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$3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland?

Wroclaw Boy  
19 Feb 2011 /  #151
I have always loved new places and new things.

Have you been to Poland before?
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
20 Feb 2011 /  #152
Yes 4 times. And loved it.. but I was only visiting then... now I am going to LIVE THERE! Major difference !
Spaceman77 3 | 58  
20 Feb 2011 /  #153
How much are you paying to send the 10 X 16 X 8?
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
20 Feb 2011 /  #154
We are sending 18"x18"x24" (box's)each is about 50lbs at around $ 70.00. About 10 or so the rest is being sold or going into storage.
grubas 12 | 1382  
20 Feb 2011 /  #155
We are sending 18"x18"x24" (box's)each is about 50lbs at around $ 70.00.

What company are you using?Do you have to deliver them to the port or is it door to door service?
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
20 Feb 2011 /  #156
What company are you using

We are using roxolana and yes they are delivering directly to my Mother In-Law's flat.
Spaceman77 3 | 58  
22 Feb 2011 /  #157
Do you have a contact info for them? Or website? I'm very Interested on sending some of my stuff to Poland.... I believe those prices are more than good.
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
23 Feb 2011 /  #158
Do you have a contact info for them?

Yes, roxolana.com and the number is (very nice people) 1.973.538.3888. They even send you pre-paid labels that you put on the box you are sending then it goes to New Jersey where they weigh your package and email you how much you owe. ? You can then pay online and it is shipped... Comes to about $ 1.00 dollar (US) Per Lb. plus $10.00 delivery charge (sent through UPS). Takes about 1 Month once it is received in New Jersey.

Shawn & Sylwia

(sent through UPS)

Should say in the US it is sent by UPS then by Ship to Poland (Just to clarify)
ZIMMY 6 | 1601  
23 Feb 2011 /  #159
In Poland, can I live on $27,000 a month? Just askin'
convex 20 | 3928  
23 Feb 2011 /  #160
Depends on the lifestyle you expect, Netjets ain't cheap.
23 Feb 2011 /  #161
In Poland, can I live on $27,000 a month? Just askin'

Zimbabwean Dollar ( ZWD) Probably not.
Albanaich 2 | 31  
23 Feb 2011 /  #162
I'm Scots and have worked in Germany on long term contracts with Americans.

The issue is not so much money as adapting to a different culture. Most Europeans don't have a problem with the idea that everything is going to completely change - language, driving rules, polite manners etc. Americans seem to think that everything should be as it is the USA and are surprised - shocked even - when it isn't.

I can always remember the look of complete bafflement on the look of a Microsoft Engineer i(in a very upmarket hotel) discovering that the menu was written in German. . . . .

I can remember saying, 'Yeah well, you're in Germany, that's the way it happens, they speak German here'

Everything about day to day living is going to change - and you have to change with that. If's fun - I enjoy it.

If you go into it with the attitude 'It's not like the USA' you will hit problems immediately.

I would go for it, simply on the basis that when you go back you can tell your fellow Americans 'I have lived amongst the Ferengi - and I am alive to tell the tale :-)
ZIMMY 6 | 1601  
23 Feb 2011 /  #163
The issue is not so much money as adapting to a different culture. Most Europeans don't have a problem with the idea that everything is going to completely change - language, driving rules, polite manners etc.

As far as driving rules go; I understand that the Germans have become so accommodating to 'diversity' that they want to combine those in countries who drive on the left side of the road to those who are accustomed to driving on the right side. So Germany's "PC" culture will compromise the road rules and suggest that all drivers will drive in the middle of the road.
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
24 Feb 2011 /  #164
I can always remember the look of complete bafflement on the look of a Microsoft Engineer i(in a very upmarket hotel) discovering that the menu was written in German

This person must have been ...A little slow... I mean it is Germany.

I was in amazement when I was in Poland and went to a restaurant and they had the menu in bot Polish and English!!!

Everything about day to day living is going to change - and you have to change with that. If's fun - I enjoy it.

