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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
19 Dec 2015 /  #301

So you think the pictures above were faked ?

movement for democracy in Poland

So elections that took place several weeks ago were faked ?
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
19 Dec 2015 /  #302
And also if the PiS start closing the loopholes like they want to, the foreigners (ex pats) will get kicked off the public dole.
Maybe that's why all the ex pats on here are scrambling to become Polish citizens all of a sudden after 23 years with their noses in Poland's public trough.

No wonder they post the propaganda (mass majority, ha ha) that they do as the pieces of the puzzle come together.
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Dec 2015 /  #303
the elections were faked

Given the hacking, fake death threats, bomb scares and midnight raids on NATO premises, anything is possible with the lame ducks of PiS

smurf  38 | 1940  
19 Dec 2015 /  #304
You can love Poland or leave Poland.

Ah, that would explain why Lech Walesa and his Gdansk buddies left Poland in the 1980s...........oh wait.

public dole.

Lol, pittance.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2015 /  #305
rule of law

But it was the Platforemrian version of oldboy cronyism that had been in force for the past 8 years. What's so democratic about that? Somehow you never complained of the gross imbalance: 14 PO-appointed judges and 1 form PiS in TK.
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Dec 2015 /  #306
Lol, pittance

Quite. And I doubt that anyone here (except perhaps Moe who isn't an immigrant) has ever even thought of claiming it.

Amusing to see the distraction techniques here by some people who feel totally wrong-footed by the pro-democracy rallies.
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Dec 2015 /  #307
A couple of nice pictures here:

  • image.jpeg

  • image.png
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
19 Dec 2015 /  #308
Great pics Jon.

Gdansk today. A very vociferous 5,000 plus crowd. Heartfelt speeches , some hecklers, which started some back-biting, but very good natured and a large feel good factor.

The goings-on were explained to me by my dog, who comes from Kashubia, but that is of no import.... Loads of tottie there too talking to him - which disproves Grzegorz'es theory about it only being old biddies out there.

But where's it's all heading? There are too many ignorant people and yet more should have stopped what they were doing and gone to stand in the historic Market Square to show that we ain't gonna stand for it..

scrambling to become Polish citizens all of a sudden after 23 years with their noses in Poland's public trough.

Nah. Unlike others, I can't see the point of becoming a Polish citizen. Nothing in it for me. Not with the clowns we have that pass for politicans here.

and it's PIS that want to make that trough bigger - but what the hell has it got to do with you?

Why don't you go on an American forum and polish your weapon?

  • The dog nodding in agreement

  • "He is saying that....."
Crow  154 | 9525  
19 Dec 2015 /  #309
maybe that NATO counterintelligence center in Warsaw orchestrated `defense` of democracy in Poland. Its past now. That NATO counterintelligence center in Warsaw is closed by Polish military police due to order of Polish defense ministry and counterespionage agency.

No ugly jokes on the account of Poland and Poles. Not this time!
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
19 Dec 2015 /  #310
Today I went to my local Empik store to return a newspaper I had bought yesterday. It was missing a number of pages form the middle (double holiday editions...). I had the receipt, but otherwise no proof that I didn't pull the pages myself, for example. So I went to the nearest clerk. She quickly called the shift manager. Upon hearing about my problem, she interrupted my first sentence saying I will get an adequate copy. And she immediately gave me one.

If PiS was a shop, they would first call me a liar. I would have to show them the receipt (Empik staff barely glanced at it). Then they would disappear in the manager's office and saying they have time until closing of the shop to process the complaint and bide their time, hoping I would go away. Then they would call me a thief because *I* damaged the paper in their shop. Then they would say they sold me the paper in a completely legal transaction and it's my fault for not checking the newspaper. Then they would say it was a bad newspaper anyway, and I should read only patriotic newspapers, and the fact I read something else means I'm not a true Pole. Then I would describe the event on a couple of forums and rally a few of my friends to demonstrate in front of the shop. Then they would say I'm a social parasite because the only thing I want is free newspapers. Eventually, grudgingly, they might return my money or give me an adequate copy.

Empik follows the philosophy that even though it's theoretically possible that I removed those pages at home (the paper is not stapled), it would be an unlikely, lame theft or fraud. So Empik assumed I'm a honest, innocent customer and customer satisfaction and friendly relation is very important. It's probably worth it to accept a minor loss or compromise. It's not worth it arguing about minor matters and pursue profit at all costs.

