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Polish men - dont realize any of this

ria1130 1 | 2  
18 Mar 2010 /  #1
Many years of be married to a pollock, and then only to find myself dating another one again for years...(hit me in the head). I guess like any relationships, but more so with a poll that polish men treat good in the beginning...then they become lazyyyy....very greety, cheap, short pockets, their noses are bigger then their u know what. And as long as polish men are satified in bed thats all that matters. Lousy attitudes towards people when responding to questions that they don't know the answers to cause they are stupid. And more importantly...something is wrong with their hearts and the way they feel about lets say a death in the they mourn...they say i love you but dont know the meaning of the word... they look down on other people who have less for whatever reason. Just because they say i work doesn't mean they shouldn't help people who work but have less. They dont realize any of this until they themselves are doing without. Ladies if you are in a relationship with a pollock PLEASE get out unless youn act the same as they do.
ShawnH 8 | 1488  
18 Mar 2010 /  #2
Many years of be married to a pollock

You married a fish?

You may want to check out this thread
wildrover 98 | 4431  
18 Mar 2010 /  #3 is legal after all...??
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2188  
18 Mar 2010 /  #4
Ladies if you are in a relationship with a pollock PLEASE get out

Anti-Polish propaganda notified! Danger! Danger!
jonni 16 | 2475  
18 Mar 2010 /  #5
Ladies if you are in a relationship with a pollock PLEASE get out

Are you in a relationship with one of these: or one of these:

Whichever the case, I wouldn't recommend it.
Arien 2 | 710  
18 Mar 2010 /  #6 is legal after all...??

I'm afraid I'll have to ruin your dreams again, because you should know it doesn't fit! (Well, maybe yours does!)


Ladies if you are in a relationship with a pollock PLEASE get out unless youn act the same as they do.

I agree, but only because I feel that Doda should come with me..

wildrover 98 | 4431  
18 Mar 2010 /  #7
That picture is the spittin image of a Latvian girl i dated...well apart from the eyes colour...
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
18 Mar 2010 /  #8
Many years of be married to a pollock

And what the hell are you?? Maybe it's not the Polish man maybe its you, you keep getting re-married, and keep dating them so u must find them attractive, so don't talk about their looks. You're just bitter about what happened, sort out you issues.
Arien 2 | 710  
18 Mar 2010 /  #9

I mean, the girl must feel neglected, she's cuddling up to the wall for crying out loud! Poor girl..

Amathyst 19 | 2700  
18 Mar 2010 /  #10
Sweet heart, you just described an ass hole..not a Polish man.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
18 Mar 2010 /  #11
Is she listening to the neighbours bonking....that girl in the last pic..?
RevokeNice 15 | 1854  
18 Mar 2010 /  #12
I mean, the girl must feel neglected, she's cuddling up to the wall for crying out loud! Poor girl..

Glory hole?
OP ria1130 1 | 2  
18 Mar 2010 /  #13
now now penn....i am not bitter at all...i've got thousands of dollars diamonds from them before the break ups...opps...i guess they are stupid ....didn't say they weren't nice looking at least i didn't have to put a bag over their heads before'll take italians anyday now.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
19 Mar 2010 /  #14
Can anyone recommend a good Italian she can moan about them next...?
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
19 Mar 2010 /  #15
i'll take italians anyday now

Christ, they have phucked you up if that is what you have stooped to.
pgtx 29 | 3115  
19 Mar 2010 /  #16
be married to a pollock

the painter? i love his work...

you just described an ass hole..not a Polish man.


OP ria1130 1 | 2  
19 Mar 2010 /  #17
now now wild....i'm not crying's a fact ...look at martha steward...she went to jail because of WHATT? GREED...CHEAP....she is a disgrace to all polish women too....she too has no heart....lots of money tho...
Arien 2 | 710  
19 Mar 2010 /  #18
Glory hole?

That would mean the poor girl's officially deaf to her right ear now? Or do you think she wanted someone to F her brains out?

pgtx 29 | 3115  
19 Mar 2010 /  #19
let's stay on topic...
f stop 24 | 2493  
19 Mar 2010 /  #20
actually, her description sounds kinda familiar. lol.
But then, I think of another Polish man, and I see intelligent, funny, ambitious and loving man. So I don't think being Polish is what makes them who they are.

As far as all your reasons for the split, I've heard much worse, like he cheats on me, spends all his money on booze, abuses me verbally of physically... really, you could have done much worse.
Arien 2 | 710  
19 Mar 2010 /  #21
..or much better.

suzanna - | 10  
19 May 2010 /  #22
I think you are definitely pigeon-holing Polish men here. Ive been out with some real nasty men- English men, and to be honest, men are always going to either be nice or nasty- same with women. And some of them start out romantic and then get bored. It doesn't matter what nationality. The thing that did ring true, is that I have been with my Polish boyfriend now for 6 months and yes he does drink too much and smoke too much and likes sex a lot- but he still brings me flowers every day, holds my hand, makes me laugh, and works damn hard in a country he didnt grow up in. So I think you should stop being so naive and find a man who treats you with respect, wherever hes from. Or stop marrying fish and paintings...either way ;)
king polkakamon - | 542  
19 May 2010 /  #23
Polish men remind me so much of my relatives.I cannot see them humiliated without being saddened.They look slavic I cannot stand what polki do to them.
pawian 221 | 24284  
12 Oct 2019 /  #24
Polish boyfriend now for 6 months and yes he does drink too much and smoke too much and likes sex a lot

Oops - the amalgam of these three hobbies will soon break into pieces and only two will remain: drinking and smoking. Sex wil be out of question,.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Love / Polish men - dont realize any of thisArchived