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Is Indian/Polish relationship possible?

Indya  - | 19  
29 Jan 2008 /  #151
ata boy Amit !

you said it like it is ... now let us all all ponder on that profound truth for some time...till the next dimwit shows up.. with a new vitriolic post. catch you guys soon..papa
elixa  1 | 14  
29 Jan 2008 /  #152
i am pakistani i had 3 polish girl friends in 5 years but its true theh can not be a good house wifes.

how wrong you are! I am Polish women married to a Pakistani man (bf gf relations are haram for us). The Polish women in my family and those that i know off have the highest cleaning standards around. They cook meals and really look after their husbands and family well. The modern new generation may be somewhat different that they are often working and bringing in extra income to the family as life can be tough these days.

thank God i have a husband that shares in the cleaning responsibities and loves cooking dinner for us. He believes that cleaning is not womens only responsiblity! We work as a team and both are "good house wife" and "house husband"
matthias  3 | 429  
30 Jan 2008 /  #153
Geeze Polish chicks will fu*k anything. lmao
Amit a message for you loosen up a bit, you don't always have to be politically correct.
amit_m  - | 29  
30 Jan 2008 /  #154
Well a quick message for u too Matthais.......where is the word respect in your Dictionary....I guess.....if we give respect we get it back.if we don't...we r paid back in the same coin. The very first sentence that you quoted doesnot show any respect(doesn't matter where a girl comes form any race or kind) ....before we try to correct or judge others, we should have one hard look at ourselfs. Ru perfect,cos i am not........and if u r the perfect one..gr8.next time i meet u i shall ask for your autograph. Sorry mate!!! but i dont judge people based on their nationality.or race.......and if u do.then its never late to change.
Indya  - | 19  
30 Jan 2008 /  #155
Czesc Amit..

Why do I sense that we folks are going to read a lot of insults and other stuff being thrown around now.. between Matt and you ? Hope it was just the mushrooms I ate for dinner acting up.

BTW, Do drop me a line and tell me what you do mate ? I guess I am being lazy here..but are you based in Poland or in the States ?? Whats your interest in Polska.

have a nice day out there.

matthias  3 | 429  
30 Jan 2008 /  #156
Thanks Amit for a useless post. Take the stick out of your a*s.

If you want to be technical, Am I wrong name me one race some Polish chick won't bang. Forgive me for the lack of political correctness.
Indya  - | 19  
30 Jan 2008 /  #157
Oh dear... so it wasn't the mushrooms after all.. well..good luck to both of you. Hope we see some clear logic and good arguments presented over the next couple of days. I must add that both of you boys might also need to watch out for the others who will certainly throw their "expert" opinions ...

Man, this is so cool..PF just rocks.. catch you all in the morning... its been a great night just reading some of these posts.

amit_m  - | 29  
30 Jan 2008 /  #158
[quote=matthias] Thanks Amit for a useless post. Take the stick out of your a*s.

First of all .thanks a lot for your amazing choices of words,u have gr8 command over the language and ur Vocabulary is very rich, I am impressed. But still I am trying to understand things from your Perspective. U say ...Polish ladies.r..all bad…(as they go out with so many men from different nationalities)......then if we go by your definition, all the multi cultural countries like US, Canada, Australia,Newzealand,Singapore are all the same,as the ladies from those countries r all having relationships with men from different backgrounds. So that should also put them in the same pedestrian with Polish girls…right!!!!....... That’s makes a lot of ladies Slutty….if we go by your definition....and that makes me wonder,how so many people r all wrong and ur so right????????
matthias  3 | 429  
31 Jan 2008 /  #159
thanks I been reading websters dictionary polishing up on my vocabulary skills.

I didn't say their bad, its actually shows that Polish people at least Polish girls aren't racist since polish chicks will bang anything.

Im not against bi racial relationships. Hey I support it. from and evolutionary aspect the more genes in the human gene pool the better. best traits from each race. the larger the pool the larger chance of surival.

on another note how can so many people be wrong. many people believe in ufos and many people don't believe in ufos. one of those groups must be wrong. so that logic doesn't fly.
amit_m  - | 29  
31 Jan 2008 /  #160
[quote=Indya] Czesc Amit..

