrative of the engineers that planted these thoughts within them.

Yuri Bezmenov explains the "useful idiot" :


The conditioning is such that you can't alter their programming once saturated. Even if something happens to them personally that you tried to warn them about, they'll either refuse to admit it or ignore it.

If a cultural marxist gets in the way of the man with capacity and reason still intact, who is concerned and motivated to maintain & preserve the parent culture of his country, and the cultural marxist gets in the way of that preservation, he must be asked politely to step aside. If he doesn't, move him and do not apologize for it. Never give an inch on this.
Crow  154 | 9207  
2 Apr 2018 /  #44
Poles, beware of Muslim Semitic convertites to Catholicism. They are next stage of `Drang Nach Osten`, when it comes to Poland and how to deal with Poles. Be advised, Pope love Germanics more then Poles.

Spot muja Shquiptar and Arab propaganda video on Poland >>>> they exploit fact that official Poland within NATO/EU helped in spread Islam in Bosnia thru formation of Bosnian Caliphate and also, they exploit fact that official Poland as part of NATO/EU creating Greater Albania >>>>

Polish Armed Forces | In the path of Allah
3 Apr 2018 /  #45
says that Polish girl married him for the money - as tends to be the case when a Polish woman marries a foreigner.

So all Polish women will sell themselves for money, that's what your saying?
Atch  21 | 4139  
3 Apr 2018 /  #46
Oh that kid will not have it easy in Polish schools lol... a half Arab ...

Are you suggesting that a child of mixed race parents will be bullied and socially excluded in a Polish school?? And are you celebrating that? Sounds like it.

Stop and think for a minute, really think about what you're saying. It suggests that when you become a parent you will instruct your children to ostracize other children whose existence offends you, because, as a teacher I can tell you, that it's from their parents and home life that children pick up those values. Not very nice Dirk. A child doesn't choose their parents and shouldn't be 'punished' because of them.

Also, if you think that Polish children would behave that way, shunning a classmate and subjecting that child to abuse because they're not white and Christian, I believe you are very wrong. Certainly that's not what I saw in Ireland. I taught Polish children in classes that also had some children of middle Eastern, Indian and African origin and they all mixed and played together in a normal manner.

If you don't want to invite such children to your home or encourage friendships, that's a different matter. But hoping that mixed race children will be shunned, snubbed and taunted by their white Christian Polish peers, is really sick, quite frankly.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
3 Apr 2018 /  #47
When Dirk saw the picture below he was really upset.... he was sure that if _he_ had thrown the tomato he totally would have nailed her

SigSauer  4 | 378  
3 Apr 2018 /  #48

My friend lives in Poland with her husband and child who is black (American). She says that her daughter is treated equally, and experiences 0 racism, as opposed to the US school system where she's had negative experiences.
Atch  21 | 4139  
3 Apr 2018 /  #49
It's not to me, but to Dirk that you should be addressing that comment Sig. I agree with you. It's Dirk who is fantasizing about mixed raced children being treated as he clearly thinks they deserve to be - and he thinks they deserve to have their schooldays made a misery by their Polish peers, but that won't happen thankfully.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
3 Apr 2018 /  #50
I know several people of mixed Polish-Arab origin - the oldest is in his 40s, the youngest are about 10. They don't stand out. There have been such couples in Poland for decades.

Polish-African children are far less common but if it's NOT socially acceptable to bully them. I have met two such kids here. They get more stares but that's all. You need to be a real jerk to bull someone on the basis of their skin colour.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
3 Apr 2018 /  #51
That kid will get teased a lot - Warsaw or no

Just another example of how little you have in common with modern Polish people.

ou need to be a real jerk to bull someone on the basis of their skin colour

The prosecution rests.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Apr 2018 /  #52
Yeah because poles are sooooo friendly to arabs... all I'm saying is that kid will get teased and mocked in polish schools when hes young. And yes i know this because unlike you all I went to grade school in poland. Later in life hell just get a lot of stares at the very least

And no maf thats the first time im seeing that picture so you're more than welcome to repost my supposed past comment about it. I doubt you'll find it tho as it doesnt exist.

Amd no i dont shun the mixed children they did nothing wrong obviously. It is the woman, as more often in than not in poland it is a foreign man marrying a polish woman not polish man marrying a foreign girl (outside of pl its different). It's becauze foreigners come to Poland with sexpat mentality in the back of their mind knowing that polish women are infinitely more beautiful, more feminine, etc than the women of their home country. The Polish women see an educated wealthy foreigner and its an easy meal ticket. Notice that the foreigners are often with average or even ugly polish women as ththe most beautiful Polish women tend to be taken by due to competition. Every time I saw a black guy with a polish girl in pl she was a total dog and even a black american dude who makes youtube vids avout life in poland admits this. That ugly girl, by pl standards, would be considered hot by a foreign sexpat. So it works well for both parties she bc she gets an easy meal ticket and him because he got the polish girl he wanted.