PiS treats dissatisfied people as guilty until proven otherwise. They follow law to the letter, not in the spirit. The transaction was legal, they have my money, GO AWAY man! It was probably your fault. You can't criticize my patriotic shop. It's slander. You're just a sore loser because our shop is very succesful. I bet you ran the competitive shop near the railway station that went bankrupt. Now WE run a shop near the railway station, and you will like it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2015 /  #311
pursue profit at all costs

It is banksters and corporate bloodsuckers that are obsessed about profits at all cost and finding hapless victims of economic exploitaiton. And you Badgercrates are sick in your hatred for PiS. See a shrink!
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Dec 2015 /  #312
Today I went to my local Empik store to return a newspaper I had bought yesterday

That is actually a wonderful post - it sums up the whole Mrs Grundy attitude of them - and good to see them absolutely wrong-footed by the pro-democracy movement; they are beside themselves with spite.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2015 /  #313
they are beside

Like the Badger, you are beside yoruself dripping bile and vitriol. If you could step back and see and hear yoruself you'd probbaly puke in disgust at how low you have fallen. Unless, that is, you are getting a hefty kickback for your "useful idiocy", in whcih case your twisted attitude is at least financially (if not morally) justified.
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Dec 2015 /  #314
I think you should step back yourself and look carefully at the tone of that post.
20 Dec 2015 /  #315
Unless, that is, you are getting a hefty kickback for your "useful idiocy", in whcih case your twisted attitude is at least financially (if not morally) justified.

Do you think his loyal service will lead to him being given the chance to purchase some property from the Polish taxpayer at a knock-down price?
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Dec 2015 /  #316
Another picture of one of yesterday's pro-democracy rallies. - this time in Kraków

  • image.jpeg
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Dec 2015 /  #317

Well, actually, Greggy.





I quite like this one from Warsaw as well.

I'm reminded of the "Nie płacz Ewka" banner. Might have to get one made up saying "Nie płacz kocie" for next time :D

Anyway, good day out in Poznań today. People were cheerful, there were very young people there, very old people there and everyone in-between. It's obvious that the insults from Kaczyński and others are putting people on the streets, and the people I've spoken to today have all made it clear that they cannot tolerate the insults coming from this government towards them.

It's also clear that more and more people are getting involved - but this is an overwhelmingly happy movement. There's no violence towards people or animals, there's no thuggish behaviour - these are ordinary, decent citizens that are mad.
Sparks11  - | 333  
20 Dec 2015 /  #318
That looks like...about... 300 people tops, I'd say :) It's not to hard to disprove a PiSite.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Dec 2015 /  #319
It's not to hard to disprove a PiSite.

I think their lies and disinformation will only get worse as time goes on. There are some very interesting plans in Wielkopolska (and I assume other provinces are also doing similar things...) - let's say that the opposition can also organise effectively ;)
Legal Eagle  
20 Dec 2015 /  #320
Maybe that's why all the ex pats on here are scrambling to become Polish citizens all of a sudden after 23 years with their noses in Poland's public trough.

More likely, many of them are Rainbow Warriors and they want to offend traditional Polish Catholic values and rub everyone's nose in the fact that they are out of the closet now. As long as they think they aren't in jeopardy of losing their primary citizenship, it's a zero risk game for them. Now the new government is expected to react favorably to our request that they stop naturalizing those who haven't renounced their primary citizenship, and pressure those who have been naturalized to either do the same or lose Polish citizenship.

And let me thank Delph for posting the pictures from Pozand. Is that him holding the rainbow flag?
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Dec 2015 /  #321
I think their lies and disinformation will only get worse as time goes on

Regarding the pro-democracy demonstrations, that is happening already. And nobody, even their former supporters actually believes it.

One thing surprised me about the people I know who were taking part today. Most of them are staunch conservatives and people who would never normally think about attending a political rally.

This thing is really snowballing.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Dec 2015 /  #322
One thing surprised me about the people I know who were taking part today.

Yes, at our last KOD meeting, it wasn't a huge surprise to have something in common with younger people, but there were quite a few older people who made it clear that they'd lived through one totalitarian system and that they had no intention of living through another.

Now the new government is expected to react favorably to our request that they stop naturalizing those who haven't renounced their primary citizenship, and pressure those who have been naturalized to either do the same or lose Polish citizenship.

The new government has absolutely no interest in changing the citizenship law. It wasn't in their manifesto, and they have far more important things to get on with. Anyway, some of us on here already have Polish citizenship and others (like me) will have it in less than a year. The beautiful thing is that the law doesn't provide for the possibility of rejecting an application for naturalisation if the documentation is complete.

And yes, we'll make sure to vote against PiS.

I just noticed that Vienna also came out in support of KOD today - Brawo!
Legal Eagle  
20 Dec 2015 /  #323
This thing is really snowballing.

