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Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin

gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
1 Jun 2012 /  #241
Marcin Bosacki, a spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry, is not denying the facts, but points out that. The Polish government has done a lot over the last year to make the problem of racism and hooliganism disappear from Polish stadiums.

Jumping in to defend ourselves is a natural impulse, but it blurs our vision. If we are able to see our own faults, we can work at eliminating them, instead of taking offense at those who highlight them.

I rest my case!
1 Jun 2012 /  #242
What case is that?
Or are you selecting specific parts of the text and formulating your opinion on that?

We like the way we are portrayed in Der Spiegel. We are lashing out at the BBC for being selective because after all Poland is pretty much like any other country: it may not be free from soccer hooligans, but it is safe for travelers.

Marcin Bosacki, a spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry, is not denying the facts, but points out that. The Polish government has done a lot over the last year to make the problem of racism and hooliganism disappear from Polish stadiums.

The text is in the past tense not present.

Really? I live in Poland watch polish football (in gdynia and gdansk) and Polish football feels like the UK in 1983.

Then I will bow to your 'vast' experience and knowledge of Poland and Polish matters then as you seem to know everything about Poland according to your posts.

I feel so inferior in the presence of greatness - what have I been doing for the last 13 years in Poland?

Ever post you make is in criticism of Poland, why are you even here?
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
1 Jun 2012 /  #243

He's starting to sound quite familiar. I wonder who he used to be...
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Jun 2012 /  #244
Well, I happen to be proud that Poles are considered to be racists,

I am with you on this.Multi culti stuff does create racial tensions and I guess everyone knows it very well it's just that Brits or Americans having such large colored population have no other choice than pretend otherwise.But we in Poland still do therefore I am glad that Poland has a reputation of being a racist country because it stems the tide of African immigration at least a little bit.I know,I know Poland is not a rich country but at the same time it is still way better off than majority if not all of black Africa countries and it does attract many Africans who want to emigrate.If Brits or blacks or Asians don't want to come here for Euro 2012 that's fine.We won't make few $$$ but in the long run it is still a win.I read comments under this BBC **** on YT and Italians,Greeks and Croats say that they don't give 2 ****s about racism, thay are coming.Glad to see that there are still some European nations that don't bend backward to accomodate spooks like Brits do.Now,before you call me a racist take into account that one of my best friends is a black Nigerian (and he knows my view on this isssue) and I have no problem with blacks or Asians in the US,UK or anywhere else even though I experienced racism from blacks in the US first hand but I think Poland is much better off without being "enriched".
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
1 Jun 2012 /  #245
Look mate don't be naive to think that mass immigration of ethnic minorities wont happen to Poland and here's why:-

- A decrease in Population will cause the average age to rise and there wont be enough young people working to support the older society. The polish government will invite workers into the country just like we had with the Afro Caribbeans in the 1950's and 60's

- The general 'brown nosed' attitude from the Polish leaders towards the 'liberal socialist' EU.

I'm not a lover of the whole PC multiculture rubbish but honestly think Poland need to enrich it's Gene pool seriously.. little men with small skulls!! what is going on?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Jun 2012 /  #246
But we in Poland still do therefore I am glad that Poland has a reputation of being a racist country because it stems the tide of African immigration at least a little bit.

There surely are more sophisticated, mature, and certainly less ignorant ways of "stemming the tide", no? I guess if you look at ignorance as a small price to pay to keep out a few africans.....hey, your country.

I am with you on this.Multi culti stuff does create racial tensions and I guess everyone knows it very well it's just that Brits or Americans having such large colored population have no other choice than pretend otherwise.

ha, pretend otherwise? the USA had segregation in the 1960's and racism still runs rampant here. let's put it this way, Obama's low approval rating in the USA isn't just because he's a democrat.

Because they're so prevalent here, plenty of us have freed ourselves from being so ignorant and bias but there are millions and millions of Americans that just never grew out of it. i hope Poles such as yourself will realize that being ignorant towards blacks isn't just ignorance towards blacks....it's plain old ignorance and that attitude will retard the overall progress of your country far more than a few thousand africans living in some dumpy corner of Warsaw.
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jun 2012 /  #247
I know people who had to be forcibly removed from their Ballymun flats due to not wanting to rehoused anywhere else.

Ah 'fellow scangers ,no doubt eh ??. As in Dubliner, probably a case of "Johnny the horse".
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
1 Jun 2012 /  #248
There surely are more sophisticated, mature, and certainly less ignorant ways of "stemming the tide", no? I guess if you look at ignorance as a small price to pay to keep out a few africans.....hey, your country.