Its good to see that someone is having a good sence of humour. and making light of the situation........regarding my love for Poland. Well!!! its a country that i love a lot & a part of my family is based close to Warsaw. Shall be comming down there in the month of April for holidays. Right now!!! mate I am down under........freaken......24 hrs flight away from Poland. Might catch up with you when i am there.

keep in touch
cheers Mate!!!
sufi  - | 1  
26 Feb 2008 /  #161
hello everybody in this forum,, i am an indian girl and i m in a relationship with a polish man,,, and well we both are crazy about each other,,, and he loves me absolutely though i m not a goddess or anythin! i guess its just destiny,, though i belong to a very conservative family where even caste differences are not tolerated ,, but anythin for love friends :)
swatsoldier911  - | 2  
18 Apr 2008 /  #162
I am an Indian living in Gurgaon doing job for an American company. I love a polish girl named Ania. She also loves me. We want to get marry but i want Ania to meet my parents and see how indian is. She wants to visit india in june but her pasport is one month old and Ania told me that her pasport must be 1 yr old. Is there any way she can visit India? Please reply if any one knows. I will be very thankful to that person.

ya i agree too.....

ya i agree with this
taiji000  1 | 13  
22 Apr 2008 /  #163
A few years ago i was going out with an Indian girl. It was going REALLY well until... we went to visit their parents in India. As iam white, they though that i would be rich or carrier oriented etc, anyway, they wanted me to have money.

But when they met me (well long hair, tattoos, normla t-shirt, they expected a suit or something, vry easy going, i dont care about money at all)they started to threat me really badly. Although I study for master degree, can speak 3 languages very well and communitativly English, they told me i was stupid and stuff, becasue i didnt want money etc.

Thery told me not to meet thier daughter again, and as they fully suported her university in Spain they instead send her to New Zeleand lol. Really nasty. I tried to explain to them my way of life, however they didnt even want to hear anything, so i used very strong language and in that strong language i told them what i though about them, at least they kept queit after that.

I did see her a few times in NW however after a few meetings she gave up, and told me to leave her alone, becasue family is more important to her, lol family like that...

I dont junge all Indian people on that though. It can go really well, and so it did for me.
Atm im going out with a black girl, and its great, so why not? :) everything is possible. Just sometimes parents, friends etc, can destroy everything as some people feel connected even with such idiots as that girl's parents and are afraid of doing what they want, but hey, they dont really deserve love then. And those ppl wouldt really do everything for their other half.

Sorry for poor my poor English, have never been to English speaking country.
17 May 2008 /  #164
I am indian guy who had a relationship with a polish girl last year. I've known her for nearly one and half years and I'm speaking for myself.My general impression is that polish girls are after rich guys and they are materialistic. They know how to trap and fake love with a guy . Also slavic women, most of them aren't loyal . They can love you while screwing others.This is something peculiar to slavic culture and you won't find in western europe or in america where people honor virtue . Most western europeans and americans are new to polish culture and they are attracted to polish girls because they dont seem very feministic but beware polish girls are too materialistic and most of their bodies are so used. I was in western europe when I met Justyna . She seemed great in the beginning but repulsive later on and i left her.

I'd advice all the guys who in america or europe to be careful when getting involved with polish girls.Trust your guts and wisdom before being duped with the feminine traits you find in them. It is a show to trap you guys into marriage :/ Dont believe in all the **** that she would wait for marriage to have sex ....Most of them are so used by the time they are 26 :). Please don't take me negatively as if i'm generalizing too much . I learnt about polish culture and the women of poland in the past were very good but the present generation of polish women, most of them , even though they go to church everyday , you might be surprised to see how perverted they are.
17 May 2008 /  #165
who had a relationship with a polish girl last year

So that's one Polish Girl...

I'm speaking for myself

Yes, you are.


polish girls are after rich guys

Maybe your's...

they are materialistic

Maybe your's...

slavic women, most of them aren't loyal

Maybe your's...

love you while screwing others

Maybe your's...

something peculiar to slavic culture and you won't find in western europe or in america where people honor virtue

Yeah, right...

polish girls are too materialistic

Maybe your's...

most of their bodies are so used

So you slept with the women of the entire nation? No wonder they are so used...

great in the beginning but repulsive later on and i left her

You must be a slow learner if it took you a year and a half to figure it out...

Admit it. you had one bad relationship with one Polish Girl, and it didn't work out. Yes, she may have been a real biatch, but to tar an entire nation of women with that brush...? give me a break.

advice all the guys who in america or europe to be careful when getting involved with polish girls

This could be said of any woman in any country my friend.