Going with a completely open mind, I know it will be different "Living" there than it was "Visiting" there so I am going to just try to enjoy the change (may be hard at first) but if every where was the same.... well, that would be boring ! :)
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
26 Feb 2011 /  #165
Quick update:

Looks like we found a flat in Gdynia! We'll find out on Monday if they will hold it until April 1st (Hoping, not holding breath) BUT it is only 5 a minute walk to my wife's parents flat! I mean that is why we are going, Right? It is smaller then what we wanted, It is 73 M2 (can not get that small 2 to pop up) but the building is less than ten years old and SOOOOOOO close to parents and my son's new school, as well as it is in the city center. Not to mention the bus and trolley stop right in front of the building ! We will have access to everything.

You can hardly see it on this pic but our flat is the Yellow marker on the white building towards the bottom and her parents flat is the yellow marker towards the top. Not that you are interested but, if you open Google Earth and type in Gdynia Poland then do nothing but zoom in .... you will see this White building I have picture above. Much better view of the building.

Can't tell I am getting more excited about the move huh?

Spaceman77 3 | 58  
28 Feb 2011 /  #166
I really wish you good luck in Poland. I will need the same luck in a few months since I'm also moving (with the family) from Houston to Poland. But I'm actually exited about it. It could be hard at the begining and it is going to be a bumpy road, but "He who don't risk, won't gain".

See ya in Poland!
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
28 Feb 2011 /  #167
See ya in Poland!

Where are you going to be in Poland? When are you going? I am also getting more and more excited!

Good Luck to you and your family as well! It would be GREAT if we could meet up !!! and compare notes !
Spaceman77 3 | 58  
28 Feb 2011 /  #168
I'm going (hopefully) to Krakow. First, I would go alone so I can set up, and once I'm set, I'll bring the rest of the family.

We are thinking that perhaps before the end of the year I should be there or we might just wait for the next winter to be over before we get there.

If we keep contact on this site, then yes, it will be great of we can arrange a meeting to meet each other's family.

Good luck.
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
2 Mar 2011 /  #169
If we keep contact on this site, then yes, it will be great of we can arrange a meeting to meet each other's family.

Sounds GOOD!!! I will be waiting !

BTW, Are there any "American" Groups or "English speaking clubs" in Gdynia? I want to fully engulf myself in the Polish language and culture but I think it would help to be able to talk with others that have gone through the same process and learn from their mistakes as well as their successes.

27 Days and counting......

Really??? None? OK...

Well, Had the second garage sale today and it went really well! I think one more and we will be done! Anything left after that will go to Goodwill or ARC. My Mom was over today and again... was trying to talk me out of going! Finally, Had to tell her... That my wife came here and has been in America for 12 years! now, Her Dad is sick and I NEED to go with her to support her decisions ! and if she is going to come over and complain every time well.... do not come over! Sounds harsh, but my wife has given a lot up to be here with me and now it is time to give a little back !!!

Storage unit will be delivered on the 14th and picked back up, then sent to the warehouse on the 29th ! (changed the dates a little)

More later!
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427  
4 Mar 2011 /  #170
BTW, Are there any "American" Groups or "English speaking clubs" in Gdynia? I want to fully engulf myself in the Polish language and culture but I think it would help to be able to talk with others that have gone through the same process and learn from their mistakes as well as their successes.

I am sure there are many English people in the tri city.

Good luck.

you gotta do what you gotta do. I am keeping my fingers crossed:)
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
6 Mar 2011 /  #171
I am keeping my fingers crossed:)

Thank you for your well wishes! Wife and I hope to someday meet with you ! You sound like (your Blog) a very sound person as well as a person who is able to see things like they are.

I am finding it difficult to search for Polish web sites from the US (Maybe I just do not know how) Can someone give me some web sites of (I know I already asked but still cant find them) English social networks in Gdynia?