I see the Polish love of the 'kebap' isn't stopping the tide of Turks.
Ironside  50 | 13064  
1 Jun 2012 /  #249
I am with you on this

Hey, it is your best post in years on here.

Look mate don't be naive to think that mass immigration of ethnic minorities wont happen to Poland and here's why:-

Look Cassandra, what is winning number for a next lottery?

ha, pretend otherwise? the USA had segregation in the 1960's and racism still runs rampant here. let's put it this way, Obama's low approval rating in the USA isn't just because he's a democrat.

Indeed, you made a mess of things!
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jun 2012 /  #250
With the young fleeing the country in their thousands since 2004, a growing older population, and a minimum wage of 2 euros, look like the Polish government will have to allow their poor Slavic neighbors in,in huge numbers soon.
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Jun 2012 /  #251
A decrease in Population will cause the average age to rise and there wont be enough young people working to support the older society. The polish government will invite workers into the country just like we had with the Afro Caribbeans in the 1950's and 60's

Nah,even in this case we can easily avoid "yours" mistakes by giving them say,5 years visas without the option of extension or status change.Basically 5 years and out.Not very PC but you can't please everybody.You know what I mean?

The general 'brown nosed' attitude from the Polish leaders towards the 'liberal socialist' EU.

Yeah I know but this may change when Polish people finally come to their senses and kick these crooks out or after the EU collapse.

racism still runs rampant here.

I know and I don't see it changing any time soon as it's coming from both sides.

i hope Poles such as yourself will realize that being ignorant towards blacks isn't just ignorance towards blacks.

I guess I don't fully understand what "being ignorant towards blacks" means so could you kindly explain as I don't feel like I am being ignorant towards blacks by saying that inviting milions of blacks or Asians to Poland is simply asking for new problems and as you probably know we in Poland already have enough problems to deal with even without racial tensions in our society.

With the young fleeing the country in their thousands since 2004, a growing older population, and a minimum wage of 2 euros, look like the Polish government will have to allow their poor Slavic neighbors in,in huge numbers soon.

This is not any fix to the problem.Radical system change and creation of "even playing field" what among other things means getting rid or introducing high taxing of "western" parasites e.g banks and supermarkets operating in Poland would be.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
1 Jun 2012 /  #252
What on earth are you on about?
I am a white guy born in Sussex England and have lived here in Poland with my wife and daughter for the last 13 years, bloody presumptuous idiot. lol

This thread is about the remarks of a black calling Poland a life-threahtening place for blacks.
I was asking for examples and you replied with a story about a violent incident happening to you and your family whilst living in Poland, finishing with a remark about monkeys in trees.

If one of us is an idiot it's you, for:
-thinking that white guys attacking another white guy is a good example of racism.
-writing as if you were a black victim of racism in Poland and then calling me an idiot for thinking you are indeed black

By the way, if you are a foreigner living in Poland (like me) i think it's fair to write positive about your host country instead of painting it black. No pun intended. :)
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jun 2012 /  #253
"western" parasites

Well !! over-identifying with a Soviet style interpretation of the so called "west" , may lead to a brick wall. Whose the west?? what about Chinese capitalism?? I'm sick of making this point.

The west is used far to loosely here in Poland, and an Irishman I could easily label Poland: the west. You were the west centuries before the Scots and the Irish so..........


Blabbering about the West is just lazy thinking. The free-market is north south east west....Don't mind Stalin and Soviets,the past is over, the cold war is over lol
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Jun 2012 /  #254
Panorama: Stadiums of Hate - a Polish fan's response from the stands

Very good text.

I wonder what koonts will say after the Euro. Will koont Rogers apologize ?
1 Jun 2012 /  #255
By the way, if you are a foreigner living in Poland (like me) i think it's fair to write positive about your host country instead of painting it black. No pun intended. :)

You have one serous screw loose and perhaps you should read all of my posts instead of selectively choosing one...!!!

It has been fine over the years and this is just one isolated example in comparison to a wonderful life I have had here with my wife and daughter.

Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin

Jesus, some people don't know their arse from their elbow, dumb fools...!!!

thinking that white guys attacking another white guy is a good example of racism.

