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Multiracial Poles

EM_Wave 9 | 310  
11 Nov 2011 /  #1
What do Poles generally think of multiracial people? Should Poles encourage interracial mixing? Mother Nature seems to support it considering genetically diverse people tend to be healthier than very homogenous populations.

I have always found mixed women to be the most beautiful. Poland has been blessed with Patricia Kazadi - the result of an African father and Polish mother.

David_18 65 | 966  
11 Nov 2011 /  #2
Do you wonder if its safe to come to Poland during the EM? :)

Are you Afro-American-European?
OP EM_Wave 9 | 310  
11 Nov 2011 /  #3
Huh? Do you mean EMP?

Are you Afro-American-European?

Well...technically. I was born in Africa, I am an American citizen, and I'm of European ancestry lol.
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
11 Nov 2011 /  #4
Patricia Kazadi - the result of an African father and Polish mother.

I've seen her on itvn with Michał Piróg investigating animal poaching in southeast Asia. Pretty girl. Aleksandra Szwed is another one.. half Polish half Nigerian.

OP EM_Wave 9 | 310  
11 Nov 2011 /  #5
^Wow, what a stunning girl.
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
11 Nov 2011 /  #6
Anais Mali.. born in France to Chadian mother and Polish father.

^Wow, what a stunning girl.

Yes she is.

calcedonia 4 | 67  
11 Nov 2011 /  #7
they are beautiful and class,yes mixed people beautiful because they took father and mother best genes,all world will mix more and more ,oneday all world will be one race.
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522  
11 Nov 2011 /  #8
I'm expecting a little POLISH-KOREAN child soon in Lodz :) ... it will be beautiful!

In any conditions ... I feel that mixed race children can be really special, it is more than often that they take the best of both the races, they look as the rightful heirs of the whole world! The planet exactly as it is and should be, without borders in its natural self ... most beautiful and radient!... with hope filled into them... for a peaceful world.

Herez an Indian-Polish mix...Lisa Ray...
Seanus 15 | 19668  
11 Nov 2011 /  #9
Congratulations, Mr Boat. All the best!
calcedonia 4 | 67  
11 Nov 2011 /  #10

calcedonia: mixed people beautiful because they took father and mother best genes. How do you know?

I know because I read somewhere,if you want to know seach in internet,if Im wrong send me correct answer.
klatki and sox  
11 Nov 2011 /  #11
And good luck to mixed race people getting transplants

that is true anyway, there was some proper mixed up boy in my kids infant class who died for lack of a matching donor. Poor kid.

My kids are a mix of English, Irish and Polish and they are exquisite of course.
My mates kids have the blood of three continents running in their veins and are truly stunning; smart, healthy and athletic.
hythorn 3 | 580  
11 Nov 2011 /  #12
I'm expecting a little POLISH-KOREAN child soon in Lodz :)

congratulations and good on you
OP EM_Wave 9 | 310  
11 Nov 2011 /  #13
I'm expecting a little POLISH-KOREAN child soon in Lodz :) ... it will be beautiful!


Herez an Indian-Polish mix...Lisa Ray...

Very nice! :-)

This is Monique Minton. She's half Polish and half Filipino.
Amathyst 19 | 2700  
11 Nov 2011 /  #14
So, youre black.

English / Dutch parents born in Zim or some other former Brit colony...

I think the half Indian Polish mix is the most beautiful
OP EM_Wave 9 | 310  
12 Nov 2011 /  #15
I think the half Indian Polish mix is the most beautiful

Are they the most common interracial mix in Poland?
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
12 Nov 2011 /  #16
I think the half Indian Polish mix is the most beautiful

We'll see Shelley lol, as far as interracial in Poland in looks like it's a Polish/African mix being popular as for Poles coming to America I got friends who got kids with African-American, Puerto Rican girls... Mexican/Polish is becoming pretty common as Poles live in communities in New York, North Jersey, or Chicago that are integrated with them. This girl in Polish/Mexican came out nice.

RevokeNice 15 | 1854  
12 Nov 2011 /  #17
This girl in Polish/Mexican came out nice.

She cute with a jewish nose and she should not have shaved off her eyebrows just to draw them back on.
beckski 12 | 1609  
12 Nov 2011 /  #18
I'm expecting a little POLISH-KOREAN child soon in Lodz :) ... it will be beautiful!