3 Weeks... Tick Tock Tick Tock!
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427  
6 Mar 2011 /  #172
Anytime, I went through it myself, so I know how you both feel, a mixture of excitement, confusion, stress, apprehension and most of all: have I taken care of everything? Take one step at the time and try to find some humour in stressful situations - it helps. I found myself laughing walking down the street, when I was stressed out.

thank you very much, I am looking forward to this in a future. If I am down this way, I will def give you both a yell:). I just don't know when yet.

I am finding it difficult to search for Polish web sites from the US (Maybe I just do not know how) Can someone give me some web sites of (I know I already asked but still cant find them) English social networks in Gdynia?

google expats in Gdynia, Gdansk, Sopot and do a search on PF, there might be something.

wildrover 98 | 4431  
6 Mar 2011 /  #173
3 Weeks... Tick Tock Tick Tock!

I came to Poland with very little money , and had a difficult life here , but still i loved it....you will be just fine....
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
8 Mar 2011 /  #174
OK, so we thought we had a place !!! The owner changed her mind and now wants to sell instead of renting!?!?!?!? at least for now.... So the search is back on. So nervous, just 3 short weeks till our feet are on the ground and still no place to live! I know we'll find something, but this place was so perfect! (Location wise)

Dad (Sylwia's) was not feeling well yesterday, Coughing really bad and overall feeling weak, just hope we get there in time to spend some good quality time with him. Crossing fingers.

Sylwia's Brother is back in town now and say's he will go "In person" and visit some flats, he assures us he will take care of finding some where for us to live. I hope he is right. Feels strange to put your trust in some one else to find a place for your own family to live but, right now that is all we have soooooooo........

Again sorry for being "All over the place" just have a lot going on right now! and want to make sure I document all that is going on for future recollection.

Have a great Day !
8 Mar 2011 /  #175
So Germany's "PC" culture will compromise the road rules and suggest that all drivers will drive in the middle of the road.

As opposed to the Italian solution of just driving on both sides.
8 Mar 2011 /  #176
Sylwia's Brother is back in town now and say's he will go "In person" and visit some flats, he assures us he will take care of finding some where for us to live.

There is plenty of apartments to rent in PL at the moment and your budget is a touch higher than the majority. Don't get stressed all will work out when you arrive. " Prepare for the worst and wish for the best"
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
12 Mar 2011 /  #177
May have found a new Flat in the "Heart" of Gdynia. Only 2 Minutes by bus to Parents Flat and It is a bit bigger (86 M2). Right next to the mall! (Batory) so plenty of shopping in walking distance and very close to the sea as well! Keeping fingers crossed! We should find out on Monday if we get it !
cjj - | 281  
13 Mar 2011 /  #178
hopefully the sea isn't frozen any more ;)
it was all crunchy 2 weeks ago, last time we were down at the swimming pool.
OP s2good2 1 | 72  
15 Mar 2011 /  #179
WOW ! how life changes! Looks like my wife is going to leave early, 3-16-11 ! Her Dad took a turn for the worse and we just can not wait until 03-29-11 for her to go.. My son and I will finish up packing and join her on the 29th (gosh I hope he (her DAD) makes it!!!) The "Pack Rat" arrived today!!! the first 9 box's are in. I will be filling it a lot more today! Still do not have a place to live... AGAIN the owner showed the Flat on Saturday to her brother and said she would tell him what the price would be on Monday (yesterday) then called him and said "It does not calculate, I am not going to rent!" ?????????????? WTF!? Why would she list it and show it if 2 days later she says NO???? WHY? I am so frustrated! Well, she will be there in two days.... maybe she will be able to find something for us... I hope. Did not think it would be so hard to rent a flat in Gdynia.

More Later (as if you care) heheheheh
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427  
15 Mar 2011 /  #180
Dad took a turn for the worse and we just can not wait until 03-29-11 for her to go..

sorry to hear that:(

some people are like that. I understand your frustration, but you will find something. You have too many things going on.

(as if you care)

I actually do, good luck:)

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