So you think that racism is reserved only for a difference in skin colour?
If so history can prove your lack of intelligence and you really should think carefully about entering conversations making such dense comments.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
2 Jun 2012 /  #256
This is a very positive (maybe even too positive, I don't know ;)) statement by a basketball player, Michael Ansley, who lives in Poland (it's his answer to Sol Campbell):

Very nice of him :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Jun 2012 /  #257
Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin

this thread is decieving itself because its title says dont go to POLAND and clearly its about football, its title
should read, if your a fan of football dont attend the games in Poland otherwise you might come home etc etc

when I look at it , to me its saying dont go to Poland Period.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
2 Jun 2012 /  #258
Petrycja19,You are quite right.
2 Jun 2012 /  #259
this thread is decieving itself because its title says dont go to POLAND

It's a quote, as stated in the OP.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Jun 2012 /  #260
Got that :)

I just think he could have chose his words more carefully due to the fact that it appears more like if you
just go to Poland anytime , you could end up in a coffin.

And That statement holds no truth what so ever because its not about Poland , its about the fans and football
and how they react to other fans etc.

just pointing out the obvious.

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
2 Jun 2012 /  #261
(the polish way...deny and blame somebody else!)

Yes, there does seem to be a lot of that around in Poland, I have noticed the Poles I know here never put their hand up and admit a mistake. Not a good trait. I was hoping it was just limited to the cirlce I know of, but looks like it's rather more widespread.
sielakos  - | 26  
2 Jun 2012 /  #262
That is just pure bullshit. Everyday i see tons of Blacks, Asians and none of them dead.

That we don't want blacks and etc. to live in Poland doesn't mean we are racist.

What next? I will have to allow black to live in my house cos otherwise im racist?

Well... whatever call me racist etc. i will not change my view. Being multicultural is just asking for trouble.
LYPH  2 | 5  
2 Jun 2012 /  #263
getting rid or introducing high taxing of "western" parasites e.g banks and supermarkets operating in Poland

Wow, is this guy for real?

Do you have any idea at all what foreign investment has done (and is still doing) for Poland? and do you have any idea what would happen if it stopped?

I don't know why I am asking these questions because after that type of statement it seems as if you do not have the mental capacity to answer them.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
2 Jun 2012 /  #264
and do you have any idea what would happen if it stopped?

ahhh the economists of the world, always armed with an idea beginning with "if." Who knows what would happen...somehow I doubt Nostradamus is on polishforums.com

Many things could happen but honestly, the apocalypse is upon us anyhow and it won't matter. How do I know? I have just realized I agree with Patrycja19...and not just a little bit.

monia  3 | 212  
2 Jun 2012 /  #265
LipDub AWF for Euro

Welcome to Poland , we are really scary indeed :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Jun 2012 /  #266
I have just realized I agree with Patrycja19...and not just a little bit.

lol well once in a while is better then never..

That is just pure bullshit. Everyday i see tons of Blacks, Asians and none of them dead.

this is my example , because its not everyday that you go to a game.

people do get killed, we already know this, but the thread has decieved you and now you are in another
discussion .

What next? I will have to allow black to live in my house cos otherwise im racist?

Well... whatever call me racist etc. i will not change my view. Being multicultural is just asking for trouble.

no but if you go to a football game do you see people leaving in coffins?
sielakos  - | 26  
2 Jun 2012 /  #267
Not really. I haven't heard about such a thing yet.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Jun 2012 /  #268
I have heard of the games getting rough and hospitalizations because people get way out of hand, I am sure
there is occasional statistic, but that happens because people cant handle losing. so fights break out and riots

during intense games, I can see why they do beef up security. its needed.
istannbullu34  1 | 100  
2 Jun 2012 /  #269
I was looking at the thread lately...

Please do not forget that racism is all around the world. And accusing a whole country and whole people about racism is really ridiculous. I can give you so many examples for any country...

English came to Turkey (I live in Turkey) and in the year of 2000, a dozen of them were killed by our people just because of a simple football match....

And I can say that the same point, that radical Muslims do not show respect to non-Muslims in Turkey

A couple of years ago, some Englishmen attacked Muslim districts in London (i may be wrong about the city)....

In Germany, Neo Nazis attack and burn peoples' homes recklessly...

Every year, we see that in US, a cop beats a black man in the middle of a road.

The problem is people, I mean "us". Something is wrong and we should correct it.

I mean we are doing monkey mock to black people. Put yourself in his/her position. What would you feel if the same thing happened to you?

And accusing Poland for this subject is even like discrimination...

I don't want to act like I know and I am an expert about this subject. But I think,this is my ide, respect and empathy can help the humanity about solving this big problem.

Hope our kids won't be discussing this ridicilous threads like that we do now.

With all of my respects:)
nynicki  - | 31  
2 Jun 2012 /  #270
Great find Monia,it made me laugh,indeed we're really scary:)

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