Please don't take me negatively as if i'm generalizing too much

Sorry, I have taken you negatively for generalizing too much, how could I not?

I learnt about polish culture and the women of poland in the past

Is this a university level course filled with trustworthy statistical data to back up this statement?

you might be surprised to see how perverted they are

And what is the problem with this (unless the perversion included children, food or food by products, live or deceased animals or medical like implements)? The kama sutra is not that straight forward, is it?

17 May 2008 /  #166
Nice cartoon . Shawn, dude, if you knew many polish girls , you'd know what I'm talking about . Funny thing , when I told a friend of mine that my then GF and now ex wanted to have a threesome with me , he said... .Damn it. !! here in germany , girlfriends wont allow that..and now we are jealous of you :D
amit_m  - | 29  
20 May 2008 /  #167
am indian guy who had a relationship with a polish girl last year. I've known her for nearly one and half years and I'm speaking for myself.My general impression is that polish girls are after rich guys and they are materialistic.

First of all I wish u all the very best for ur future relationships. There is no use of being bitter about relationships man!....as s**t happens in life big time....but that doesn’t mean that we generalise and say.......all Polish girls r unfaithful . I am married to one for many yrs now and very happy. I just came back from Poland and I love the country, although it’s very different from where I come from. But given a chance I would love to go back to Poland for holidays even if it takes me 23 hrs of flying from where I live. Polish women r really beautiful…. I guess u haven’t met the right one yet!!! (cos trash is everywhere).....hopefully u get to know the better ones and ur impression will change. I feel it’s not being fair to black list all the women of this country based on one bad experience.
21 May 2008 /  #168
What is your full name amit_m ? what does m stand for?

First of all i'm not bitter about relationships in general. It is useless to show frustration as it doesn't lead us anywhere. I liked polish people and I visited that country when i was in europe and that was the reason I had a relationship.

amit_m , I don't know if you are real or your using someone else's name ? (!!!)

As per your words, if you are happy then its good for you.

I see that many people on this forum, especially foreign men ,have a romantic notion about polish women that they are very feminine,beautiful and kind, giving etc .if you are polish then you would have a different opinion. I've heard this from Polish guys !! I guess it is more helpful if they can treat each woman individually and not fall for the generalizations that are associated with women in general that they are the best in the world or the worst. Whether they are polish or not because in my experience and that of other people in europe ,young Polish women are too easy, materialistic and not very loyal , sexually active since they are 16 or so and they look for bigger-better deals , all the time. I've met some great women too but as far i've seen in my personal experience most of their bodies are so used by lots of guys ( atleast 3 or 4 boyfriends or friends ). I guess this is socially acceptable in europe and america. it is their choice. You cannot question the sexual history of your girlfriend /wife as it would be against their freedom. They are liberated, remember ??They are free to use their bodies and this is true as they own their body and mind. As Young men, you are liberal and the society prepares you to have a wife or girlfriend ( who had atleast 3 boyfriends with whom she was sexual ). It is okay in society and none of your business to question their ethics , ways of living. You have to "love" them as they are . Virtue is no longer a quality men look for when choosing women and it applies for men as well. It is funny that inspite of the behaviors I mentioned , many polish women who are highly sexual, put a show for society /church with their religious views and men fall for it, especially who haven't had much experience with culture of poland or who have met polish women for the first time. I guess it is upto each and every individual to decide what is good for him whether to accept /tolerate or reject and it applies to women as well whether they can accept such behaviors/characterisitcs in men. Sooner or later people would really know the other person's true colors no matter how hard others try. In spite of all this, I would think any relation would be possible if your partner is honest and true to you and not make up something just to lure you. I guess it depends on how perceptive you are of other people.