Well get on with it then! Let all of the PO bureaucrats who are in line to lose their jobs go on strike. Since they are all lazy worthless pigs feeding at the public trough it won't affect the economy like the old Solidarity strikes did. It would make it easier for the government to fire, er sack them. Oh, and all of you English teachers can go on strike as well. We will see how much you are actually needed in Poland.

The beautiful thing is that the law doesn't provide for the possibility of rejecting an application for naturalisation if the documentation is complete.

So under this interpretation of the law, the Polish government is helpless to deny subversives a second citizenship even if they want to over throw its democratically elected president and parliament. I can't imagine why they would want to change that law, especially since those taking advantage of it hate the government.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Dec 2015 /  #324
Well get on with it then! Let all of the PO bureaucrats who are in line to lose their jobs go on strike.

You do realise that if a strike occured in non-PiS local administrations, the country would be finished within weeks? Let me just remind you that a considerable amount of tax revenue from the richer and more developed Western provinces goes to subsidise the poorer Eastern ones. If we stop transferring tax revenue (here's something for you - in Poland - we pay our local tax office) - then central government will be on their knees.

Since they are all lazy worthless pigs feeding at the public trough it won't affect the economy like the old Solidarity strikes did.

Except you've forgotten that many private business owners are also behind KOD.

Oh, and all of you English teachers can go on strike as well.

Who exactly is an English teacher here, according to you?

So under this interpretation of the law, the Polish government is helpless to deny subversives a second citizenship even if they want to over throw its democratically elected president and parliament.

Remember, we pledge our loyalty to Poland, not to the government.

Anyway, enough about irrelevant topics.
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Dec 2015 /  #325
Anyway, some of us on here already have Polish citizenship and others (like me) will have it in less than a year

Sort of agreed. I'd rephrase it. "More important things to try to get on with" is how. Right now, you can bet your botto, dollar that the pro-democracy campaign is exercising most of their time and resources, and in what's left of their time, they are trying to unoick the various other messes they've made in such a short time.

But you can bet your bottom złoty that they'll be looking right now for some populist measure, maybe involving the Curia - assuming the Curia are willing to go along with it.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Dec 2015 /  #326
Right now, you can bet your botto, dollar that the pro-democracy campaign is exercising most of their time and resources, and in what's left of their time, they are trying to unoick the various other messes they've made in such a short time.

I just wonder when the real dirty tricks will start. We're on our guard (systems are being put in place to warn others in the event of detention of coordinators, that sort of thing) - but PiS will surely wake up and realise that their crude psy-ops aren't working.

But you can bet your bottom złoty that they'll be looking right now for some populist measure, maybe involving the Curia - assuming the Curia are willing to go along with it.

Interestingly, I had a discussion about this today. The Church seems to be staying very clearly out of it, but there are murmurings that the Church is furious with PiS for not following through on their social promises. Times are very interesting indeed.

By the way, no news about the next demonstrations, only that efforts are being made to include more towns and cities.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
20 Dec 2015 /  #327
I'm reminded of the "Nie płacz Ewka" banner.

I have seen Lis almost crying and talking rubbish during that KOD herding in W-wa, he was pathetic - it gave me a good laugh!!!! A good thing that his backside will be separated from a sinecure, as a journalist he sucks a big time, maybe Harry will hire him?

only that efforts are being made to include more towns and cities.

People are thinking about Xmas, after that if that show and squealing continue they might go to the streets in numbers and kick few faces in, especially those prominent mugs.

Maybe will toss some rotten eggs and tomatoes for laugh to see them and their bodyguards jump!

I'm sure those clowns will call Secretary General of the Untied Nations for the world intervention on their behave because of that, and they will blame PiS! They belong in circus!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Dec 2015 /  #328
lies and disinformation




THIS JUST IN: Kosher Gazette organises campaign to save the a*rse of old man Schechter's old commie comrade Rzepliński. Pre-printed postcards (courtesy of Gówniana) are available and an elecrtonic route is also available. Don't delay and join this mega-farce!
roade85  4 | 21  
20 Dec 2015 /  #329
Back to this dual citizenship petition. Would this apply to one's original citizenship by birth, or only through additional citizenships gotten through naturalization?

Excluding dual citizens from any high-level elected or bureaucratic positions, including any central bank positions = very smart

Excluding dual citizens from living in the country as Polish citizens, or at least as truly permanent residents = completely idiotic

(the US for example bans foreigners, or at least people who admit to being foreigners, from the presidency, but it should go further and include all leadership positions at the federal level, and of course that can't apply to the central bank since ours is privately owned)
Librarius  - | 90  
20 Dec 2015 /  #330
Deterring Democracy around the world: CIA Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II


and in Europe: Operation Gladio

Hope that those courageous demonstrators will defend democracy not only in Poland.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.Archived