Meanwhile wealthy educated european men who migrate to Poland and wealthy educated native poles get the cream of the crop. The dogs are left more for Arab a.d african guys, and again even a black guy living in pl says the exact same thing. I'll post the youtube link when i get to work. That's really the only way the ugly polish girls can manage getting a wealthy educated husband and have security in their lives whuch is the most important thing to a woman.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
4 Apr 2018 /  #53
People don't realise such children are half Arab. Even full blood Turkish, Tunisian or Algerian people don't stand out in the crowd. Especially in winter.

A colleague of mine is half Morrocan. Once a newbie was talking about Arabs in Holland not realising X is half Arab. Lol.
As for people who are half Arab, google Artur Partyka. He's half Algerian. You may also google Polish Abelard Giza who often jokes about his Arabic looks. And he is Polish.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
4 Apr 2018 /  #54
Even full blood Turkish, Tunisian or Algerian people don't stand out in the crowd

I don't know if I'd go that far, but it's true that lots of Arabs don't stand out in a Polish crowd and a fair amount of the Arabs in Poland are only identifiable as such when they speak (unless they grew up in Poland in which case they're only identifiable if they identify themselves....

Unlike western Europe most Arabs in Poland had come for higher education in the 1970s or 80s and many found life here a more attractive option than going home.... and they are mostly not very religious (or are religious on their own time at home). They started with much higher educational and social capital than Algerians who went to France to do menial work....

That doesn't mean that Poland is or will be an attractive destination country for large numbers of Arabs or that Poland would do any better with the type that went to Western Europe for low skilled jobs or welfare benefits than Western Europe was.
OP Slavictor  6 | 193  
5 Apr 2018 /  #55
The point is for Poland to do whatever is necessary to preserve and maintain it's cultural heritage as an overwhelming majority presence. This feminist, Sommer, is providing the answer as what to avoid. Polish are caucasian. When in Shanghai, one expects and hopes to see a majority of Chinese, not Somalians. Thailand does not allow non-Thais to own property. For the Poles, realize this intentional attempt at invasion is engineered to weaken the fabric of your society. Treat it as such. Act no differently as if someone were trying to break into your house and take it over. It is rightfully moral to not give an inch in preserving what and who you are in the land you live. Make no apologies. Ignore the marxist chants. BE INTOLERANT in this case. It's no crime.
Crow  154 | 9207  
5 Apr 2018 /  #56
Poles should think of their national Church within Catholic Church as a whole. Only in their national Church, Poles would be able to preserve their original identity.

One may say, some of my friends here on this forum, Poles are Catholic first and Slavic second. But, those who are Catholic first would soon face clear choice- to mix with Semites who converted to Catholicism or, to rethink and found out that they are, after all, Slavic first. It would mean that they only were confused and lied to themselves.

To be clear here, same thing I telling to every Russian when I have opportunity. Some Russians would as approach to Serbians choose to underline how are we Orthodox brothers. Such a Russians are often unpleasantly surprised when they are corrected by Serbian who tell them- we are Orthodox but, we are Slavic brothers, adding as info that we Serbians still celebrate old universal Slavic custom- SLAVA and that ancestors and Svetovid comes first. We really don`t mind for stories of Third Rome. We don`t boost on it. We Serbians are Sarmatians in our absolute and by default, we resist to Rome. You can`t imagine how are Russians confused by Serbians sometimes. For Serbians, accepting Christianity was reason for compromise, not reason to betray Svetovid absolutely.

What I want to tell you. Back in past, most of Serbians was Catholic. Then, Pope wanted absolute control and our Nemanjic dynasty turned to Orthodoxy, after achieving compromise of forming its own national Orthodox Church, where we within Christianity incorporated some pre-Christian Slavic rituals, SLAVA, concept of ancestors and memory of Svetovid. If we Serbians managed to do it, then Poles of today for sure can achieve compromise with Pope to get their national Catholic Church and within it preserve their own authentic Slavic spirituality.

Live and prosper!
OP Slavictor  6 | 193  
6 Apr 2018 /  #57
A German man, who has not been silenced and can still think, is allowed to speak on the situation of his culturally enriched country to the applause of his fellow countrymen.

Tacitus  2 | 1241  
7 Apr 2018 /  #58
Amazing how many lies and hate one person can fill in such a short speech. It is assuring to know that this man belongs to a tiny minority and thankfully dies not represent Germany. His ilk will never get any influence in Germany again.
7 Apr 2018 /  #59
I opened this website one year ago and what did I see? A bunch of racist rant
I am on this site today and what do I see? A bunch of racist rant
Haha you people are hilarious! Stop pretending your racism is patriotism ;)
mafketis  38 | 10868  
7 Apr 2018 /  #60
His ilk will never get any influence in Germany again.

it's hubris to think so, as for integration... more hubris on the German side....


Archives - 2010-2019 / News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)Archived