In my case my ex gf had Histrionic disorder traits and this something which you dont ever want in your partner. I dont know if she really had the disorder but she is very close to it. She made me very angry saying and doing many sick things but I learnt how to recognize that she is the one who has issues and I shouldn't be angry because of someone else.Now i empathize with her and feel pity for her Self-destructive behavior with which she hurts herself. I have forgiven.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
21 May 2008 /  #169
in my personal experience most of their bodies are so used by lots of guys ( atleast 3 or 4 boyfriends or friends ). I guess this is socially acceptable in europe and america.

seriously do you know 5 women who by the time they hit their mid 20s have had just 1 or none sexual partners? maybe if you come from some muslim country then yes you do, but any "normal", young women who are good looking and still virgins? what do you expect?! you people choose to sleep with dozens of girls before you decide to setttle down and thats OKAY, but then you find out your Polish partner had some experience too, and you go mental, calling her a sl*t and going round telling people her body has been "used" and all Polish girls are like this. Wake up, MOST GIRLS are like this and if you fancy some "white meat" then that is what youre gonna, deal with it. i'm so sick of you selfish hypocrites moaning that Polish girls are all filth and gold diggers. Look at yourself and think that maybe it was you being simply not good enough. There are obviously some girls out there who look for money or for awesome sex, you obviously couldnt provide them with any of that, it didnt work out, so PLEASE stop moaning and move on. life goes on. you say its bad to generalize but that is all you do. many men have this so called thing about Polish girls but we all know its in most cases because of A. marrying a Polish girl will open the doors to Europe for some of the third world folk B. Polish girls are considered easy prey and good for a shag (which is mostly due to some gossip spread by bitter people like yourself, or some desperate Polish girls from tiny little villages in Poland giving themselves away for nothing in hope of a better life with a foreigner abroad). some girls also choose to have an active sexlife but for backward people like yourself it is absolutely despicable for a woman to let so many men "take advantage" of her. she should put her chastity belt on and wait for the ONE to marry instead eh, whilst you go play the field while you still can. get a grip mate, look at yourself and stop judging the whole nation by actions of one individual and what you HEARD from some bitter little men.
southern  73 | 7059  
21 May 2008 /  #170
Polish girls rule.End of story.
21 May 2008 /  #171
Justysia ,Why are you whining so much? Does it help you in any way? . Please.. . I did provide my services.. and women didn't complain..I'm not little too ^^ They were happy as far as I know .. Want to try me? ...You would see for yourself..I dont know if I can satisfy you since you might have many men so far and honestly I don't known if I can match their performance . Really . This i have to admit . Anyhow I don't want try you as I don't want to get any STD since I dont know how many people you slept with .Polish passport ???? Seriously !!! are you kidding me ?? ? Your country is very poor compared to any western country or even a few countries in Asia . who cares to have a polish passport? Your standard of living is too low to aspire or even cheat/trick a gullible woman to get into poland. I don't mean to disrespect your county but when polish people like you say things like we are below your standard..it makes me laugh rather than provide any evidence to prove my point .I 'm not interested . sorry . I'm not backward by any means.. nor do other guys I know .. I think we are far advanced than you..in science , culture, human development and in many things i can name. These are not stories I heard .. but reality I've seen..which probably you haven't or dont want to accept, since you like to live in an illusion. You are right in one thing that it is unfair and wrong to call someone as a slut when we are ourselves are playing the field.I'm not a hypocrite but i think it is immoral to cheat when you are in a relationship and i've seen that polish women do this effortlessly with a smile.I think it is modern slavic culture and it is acceptable in your society.

But no one is above the other in this world.. anyone can become competent and
Justysia, if you are under the illusion you are better than others.. take a look at your polish people and you will find them somewhere in europe or america doing jobs which no one else would do.Someone has to do these jobs and it doesnt make people low but society is shallow ( which is the way , you and others like you think, when you said a few poeple are low ) Please don't joke again about living standards or achievement, it makes you look like an idiot. I've had good experiences with polish people in general . I do like them and they liked me too . I do like your country.But people like you , who are ignorant are best to be ignored. I moved on ... and I guess you do that too . I dont mean to disrespect you but your disrespect to others shows your ignorance explaining, where you stand.

You are right in some things . I dont have a right to say you are wrong completely and I cannot comment on ethics and culture I merely pointed out an observation for outsiders. It would be unwise for others to come to a conclusion about a topic such as polish women , just by reading something garbage on the internet. They have to learn what is good and bad by their own personal experiences.Maybe this discussion might help a buddy who is interested in a Polish-mail-order-bride and who learnt about polish women through websites of popular polish culture :/ ??
amit_m  - | 29  
21 May 2008 /  #172
A. marrying a Polish girl will open the doors to Europe for some of the third world folk B. Polish girls are considered easy prey and good for a shag (which is mostly due to some gossip spread by bitter people like yourself, or some desperate Polish girls from tiny little villages in Poland giving themselves away for nothing in hope of a better life with a foreigner abroad).