Congrats LTB! I'm certain your baby doll will be gorgeous :)
12 Nov 2011 /  #19
My Polish/Vietnamese boy is very cute indeed!
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1366  
12 Nov 2011 /  #20
Ever hear of South Africa's white population?

I have(because I lived in SA), but most of them are generally strongly against mixing. In my opinion love should be color blind, and people should marry based on suitability and not necessarily race, However personally I would feel uncomfortable mixing outside of my own culture.
ShAlEyNsTfOh 4 | 161  
12 Nov 2011 /  #21
What do Poles generally think of multiracial people?

it's wrong. VERY VERY WRONG.

I can't even bear to think about having a child who looks nothing like me... take Monique Minton for example - she looks pure filipina. I'm pretty sure she doesn't give two shits about her polish culture, just like a local filipino-pole I've known in college.

Even here in Toronto, I hardly ever see Poles, but also russians/ukrainians/croatians/serbians, in interracial relationships.

Unlike the western europeans, the Slavs have more culture, and aim at preserving our beautiful race, languages, and cultures... that is, MOST of us, at least.
southern 73 | 7059  
12 Nov 2011 /  #22
the Slavs have more culture,

Interslavic mixes have produced amazing results.
ShAlEyNsTfOh 4 | 161  
12 Nov 2011 /  #23
yes they have. I'm quarter russian, and jewish from my dad's side.. although it was only his grandparents' religion before the war - he claims to have full polish ancestry, and my uncle told me that his great great grandmother must have converted upon marrying a jewish man. :)
Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522  
12 Nov 2011 /  #24
Its probably everyone's own personal choice, I like the comment below:

In my opinion love should be color blind, and people should marry based on suitability and not necessarily race


However, this is a multiracial poles thread ... so lets keep in context.

Thank you so much :)... I hope everything turns out fine.

I spend more time with her now ... and try to understand her needs, also in these times there are many feelings that need to be cared for in ones wife. Its my first time too ... we're being together in this :). Also, these are the times when you really get to know how precious is a family ... my sisters and my parents, also hers, are being a great support! Lets hope for the best ... :)
southern 73 | 7059  
12 Nov 2011 /  #25
I wonder which combination is more attractive.1/2 Poles 1/2 Russian,1/2 Pole 1/2 Belarussian,1/4 Pole 1/4 Russian 1/4 Ukrainian 1/4 Belarussian,there are so many cmbinations and if we put Czechs and Slovaks into the mix we get to an innumerable account of phantastic possibilities.
ShAlEyNsTfOh 4 | 161  
12 Nov 2011 /  #26
As long as ethnic Slavs stick with one another - we're safe. That's all that really matters. :)

Sidliste_Chodov 1 | 438  
12 Nov 2011 /  #27
oneday all world will be one race.

After a whole race of people have been eradicated from the world, you mean?

Isn't that similar to what Hitler wanted?

To ensure that the whole world becomes "coffee-coloured", you have to breed-out the white race. Funny how that seems to be acceptable to a lot of people, yet no-one calls them "bigots" or "racists" for believing in such things.
calcedonia 4 | 67  
12 Nov 2011 /  #28
Ofcourse you know not similar like what he wanted,I mean you cant stop races mixing, you cant stop, if you try to stop you want like what he wanted.
OP EM_Wave 9 | 310  
13 Nov 2011 /  #29
I wonder which combination is more attractive.1/2 Poles 1/2 Russian,1/2 Pole 1/2 Belarussian,1/4 Pole 1/4 Russian 1/4 Ukrainian 1/4 Belarussian

I don't know but if you keep posting off-topic posts, I will report them. Please stay on topic.

As long as ethnic Slavs stick with one another - we're safe. That's all that really matters. :)

Good thing not all ethnic Slavs think like this.

I have never heard of anyone wanting to "breed out" the white race so stop with these Hitler connections of yours. Hitler was a murderer while people like myself are just trying to stop the stigmatization of interracial dating.

No doubt Hollywood is quite biased since most couples in American movies are same-race couples. It's funny how you don't mention that.
sascha 1 | 824  
13 Nov 2011 /  #30
Good thing not all ethnic Slavs think like this.

why is that good/bad thinking like that? anything good coming from germanics for poles?

I don't know but if you keep posting off-topic posts, I will report them. Please stay on topic.


No doubt Hollywood is quite biased

hollywood is bs. politically and artistically. everyone can make movies based on comic strips...

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Multiracial PolesArchived