Good lord!!! u seem to very angry and blunt over things ....in a way I agree with you in certain views of urs like men want to play around and finally want to settle down with someone who is a saint (I have seen it with many Asian men, especially Indians)...I guess that’s being hypocritical and I despise that kind of thinking. But what I really found shocking is u generalised that men from Asian countries get married to Poles to move to Europe. There might have been a few bad cases like that but it’s not being fair to generalise. I myself run a forum for Indian and Polish mixed couples and have met amazing people and heard fantastic stories, where people have made such big sacrifices to be together irrespective of their nationality and religion. So good things do happen, please don’t label us as hungry, opportunistic individuals.

I just came back from Poland and its neighbouring western European countries. & I find Europe a gr8 place for holidays but very expensive to live. It’s not an ideal place for me to move as life is getting harder and harder in that continent, let alone the cost of living. Please don’t get me wrong here as I am just trying to share my views with u & I don’t want to sound like others who tend to generalise.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
22 May 2008 /  #173
Want to try me? ...You would see for yourself..

pfff, i rather die a slow painful death than come any close to that tiny indian or whatever dick of yours ha ha

See how much it hurts you when i say that SOME third world folk find marrying a Polish woman the easiest way to at least get to Europe? i never said Poland was the greatest place to be in Europe, all i meant was that if one gets a Polish passport, they can move freely around the continent thanks to Poland being in EU. so do you consider yourself a third world country person? i do feel sorry for you, surely THAT is even worse than being Polish. if you dont believe me about some 3rd world weirdos looking to PAY to marry a Polish gal, have a look in the personals section on this forum. i do not give a flying f*ck about how well educated your countrymen are, if that is so, why dont you all smart asses try make your countries better with all that knowledge and experience. surely Polish people are more hard working and more LIKED that you people anywhere in the world. Polish might be doing the jobs that others will not touch, but work is work and somebodys gotta do it, and Poles tend to do it right, whatever is that they do for a living. Its funny how you asians complain about all the bloody Polish everywhere. I am so proud and happy to be Polish when i read all these stories about your girls getting killed by their parents for not wanting to marry their cousin. I am not ingnorant at all, im very open minded and there are many things that i tollerate. You made up this story in your head cos your relationship didnt work and you are blaming everything on the girl just because she was Polish. You know nothing about me and my background, definitely nothing about my health or any infections that i supposedly carry, but im sure you know all about them, coming from the 3rd world country where condoms are still just for the rich people. Dont make the same mistake next time then and maybe try to go out with your own women instead, surely they will undersatnd you and your needs much better. mix with your own kind and keep breeding idiots and hypocrites like yourself, that seems to be the only thing you are good at.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 May 2008 /  #174
I think Indian guys are used to women being submissive. Their ideal utopian vision seems to be a submissive Polish woman. Think twice bucko!! Polish women are not walkovers, life has taught them to be hard and straight to the point, often to the point of being abrupt under stress. This will and has stood them in good stead.

I may have some criticism, largely constructive I might add, but at least I acknowledge that I'm a guest here in a foreign country and don't try and shape people as I want them to be. If u don't like Polish women, leave the country.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
22 May 2008 /  #175
I think we are far advanced than you..in science , culture, human development and in many things i can name.

Literacy: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 61%

I think not... yawn...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 May 2008 /  #176
Both Indian and Polish science are of a high standard, let's just leave it at that.

Neither of the above are as advanced as Scottish or American science, that's a fact. Esp Scottish. Scottish culture, need I say much? One of the most original and intriguing anywhere.

I like Vishy Anand tho, he's a smart guy
southern  73 | 7059  
22 May 2008 /  #177
Both Indian and Polish science are of a high standard

However only polish girls are of high standard.
Spade  1 | 81  
22 May 2008 /  #178
Polish man killed his indian wife...

policja.pl/portal/pol/1/21138/Zabojca_zakopal_cialo_zony_w_przydomowym _ogrodku.html
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 May 2008 /  #179
Well, some Indian girls are quite pretty. They have enough to choose from after all.

Some Polish girls have too much attitude, NOT attractive
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
22 May 2008 /  #180
Polish man killed his indian wife...

And... ?

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